RM 110 | B-10 Gentle Teaching: Helping Children Learn Connectedness and Community

Common sense suggests that we are most receptive to learning when we feel safe and connected to those around us. Research agrees. But how do we make this happen? How do we contend with the barriers and obstacles that children bring into the classroom or catechetical setting that stand in the way of helping them learn? How do we address our own deficits as imperfect teachers and caregivers? This workshop will look at how teachers and caregivers can come to understand children’s behavior as communication which can guide our decision making. We will then explore how we can help children move forward in feeling safe and connected by using simple tools available to all of us. Finally, we will focus on the practical and spiritual ways we can prepare ourselves to be gentle teachers and representatives of Christ.

Mary Zmolek is currently a catechist for the Level 1 Good Shepherd program at Prince of Peace parish in North Muskegon, MI, helping children ages 3-6 to learn to be in relationship with Christ. Her background is as a psychologist. In that capacity, she has worked primarily with persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families.

Dimension: Evangelization 

Also offered as A-25