Imitating the Imitators

Children are great imitators, so give them something great to imitate.


I vividly remember being four years old and sitting on the  bathroom counter watching my dad shave. He would put a  tiny bit of shaving cream on my face and I would squeeze my  lips together, squish my face to the left, push my tongue into my right cheek and shave with the toothpaste squeezer, doing every movement just like my dad. I was learning through imitation. (I hope, though, I will never have to shave my face!) 

If we learn through imitation, then in our spiritual lives, too, we need to be great imitators. Imagine walking in the footsteps of one who loved God more than self, one who sacrificed everything to teach others of the Lord’s love for each individual person, one who gave up everything to live the will of the Father. 

How blessed we are to have many great saints whom we can imitate! As a wife and a mom, I look to the beautiful women saints who lived ordinary lives with extraordinary grace. These women allowed their hearts to be transformed so they could love like Christ. They did this through prayer, meditation on the Word of God, frequenting the sacraments, and receiving holy Communion with a fervent devotion. 

If you can see yourself imitating wonderful women saints then you can see yourself imitating Christ.

Lord, help me imitate the virtues of the saints.

To Ponder: Today, ask Saint Catherine of Siena to help you to learn to love like Christ or spend five minutes meditating on Psalm 67 and, like Saint Gianna Molla, praise God for all your blessings. Or, take an extra moment before receiving holy Communion and follow Saint Mother Teresa and invite the Lord to increase your tender love for him in the Eucharist.
~Kelly M. Wahlquist

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