Session 3 | 8:30 am | Stewardship: Rooted in and Nourished by the Sacraments

Location: Regency VI

The spirituality of stewardship is anchored in the sacraments – especially Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist – but certainly in Marriage, Ordination, Reconciliation and the Sacrament of the Sick. Come and explore how the seven signs of God’s ongoing love for us can make us better stewards of all His gifts.

Speaker: Reverend Joe Creedon
Pastor Emeritus
Christ the King Parish
Kingston, Rhode Island

Moderator: Reverend John Weatherill
Pastor St. John the Baptist Church
Purley, London, England

Reverend Joe Creedon is pastor emeritus of Christ the King Parish in Kingston, Rhode Island. He recently retired after 48 years of priestly ministry, 31 years as pastor of the parish.Author of 14 Advent and Lenten daily meditation booklets, Father Creedon has spoken on stewardship in the Archdiocese of Southwark in London, United Kingdom, the Dioceses of Hartford, Connecticut, Portland, Maine, San Diego, California, and Corner Brook in Newfoundland, Canada. He is a sought-after presenter of Advent and Lenten Parish Missions. Father Creedon was ordained in Louvain, Belgium, in 1968 for the Diocese of Providence, Rhode Island. Along with his distinguished service as a pastor, his priestly ministry has included service as a part-time associate pastor, high school teacher and campus minister. In 1980 he spent a year-long sabbatical as a fellow in psychiatry and religion at the Menninger Clinic, then located in Topeka, Kansas. Father Creedon also served on the ICSC board of directors.