All posts by Beth Price

C-28 | Circulo de Gracia

Maria Jimenez

El objetivo del programa Circle of Grace es educar y capacitar a los niños y jóvenes para que participen activamente en un entorno seguro para ellos y para los demás. Los niños y jóvenes comprenderán que son creados por Dios y viven en el amor del Padre, del Hijo y del Espíritu Santo.


C-27 | Recursos de preparación sacramental y formación en la fe, en línea y con el acompañamiento de mentores para tiempos después de la pandemia

Carmen Chavez-Lopez

Muchos creen erróneamente que los programas en línea son impersonales y simplemente implican ver algunos videos y marcar casillas para recibir un certificado. ¡Nada más lejos de la verdad, porque trabajar en línea, no significa trabajar solos!
La iglesia en este momento tiene que enfrentar los desafíos dejados por la pandemia del coronavirus: falta de recursos, de voluntarios dispuestos a servir en los diferentes ministerios, reducción de personal y presupuestos, temor a congregarse y otros más.
Los programas de Agapè Catholic Ministries son una solución moderna y eficaz para los sacerdotes y feligreses ocupados de hoy en día, sin sacrificar una sólida preparación católica para los sacramentos y necesidades de formación en la fe.


B-17 | ​Building Community in the Classroom

Matt Reiswig

How can catechists and DREs help move from the traditional classroom model to fostering an environment where students can do more than just simply learn facts about the faith? This workshop will help catechists and DREs to create an environment of discipleship where students can learn about the faith, experience the Lord in a new way, and grow together as a community of believers.


B-16 | ​Into the Breach: Catholic Men in Action

Carlos Gutierrez

Based on the exhortation, Into the Breach: An Apostolic Exhortation to Catholic Men, identifies the crises of faith facing that the Church today and presents a vision of the role of Catholic men in combatting it. Join us! Together in Brotherhood, men can find the support they need to grow in virtue and to take action to serve Christ and others. Exhortation sets out to address three primary questions:

1.  What does it mean to be a Catholic man?
2.  How does a Catholic man love?
3.  Why is fatherhood, fully understood, so crucial for every man?


C-14| First Eucharist REVIVAL

Mike Aliscad

First Eucharist, a joyful sacrament received at a confusing time. For many receiving Jesus the first time arrives with excitement and fanfare. Unfortunately, that fades swiftly and, in some cases, never comes at all. How is it possible to go from the loud and proud AMEN as a young second grader to the quite nonchalant amen so many adults express today? How can we keep our young church burning with the desire to receive Jesus week after week, year after year? It’s about time that changed, and it starts with your sacramental prep. Come on a journey with the Holy Spirit as we revive and reinvigorate our First Eucharist programs.



Father Gregory Boyle SJ

Jesuit Father Gregory Boyle is the founder of Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, the largest gang-intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Father Boyle served as pastor of Dolores Mission Church in Boyle Heights from 1986 to 1992. Dolores Mission was the poorest parish in Los Angeles that also had the highest concentration of gang activity in the city.

Father Boyle witnessed the devastating impact of gang violence on his community during the so-called “decade of death” that began in the late 1980s and peaked at 1,000 gang-related killings in 1992. He and parish and community members adopted what was a radical approach at the time: treat gang members as human beings.

In 1988, they started what would eventually become Homeboy Industries, which employs and trains former gang members in a range of social enterprises, and provides critical services to thousands of men and women seeking better lives

Father Boyle is the author of the 2010 New York Times-bestseller, “Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion.” His second book, “Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship,” was published in 2017. And his new and third book is “The Whole Language: The Power of Extravagant Tenderness.”

He received the California Peace Prize and was inducted into the California Hall of Fame. In 2014, President Obama named Father Boyle a Champion of Change. He received the University of Notre Dame’s 2017 Laetare medal, the oldest honor given to American Catholics. In 2020, he served as a committee member of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s Economic and Job Recovery Task Force as a response to COVID-19 crisis. In the same year, Homeboy Industries was the recipient of the Hilton Humanitarian Prize validating 32 years of Father Boyle’s vision and work.


Father David Garcia

Father David Garcia is a San Antonio priest of 47 years, well known as rector of the historic San Fernando Cathedral and director of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Old Spanish Missions. He also served as senior advisor for Catholic Relief Services, helping U.S. clergy connect global solidarity and Catholic social teaching to their ministries. A fellow at both Harvard University and the University of Notre Dame as well as an honorary doctor of pastoral leadership at Oblate School of Theology, Father Garcia brings a wealth of theology, pastoral experience, civic engagement and Hispanic tradition to his ministry. He recently published a book, “Pandemic Preaching,” which presents his homilies during a year like no other.

Padre David García

El Padre David García, quien ha servido en San Antonio durante 47 años, es un sacerdote muy reconocido por su labor como rector de la histórica Catedral de San Fernando y director de las Antiguas Misiones Españolas nombradas patrimonio de la humanidad por la UNESCO. También ha servido como asesor principal de Catholic Relief Services, ayudando al clero de EE. UU. a conectar la solidaridad mundial y la enseñanza social católica con sus ministerios. Es becario de la Universidad de Harvard y de la Universidad de Notre Dame, y tiene un doctorado honorario en liderazgo pastoral de la Escuela Oblata de Teología. El Padre García aporta a su ministerio una gran riqueza en teología, experiencia pastoral, compromiso cívico y tradición hispana. Además, recientemente publicó su libro, “Pandemic Preaching”, el cual presenta sus homilías desde una perspectiva única durante un año como ninguno.