All posts by Susie Boone

RM 130 | C-1 “¡Asegúrate de ponerte tu propia mascara de oxígeno antes de ayudar a los demás!”

Desarrollar la virtud de la fortaleza para ayudar a manejar y crecer a partir de las crisis de la vida.

¿Alguna vez te diste cuenta de como algunas personas son capaces de replantear las experiencias negativas de una manera que les da un nuevo propósito y energía? Te preguntas, ¿cómo puedes apoyarte en otros para que te ayuden a sobrellevar una crisis? ¿Deseas responder a la adversidad, trauma o tragedia de una manera elegante que te ayude a ayudar a los demás? Si no nos cuidamos a nosotros mismos no podremos hacer para los demás. Este taller te ayudará a utilizar recursos espirituales, psicológicos y emocionales para resolver las luchas imprevistas de la vida con la fortaleza y la esperanza.

Padre Bill Edens, CSP, actualmente sirve en la Catedral de San Andrés, ya lleva dos años. Le gusta ir de excursión al noroeste del Pacifico, de dónde es originario, y andar en bicicleta en el oeste de Michigan.

Dimensión: Evangelización  

También se ofrece en inglés B-18


RM 511 | D-10 | Mass Incarceration: Why Should Catholics Care

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Charlene Harris

Criminal justice systems in the United States are in crisis. The United States has the highest incarceration rates of any country in the world. More than 2.3 million Americans are in state and federal prisons. For African Americans, the numbers reflect a more frightening situation, with one in 15 African American males over 18 years of age behind bars, compared to one out of 36 Latinos and one out of 106 white males. In 1982, President Ronald Reagan officially announced the “War on Drugs.” Misguided drug laws and draconian sentencing requirements have produced profoundly unequal outcomes for communities of color. Catholic Social Teaching, Human Life and Dignity, remind us that every human person is created in the image and likeness of God. This is why Catholics should care.

About the Speaker:
I serve as a volunteer chaplain with the Sacramento Diocese Detention Ministry Program. I am a long-time member of the Diocese Black Catholic Ministry.

RM 134 | C-2 “El hilo rojo” ¿Un camino a la santidad?

A partir de algunas afirmaciones del Papa Francisco en su Exhortación Apostólica Gaudete et Exultate [Alegraos y Regocijaros], vamos a revisar, crear y reflexionar sobre “el hilo rojo de nuestras vidas” a la búsqueda de un camino de santidad, en el medio del torbellino del mundo contemporáneo. El taller tendrá un enfoque creativo, de exploración y reflexión personal.

Zulema Moret , PhD. Profesora en GVSU, Grand Valley State University. Escritora y Poeta . Directora Espiritual .    Especialista en idiomas expresivos, Soul Collage, Literaria Creativa y Cine.

Dimensión: Espiritualidad

RM 512 | D-11 | Getting to Know Your new Neighbor

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Genevieve Levy

I will give a comprehensive overview of the refugee resettlement process in the United States and work that is being done locally in the Diocese of Sacramento. This will also cover basic cultural competencies of working with these recent arrivals, many of whom are from Afghanistan as well as how your school and/or parish can support refugees locally and abroad by taking action. Additionally, I hope to present or invite our Managing Attorney of Immigration Legal Services to review what being a “sanctuary” site really means and what churches and schools can do if ever visited by ICE agents. This can also cover an overview of recent immigration policies and answer concerns/questions.

About the Speaker:
I have worked full-time at Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, a Catholic Charities member organization, since 2005. I am the Director of Family Services and oversee our direct-client social service programs, serving 5000 individuals monthly, and contributing to feeding 135,000 individuals monthly.

RM 513 | D-12 | Renewing your Liturgical Self

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

John Micahel Reyes

As beloved disciples, we encounter the God of the living in our own ways when we celebrate the liturgy. Those called to liturgical and music ministry bear witness to the Spirit’s call to service that flows from and back to the assembly. Yet, for some, serving can become rote. This workshop hopes to explore the spiritual possibilities of when
we bring our lives to the liturgy and when the liturgy comes to life within us.

About the Speaker:
John Michael Reyes is the Director of Sacramental Formation and Liturgy for Santa Clara University’s Campus Ministry. He is a frequent liturgy coordinator and cantor for national conferences and symposiums. He holds a Master of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology.

RM 201 | C-4 Small Groups: the Good, the Bad, and the Holy

Are you wondering what all the hype is surrounding small groups? Might you be considering implementing small groups into your ministry? In this workshop we will weigh the pros and cons by age, grade, and number of participants. Explore how to engage others through verbal communication, learn the rules of small groups, how to carry the conversation home, and acquire alternative methods on leading and planning.

Christine McCarty studied Theology and Communications at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Chris enjoys spending time with her husband Ryan and her two children Aleisha and Jacob. Her favorite pastimes are reading, sports and games of all sorts.

Dimension: Theology 

Also offered as A-20


RM 514 | D-13 | Unbound Model; Five Keys to Healing and Deliverance

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Loree Lippsmeyer

I would like to give a brief description of what deliverance prayer is and introduce Unbound deliverance prayer specifically. I will cover the 5 Keys of Unbound in detail and share my own experience with Unbound prayer.

About the Speaker:
I have been involved in the leadership of the ministry which offers Unbound healing and deliverance prayer since 2014. I am a counselor and have taught FertiltyCare for many years.

RM 305 | C-6 Rejoice and Be Glad: Pope Francis’ Witness and Testifying to the transforming power of the Gospel

This session considers the third apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis calling us back to the basics of Christian faith—personal holiness and love of God and neighbor. After a brief introduction on the weight of official documents, we will consider key points of Francis’ GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE (Rejoice and Be Glad,) alluding to the office and style, of the Holy Father.

Dr. Robert Marko, a husband, father and grandfather, chairs Aquinas College’s Theology Department. A twice US Fulbright Scholar in Greco-Catholic Ukraine, he passionately argues for communion of all Christians with the Pope of Rome, the symbol of unity in Christ’s Church.

Dimension: Theology 

Also offered as B-20


RM 515 | D-14 | Being Called

Session D | 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Deacon Jim McFadden

​Vocation is not something we choose. To be called is to be chosen which occurs within a context of an I-thou relationship with God. The clearest indication that we have experienced this chosen relationship of being beloved is the desire to give back, to share what has been given to us in abundance. When that happens, discipleship begins.

About the Speaker:
Ordained deacon (’04). Catholic high school educator for 30 years. Help facilitate Adult Faith Formation at SJB. Certified spiritual director. Been involved with prison ministry for 15 years. Have appeared multiple times on “Shalom World/TV (“Salvation History” series).

RM 225 | C-7 Behold the Cross: The Power and Mystery of God’s Love

In the shadow of the cross, with pain etched across the faces of Jesus and all humanity, let us contemplate sin, suffering, death and new life in resurrection. God’s love and mercy break forth as light in our darkness. We all long to be saved and God has sent a Savior to renew the face of the earth.

We will share in a theological reflection rooted in Ronald Rolheiser’s The Passion and the Cross, Elizabeth Johnson’s Creation and the Cross and Barbara Reid’s Wisdom’s Feast.

Sr. Diane Zerfas OP is a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister who has taught for many years in high schools, Aquinas College, in bible study and faith formation programs. She currently serves as Coordinator of Spirituality at Dominican Center, forming    spiritual directors, offering retreats and presenting in programs for women’s spirituality, mysticism, and prayer practices.

Also offered as B-9