All posts by Susie Boone

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In the study, Going, Going, GoneThe Dynamics of Disaffiliation in Young Catholics, Saint Mary’s Press reveals extensive research on why young people have left the Catholic Church. This presentation will identify the underlying dynamics that lead to disaffiliation, describe the factors that reinforce those dynamics, and examine the implications for the Church and our ministry with children, adolescents and families. We will hear about these issues from young people in their own voices and examine the broader sociological shifts affecting religious affiliation and engagement in secularized culture.

 Pamela Elsey has been involved in Catholic and religious education in various ways for over twenty-eight years in Catholic schools, in parishes, and on the diocesan level. Currently, she is a National Educational Consultant for Saint Mary’s Press. She and her husband, Mark, have 4 children, reside in the Atlanta, GA area, and are members of Saint Mary Magdalene Church where she is an adult catechist.

 Dimension: Evangelization  

Also offered A-17


RM 235 | C-19 Embracing Diversity, Our Catholic Calling

An impassioned presentation of both current irrefutable statistics and historical documentation of our national struggle for multicultural identity as Americans, will be presented with an opportunity for both discussion and feedback. We will ask the question of why we have not learned as a nation from our past mistakes of oppressing those considered newcomers to our nation of immigrants. We will explore the many facets of cultural differences that both enrich our communities and at the same time serve as rationale for scapegoating for those who fall victim to the fear-mongering of close-minded voices. Finally, we will remind ourselves that our Catholic calling not only encourages us to embrace diversity, but calls us to action to be voice of truth and the hand of compassion.

Rick Muniz is the Principal of San Juan Diego Academy, a K-8 school within the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids. Rick is an educator, writer, speaker, activist and former journalist who regularly presents on issues of diversity.

Dimension: Spirituality 

Also offered as B– 27


RM 207 | C-20 How to put social media to work for you: Best practices for effective and meaningful engagement

Is social media just “mental pollution,” or an effective and relevant communications tool for our Church today? That depends on how you use it! Join me to talk about social media best practices including choosing the right platform, crafting a content strategy, prioritizing quality over quantity, creating dynamic content, time management tools, graphic design for dummies (I include myself in this category), and overcoming the “what ifs” of audience interaction.

JoAnn Fox is a member of the diocesan communications office since 2007.  As the communications specialist, her role includes creating and managing content for the diocesan website, and using social media to evangelize and inform. A communications professional with over 20 years’ experience, she’s worked as a journalist for a small northern Michigan newspaper, in events planning, as a marketer of industrial woodworking equipment, and as a freelance writer and proofreader.

Dimension: Evangelization


RM 213 | C-21 Build Your Parish Marketing Plan – Attract. Retain. Engage.

Does your parish need a marketing strategy? Absolutely. Having an executable strategy in place can help parishes attract, retain and engage parishioners and the community. This session will help parish leaders and volunteers develop a simple, executable marketing plan designed with these three areas in mind. Are you maximizing your website? Is it mobile friendly? What about social media? Are you on the right platforms and being seen? What about your mission statement and vision? You’ll leave this session with the framework to your very own marketing plan—a framework you can use for the parish as a whole, to promote a specific event, or even attract new volunteers to a subcommittee.

Meahgan Pear – passionately curious and driven by wonder – is a professional marketer who lives for experiences and the stories they create.  Meahgan serves as the National Business Line Marketing Manager for Advisory Services at BDO USA LLP, the 5th largest accounting firm network in the world. Here she spearheads the strategic marketing efforts for the firm’s nations Corporate Finance practice. Prior to joining BDO, she served as Chief Marketing Officer for a local accounting firm in Grand Rapids.

In 2016, she was named one of Grand Rapids Business Journal’s 40 Under Forty business leaders and continues to contribute to the local community both professionally and personally. She is a proud Native American, belonging to the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, and enjoys spending her free time with her two adorable little nieces and her incredibly supportive family and friends. 

 Dimension: Evangelization


RM 234 | C-22 Religious Activities Offered by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) offers Religious Activities available to ALL Youth and their leaders/instructors. Topics include: Rosary Series, Marian Series, American Saint Series, Modern Saint Series, and Faith Series. Each activity includes a pamphlet with a link to information about the topic, questions and answers, and activities. Learn how to use these free resources in your classrooms, retreat or home!

Theresa Dirig is a mother (two Eagle Scouts and 1honorary Eagle Scout—a daughter) and grandmother to four, originally from Fort Wayne, IN. She ahs been involved in Boy Scouting for the past 29 yrs. and the NCCS for the past 10 yrs. She is currently the Chairperson of the Religious Activities committee, responsible for the Activities offered by the NCCS.

