Session 25 | 2:00 pm | La Corresponsabilidad es Involucrar a la Comunidad Latinoamericana Localmente / Stewardship is Engaging the Latin-American Community Locally

Location: Learning Center

La Corresponsabilidad es Involucrar a la Comunidad Latinoamericana Localmente / Stewardship is Engaging the Latin-American Community Locally

Los nuevos datos del censo muestran que la población hispana ha crecido más del doble en la última década, superando ampliamente a otras poblaciones. Y esa población es joven, con edad media de los hispanos de casi 25 años. Hay una necesidad inmediata de llegar a los latinos, quienes vienen de diversos antecedentes y están en busca de una experiencia de fe inclusiva. Esta sesión se enfocará en ideas prácticas y maneras signifcativas con las que sus esfuerzos de corresponsabilidad puedan atraer más efectivamente a la comunidad latina.

New census data shows that the Hispanic population has more than doubled over the last decade, far outpacing other populations. And that population is young, with median age of Hispanics at nearly 25. There is an immediate need to reach out to Latinos who come from diverse backgrounds and are looking for an inclusive faith experience. This session will focus on practical ideas and meaningful ways your stewardship efforts can more effectively engage the Latino community

Speaker: Reverend Sergio Serrano, O.P.
Director of the Hispanic Apostolate
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Jessica Orzechowski
Parish Services Coordinator
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

The Reverend Sergio Serrano is a Dominican priest and a member of St. Martin de Porres Province, serving the southern part of the United States. He made his final vows in 2003, and he was ordained to the priesthood in Dallas, Texas in 2007. He has been working in the Archdiocese of New Orleans at St. Domingo de Guzmán Parish. Prior to his arrival in New Orleans, Father Serrano served as pastor of a parish in the city in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Currently he is the director of the Hispanic Apostolate of New Orleans and is studying for a doctorate in the theology of ministry at Barry University in Miami, Florida.