All posts by Susie Boone

RM 321 | D-29 | ConfirmaciónL El Rol de los dones del Espíritu Santo en la Vida Cristiana

Sesión D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Olga Flores

Recibiréis la fuerza del Espíritu Santo, que vendrá sobre vosotros, y seréis mis testigos” (Hch 1, 8) Desde nuestro bautismo el Espíritu Santo habita en nosotros. En el Sacramento de Confirmación, recibimos sus dones que nos da la fuerza y valentía para vivir como auténticos cristianos. Los siete Dones del Espíritu conceden una fina sensibilidad para lo divino, un fino oído para la voz de Dios y un sensible tacto para la mano divina que nos coge y quiere llevarnos. Quien está lleno de los dones del Espíritu, es capaz de cumplir sin resistencia la acción divina.

About the Speaker:
Estudié en el Instituto Hispano de Formación de la Diócesis de Sacramento, en el JST-SCU Instituto Hispano en Berkeley. Certificado en Teología Pastoral en la Escuela Jesuita de Teología en Berkeley, una Maestría en Catequesis. El Entrenamiento LTC de Liderazgo impartido por el ECCRS en Washington. Actualmente Coordinadora del Centro Hispano Católico.

RM 505 | D-33 | Esta bien que se quede como lo tienes

Sesión D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Carlos Montes-Ponce

En este entrenamiento vamos hablar acerca de las enseñanzas católicas de la justicia social y como nuestra fe nos llama para abogar en mejorar las condiciones de vida para nuestra comunidades. Hablaremos de la vida y dignidad de todas las personas, el llamado a la familia, comunidad, y participación, derechos y responsabilidades y la solidaridad.

RM 501 | D-34 | Establecimiento de un Grupo de Consolación en su Parroquia para la Comunidad de habla hispana

Sesión D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

George Alvarado

Vamos a presentar lo siguiente: 1) Cómo iniciar y coordinar un grupo de apoyo; 2) Cómo facilitar las sesiones grupales; y 3) ¿Qué recursos están disponibles para iniciar un grupo de apoyo?

Sobre el Presentador:
Comenzó en mayo de 2016, la parroquia de San José, Elk Grove tiene actualmente el único grupo de apoyo de duelo para la comunidad de habla hispana dentro de la diócesis de Sacramento. Nuestro grupo cubre el proceso de duelo durante siete sesiones en un ambiente seguro donde los participantes pueden compartir y discutir sus experiencias. Estas sesiones se ofrecen dos veces al año.

RM 400 | D-04 | Catholic Scouting Awards in Religious Education

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Jon Kantola

The primary purpose of Scouting award programs is to provide an opportunity to foster the total personal and spiritual growth of each youth participating in the programs. Emphasis is placed on faith development within the young person. These programs afford unique study experiences that help relate the Christian faith to the life of the Scout. Each of the emblem programs reinforces the religious education programs of the parish, complementing existing programs by reaching out to the more general needs and interests of all youth.

About the Speaker:
Jon Kantola has been an active Catechist, Youth Ministry, and Scouting volunteer for 15+ years. He is currently Chairperson for the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Scoutmaster of a Catholic unit, and a Confirmation team member.

RM 402 | D-05 | Unexpected Occasion of Grace

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Mike Carotta

​This session highlights what the Church is calling us to do catechetically, the challenge involved, and specific ways we can make catechesis a sturdy , trustworthy place where participants can do the difficult and intimate work of examining their beliefs, faith, and spiritual lives.

About the Speaker:
Nationally recognized religious educator, author, and catechetical consultant. Recent books include Teaching For Discipleship: the call, the challange,the difference (OSV)and Unexpected Occasions of Grace (OSV)

RM 330 | D-06 | Walking Along a Life Long Journey: Creative Steps and Supplies

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Sue Schuttinger

We travel along a life long journey of continuing conversion and growth in faith but we do not walk alone. Come and join others and experience practical, creative ideas and activities to engage children, young adults and parents. No need to bring back packs, hiking shoes, or even pens and pencils. We will learn by doing and who knows, we may be able to help others in their vocational discernment. Come and take the first step, or be reenergized as we continue the journey.

About the Speaker:
I have served as a DRE and Liturgy Director in the Diocese of San Jose and currently serve on the RCIA team at Divine Savior, Orangevale. I have presented at diocesan conferences in San Jose, San Francisco, Yakima, Portland, Monterey, Santa Rosa and Fresno, and have presented at DRE trainings at additional dioceses of Stockton and Oaklan

RM 331 | D-07 | Less Talk More Walk

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Rhyan Ramirez

Forget what you say, watch what you do” has always been a saying that has kept me in check. Our words have no impact, value or influence if we aren’t waking the talk. This workshop will explore the many ways we can walk side by side with our students, teens, young adults, parents and ministries teams. This will create deeper connection with those we serve and those we serve with so that we can carry out Jesus’ mission to make disciples of all nations.

About the Speaker:
20+ years of ministry experience starting as volunteer teen helping in Confirmation class and youth ministry in Vallejo to the last 7 years of being employed as a youth minister and volunteer confirmation teacher.

RM 343 | D-08 | Sports Ministry

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Steve Morris

​Youth ministry programs and parish catechesis are distant priorities behind a young person’s love for sports – so how can we minister in sports? Coaches are one of the “”top 3 most influential people”” in a young person’s life, so how can they evangelize and share the good news in between practice drills and games. Athletics dominates youth culture and the family, let’s stop waiting at the parish for young people to show up and go to where they are.

About the Speaker:
Lifetime working with youth as a mentor, coach, teacher, and program director. Exercised leadership and vision in academics as well as a toy manufacturing executive. Serves Bishop Vasa and the Diocese of Santa Rosa as director of Youth & Young Adult ministry, with a particular passion for sports ministry.

RM 401 | D-09 | A Better Way to Teach Respect for Life

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Laura Oliva

Our culture is filled with offenses against the inherent dignity of the human person. From abortion to the death penalty, Catholics face the daily challenge of sharing the church’s teaching on respect life issues in ways that bring about true and lasting conversion. This workshop will teach attendees how to permanently change hearts and minds on the life issues by approaching these topics through reason and logic. They will learn 10 key principles, how to apply them to any moral issue, and receive a free tool to help them share what they have learned with their parish, school, or family.

About the Speaker:
Laura Oliva is a certified trainer with Healing the Culture, where she instructs students and adults in the philosophical foundations of the pro-life movement. She previously worked as a high school theology teacher and campus minister in Washington State.