All posts by Susie Boone

RM 130 | B-18 “Be Sure to Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First Before Helping Others!”

Developing the Virtue of Resilience to Help Handle and Grow from Life’s Crises.

Ever notice how some people are able to reframe their negative experiences in a way that give them new purpose and energy? Wondering about how you might recruit others to help you whether a crisis? Want to respond to adversity, trauma, or tragedy in a graceful way that helps you help others? If we do not take care of ourselves we will be no good to others. This workshop will help you draw on spiritual, psychological and emotional resources to resolve life’s unforeseen struggles with resilience and hope.

Fr. Bill Edens, CSP, is a Paulist Father serving at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew for the past two years. He enjoys hiking in the Pacific Northwest where he is from, and enjoys biking in Western Michigan.

Dimension: Evangelization

Also offered as C-1 in Spanish


RM 314 | B-19 The RCIA: Building a Team

In this practical workshop, Mary will invite participants to consider the gifts, talents, and resources that are most needed to support the valuable ministry of the RCIA in the parish. Participants will then consider what this means in terms of forming an RCIA team, whether serving a parish with many resources or a parish with limited resources. In addition, Mary will offer practical suggestions for inviting and encouraging the parish assembly to see itself as part of the larger team!

Mary Sellars Malloy has over forty years’ experience in diocesan, parish and Catholic school ministry. She presents workshops, retreats, and parish missions throughout the country. Her goal is to encourage Catholics to enjoy and to live their faith! In August of this year, Mary retired from her position as Project Manager for RCL Benziger, which included editing and writing for the Web-based RCIA products Apprentices in Faith and Young Apprentices.

Dimension: Evangelization

RM 305 | B-20 Rejoice and Be Glad: Pope Francis’ Witness and Testifying to the transforming power of the Gospel

This session considers the third apostolic exhortation of Pope Francis calling us back to the basics of Christian faith—personal holiness and love of God and neighbor. After a brief introduction on the weight of official documents, we will consider key points of Francis’ GAUDETE ET EXSULTATE (Rejoice and Be Glad,) alluding to the office and style, of the Holy Father.

Dr. Robert Marko, a husband, father and grandfather, chairs Aquinas College’s Theology Department. A twice US Fulbright Scholar in Greco-Catholic Ukraine, he passionately argues for communion of all Christians with the Pope of Rome, the symbol of unity in Christ’s Church.

Dimension: Theology 

Also offered as C-6


RM 116 | B-21 Saint Paul: the Impact of the Risen Christ on a Pharisee

Paul’s so-called conversion experience of Jesus is iconic, but what goes unnoticed is the theological change that occurred because of it. The theology of the Pharisees had to be transformed: from exhorting Israel to covenantal obedience to the incorporation of gentiles into the people of God. This session will expose  participants to St. Paul’s key theological innovation because of his experience of the resurrection.

Dr. Stephan Davis is an Associate Professor of Theology at Aquinas College. He is the author of “The Antithesis of the Ages: Paul’s Reconfiguration of Torah” which studies Paul’s Theology in its ancient Jewish context.

Dimension: Theology

Also offered as A-19


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This workshop will explore through interactive process becoming aware of the ways by which we are already witnesses of God’s loving relationship. Living from our being a witness we grow in our soul’s dependence on the transformational effect of God’s Love. When we recognize the dynamics of God’s Love in everyday life we discover the meaning from Genesis, “We are made in the image and likeness of God.” Through this understanding we can answer the question in our everyday experiences, “What would Jesus do?”

Sr. Ann Walters is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids. Since 2009 her primary ministry has been spiritual director and adult faith formation. Prior to this she had wonderful years in ministry as Elementary Teacher/Principal in various areas in the United States and Formation Director for the Congregation and for the US Dominican Women’s Congregations and in the country of Nigeria.

Dimension: Evangelization

RM 207 | B-22 Formation in Virtue: God’s Plan for the Human Person

We remember saints, sages, and heroes from Socrates and Leonidas to Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa not for their wealth or success, but for their extraordinary virtue. Far from a list of “shalt nots,” virtue is the power of being fully alive and fully ourselves—actively pursuing God’s particular plan for us. Learn how to naturally and passionately impart the indispensable lesson of virtuous living in your  classroom while avoiding the common pitfalls of character education.