Deb Watson is a mother of two Eagle Scouts from Hudsonville, MI. She has been involved in Boy Scouting for the past 16 yrs. and got involved with Catholic Scouting 10 yrs. ago as a Religious Emblem Counselor. She is currently the Activity Chair for the Grand Rapids Catholic Committee on Scouting.

Dimension: Evangelization

Also offered as B-13


RM 136 | B-1 La Dirección Espiritual: Un camino para profundizar nuestra relación con Dios

¿Qué se entiende por Dirección Espiritual? Un camino hacia una relación más profunda con Dios y con los que nos rodean. Analizaremos sus objetivos y cómo profundizar nuestra relación con Dios, reconociendo su presencia en nuestras vidas cotidianas. Analizaremos cuáles son sus modos y medios. Las importancia de la oración y el discernimiento. Modos en que la comunidad hispana se relaciona con esta practica espiritual.

Zulema Moret , PhD. Profesora en GVSU, Grand Valley State University. Escritora y Poeta . Directora Espiritual.    Especialista en Lenguaje Expresivo, Soul Collage, Literaria Creativa y Cine.  

Dimensión: Espiritualidad

RM 134 | B-2 Padres de familia son los primeros educadores de la fe de sus hijos:

A través de esta conferencia revisaremos la enseñanza de la Iglesia acerca del rol de los padres en la educación cristiana de sus hijos en el hogar. Al momento de bautizar a nuestros hijos nos comprometemos de una manera particular de seguir la doctrina católica para una buena educación de nuestros hijos. Adicionalmente, profundizaremos el rol de los padrinos en la educación en la vida sacramental.

El Padre Luis García atendió sus estudios del seminario mayor en la Universidad de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein IL donde obtuvo una Maestría en Divinidad. El Padre García es actualmente el vicario parroquial de St Anthony of Padua en Grand Rapids, MI.

Dimension: Evangelization

También se ofrece A-2        


RM 404 | C-05 | Teaching For Discipleship: the call, the challenge, the difference​

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Mike Carrotta

This session highlights what the Church is calling us to do catechetically, the challenge involved, and specific ways we can make catechesis a sturdy , trustworthy place where participants can do the difficult and intimate work of examining their beliefs, faith, and spiritual lives.

​About the Speaker:
Nationally recognized religious educator, author, and catechetical consultant. Recent books include Teaching For Discipleship: the call, the challange,the difference (OSV)and Unexpected Occasions of Grace (OSV

RM 133 | B-3 TOB 101: Teología del Cuerpo I con las enseñanzas del Santo Juan Pablo II.

Esté preparado para tener una inmersión de mente y corazón mientras aprendemos sobre cómo hablar de la castidad con niños y jóvenes dependiendo de su desarrollo en etapas y edades.

Verónica Quintino-Aranda MSW-Tiene su maestría como Trabajadora social con un enfoque en el ministerio juvenil. Verónica es una candidata para la certificación de Teología del Cuerpo. Tiene 17 años de experiencia trabajando con familias en diferentes capacitaciones incluyendo mujeres embarazada por medio del ambiente de la medicina. Su experiencia incluye Desarrollo de Edades y Etapas y Salud Socio-emocional desde la preconcepción hasta dos años de edad. También incluyendo, jóvenes de adolescencia entre las edades de secundaria y preparatoria.

Ella ofrece conocimiento entre la comunidad con diferentes programas y agencias que ofrecen recursos y servicios para Latinos.  Verónica es la Directora del ministerio juvenil en la Iglesia de San José Obrero.

Dimensión: Teología

También se ofrece en A-4


RM 331 | C-04 | “Catechumen? Candidate? Candidate for Confirmation?…..Confused?!!”

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

​Cynthia Mulcaire & Shannon Blecha

This workshop will help RCIA and Adult Confirmation leaders to understand the appropriate placement of those seeking sacraments. You will be provided with guidelines on how to conduct intake discussions and formulate a suitable catechetical plan for inquirers.

​About the Speaker:
Cynthia Mulcaire is a seasoned catechist with twenty-nine years of RCIA, children’s faith formation, and adult Confirmation experience. Presently serves as Adult Faith Formation and RCIA Director at St. John the Baptist, Folsom. Alumnus of UC Berkeley and the University of Sacramento. Current Lay Mission Project facilitator.

​About the Speaker: Shannon Blecha currently serves as the Ministry Coordinator at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Carmichael. She has served within the diocese in a variety of capacities (teacher, catechist, Director of Religious Education, and youth minister) for 20 years. She is also serving on the Diocesan RCIA Committee and helps teach the Summer Series of RCIA classes.