Session 30: Intentional Invitations: Welcoming All Catholics in Our Faith

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: Tim Potrikus
Vice President of Custom Services Liturgical Publications, Inc.
New Berlin, Wisconsin

Moderator: Michele Mullikin
Director of Parish Stewardship and Annual Giving
Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania

Church staff typically devotes 2 to 4 hours each week preparing a weekly bulletin, yet little to no time is spent on inviting the 2/3 of your parishioners who are typically not at Mass on any given weekend. This workshop provides strategies for reaching those in the community who have not yet registered at their home parish and engaging non-practicing Catholics in our faith. Join us to explore methods churches can implement to create an intentional path to inviting others in the celebration of our faith.