Zachary Good began to serve as a teacher and administrator at Sacred Heart Academy in 2013 when the school began a transition to a classical model. Zach graduated from Hillsdale College with a double-major in Classical Studies and English and has taught students in 5th through 12th grades. Through studying the works of Shakespeare, Dante, Bl. John Henry Newman, and the Church Fathers, Zach was drawn to the Catholic faith and joined the Church at Easter in 2009. He lives with his wife, four children, and usually a few dozen chickens on a hill in the woods in Ada.

Dimension: Spirituality


RM 112 | B-23 Catechist as Spiritual Companion

The National Directory of Catechesis says, “The communication of faith in catechesis is first of all, “an event of grace” under the action of the Holy Spirit, “realized in the encounter of the word of God with the experience of the person.” p.96.

Catechists as spiritual companions flip the script. Spiritual companionship is grounded in the understanding that all people, young and old, have a sense of a sacred encounter with Christ and therefore textbook material is not the goal but the means to assist people in naming their sacred experiences. This workshop will explore the ways in which a catechist moves beyond imparting information to becoming a spiritual companion to those they serve.

Cami Mann, OFS, founder of manIFeStations, GR, is a spiritual director, retreat facilitator, public speaker and author of FAITH GR’s On the Road to Sunday column. Cami has been involved in accompanying those who experience spiritual woundedness, crisis and spiritual abuse for the last four years. Cami and her husband Mark, residents of Grand Rapids, MI, are both Secular Franciscans. Currently, they take great delight watching their children raise children of their own.

Dimension: Spirituality


RM 213 | B-24 Human Trafficking and Internet Safety Awareness

More than ever before, social media exposes kids, their pictures, their location, their mood, their friends, and their problems to potential traffickers. This session will start with a high-level overview of human  trafficking, tips on how to spot it, and the community’s role in helping to end it. We’ll finish the session with some tips on how parents can keep their children safe by learning about how traffickers may use the internet and social media.

Meahgan Pear – passionately curious and driven by wonder – is a professional marketer who lives for experiences and the stories they create. Having spent over seven years volunteering her time and talents with anti-human trafficking efforts, Meahgan  continues her work today as the Chair for the Kent County Human Trafficking Task Force. She is also a founding board member of Solutions to End Exploitation (SEE) and Michigan Abolitionist Project (MAP).

Dimension: Evangelization  

RM 313 | B-26 Atrium Material Making: Connecting Community and Youth to Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS)

The National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd requires a parish or school to provide students with a three-year cycle of handmade materials for each atria level offered. Resourcefulness and collaboration is the key. Community involvement creates an awareness of what CGS offers. The youth encounter Jesus’ love through the Scripture, liturgy and sacraments materials made by their community. This workshop will provide practical methods on how to recognize gifts and resources,  often hidden, within your faith community. Participants will also have an opportunity to make a simple material and enjoy fellowship.

Donna Phillips is the Children’s Faith Formation Coordinator at Prince of Peace Parish in North Muskegon. Donna is certified by the National Association of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, United States, to teach Level I, Level II and Level III. She is also a Virtus Protecting God’s Children Facilitator for the Diocese of Grand Rapids.

Dimension: Evangelization


RM 235 | B-27 Embracing Diversity, Our Catholic Calling

An impassioned presentation of both current irrefutable statistics and historical documentation of our national struggle for multicultural identity as Americans will be presented with an opportunity for both discussion and feedback. We will ask the question of why we have not learned as a nation from our past mistakes of oppressing those considered newcomers to our nation of immigrants. We will explore the many facets of cultural differences that both enrich our communities and at the same time serve as rationale for scapegoating for those who fall victim to the fear-mongering of close-minded voices. Finally, we will remind ourselves that our Catholic calling not only encourages us to embrace diversity, but calls us to action to be a voice of truth and the hand of compassion.

Rick Muniz is the Principal of San Juan Diego Academy, a K-8 school within the Catholic Diocese of Grand Rapids. Rick is an educator, writer, speaker, activist and former journalist who regularly presents on issues of diversity.

Dimension: Spirituality 

Also offered as C-19