Session 13 | 10:00 am | Engaging Young Adult Stewards

Location: Regency VI

Looking for a “kick in the Faith?” Then this talk is for you. Not only will you enjoy an energetic, dynamic presentation, but you’ll learn how to become a more engaging minister in the process. “To engage others we must become more engaging.” – Coach D

Speaker: Darryl Dziedzic
Steward for Youth and Young Adult Ministry
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Altamonte Springs, Florida

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director, Parish Life and Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Mr. Darryl Dziedzic – Actively involved in ministry for over 17 years, Mr. Dziedzic currently serves as youth minister at St. Mary Magdalen Parish in Altamonte Springs, Florida, and is the spiritual/ theological advisor for Adventure Catholic, a teen leadership formation experience. Drawing from his business, family life, and ministerial experiences Coach D, as he is affectionately called, addresses the challenges facing young Catholics, often through speaking engagements before hundreds of people. Mr. Dziedzic holds a master’s degree in theology from St. Leo University, in St. Leo, Florida and a bachelor’s degree in philosophy with a minor in theology from St. JohnVianney College Seminary in Miami, Florida.