Session 20 | 10:00 am | It’s All in the Data: Optimizing the Information and Fields Within Your Data to Increase Your Annual Appeal Direct Mail Response Rates

Location: Hanover FG

It’s All in the Data: Optimizing the Information and Fields Within Your Data to IncreaseYour Annual Appeal Direct Mail Response Rates

Close examination of your data can assist you in the optimization of the direct mail component of your annual appeal. This session offers an approach that blends an understanding of best development and direct mail practice in diocesan appeals. Attendees will walk away with new approaches to a diocesan annual appeal to increase acquisition, retention, and major gifts donors.

Speaker: Kate McDonough Cominsky
Director of Nonprofit Direct Mail Solutions
Cathedral Corporation
Rome, New York

Moderator: Shannon Lee
Director of Business Development
Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Kate McDonough Cominsky has been with Cathedral Corporation working with nonprofit, higher education and diocesan annual appeals since 2011. Previously, Ms. Cominsky spent nearly 30 years in higher education enrollment management, sales and marketing management with a Fortune 500 consumer products company, and educational advisory subcommittee work with U.S. Congressman Richard Hanna. Using her experience in higher education and corporate marketing, she has considerable insight into developing unique and creative communication plans for diocesan appeals that push beyond the norm of segmentation strategies of history and level of donor giving. She has presented at ICSC and national and international higher education conferences, nonprofit organizations, and teacher education consortiums.