11:30 am | Building Lasting & Profitable Relationships with Advertisers

Presenter: Amy Kawula
Time: Thursday, June 22 at 11:30
Location: Room 3105

Building Lasting & Profitable Relationships with Advertisers

Money can’t buy one of the most important things you need to manage your business: a relationship. Relationships don’t just happen; your intentional words and actions develop and grow them. Your network begins with those closest to you – your family and friends, department staff, diocesan staff – and then moves outward to schools, parishes and people all around, both within and outside of your diocese. Learn how to influence others, establish trust, and build mutually beneficial, lasting relationships. Your ministry depends on it.

Amy Kawula has served the Diocese of Green Bay the past 31 years and is currently the advertising and marketing manager at The Compass. During this time, she has served nearly every department of the diocese. This has allowed her to develop the relationships with staff, parishes, schools and the community that have contributed to successful marketing strategies and increased revenue for The Compass.

In addition to being the only advertising sales person, she manages circulation, annual pilgrimages and several diocesan events each year. She has been instrumental in implementing and launching two new websites for The Compass by creating the advertising rate card, implementing online ad sizes and following through with sales. Revenue from print/online advertising sales and pilgrimages has increased annually over the 12 years she has served in her current position.

She believes in honesty, integrity and genuine care for the unique needs of each person is critical to leading a successful team.