All blessings come to us through Our Lord. He will teach us, for in beholding his life we find that he is the best example.
~ Saint Teresa of Avila
Because I’m a teacher, Christmas, especially Christmas with small children, stressed me almost to the breaking point. The struggle with work responsibilities at the end of a school term plus home responsibilities and the children’s schooling conflicted with any expectations of a lovely and peaceful Advent. Christmas wasn’t likely to look like a greeting card, either. By the time I was ready to focus on Advent, it had almost passed. Blessedly, my Christmas vacation often started in time for the O Antiphons. I always felt that last week of reflection helped me to catch up with Advent.
Today’s antiphon, O Adonai, calls to mind not just deliverance from slavery under the Pharaoh but our own deliverance through the coming of Christ. Just as the Lord, Adonai, redeemed the people of Israel from the bonds of slavery with outstretched arms, we look forward to the birth of the Christ Child, who comes with outstretched arms, seeking our embrace, and foreshadowing the day when those same arms will be stretched upon the cross for us.
O Adonai, thank you for the precious gift of you.
To Ponder: This season is filled with so many distractions that take our focus away from Christ in Christmas. What can you do as a family that reminds you of the best gift, Jesus?
~ Maria Morea Johnson
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