Category Archives: Gaylord Session 1

Dio of Gaylord Conference 2018

B | Bored Again Catholic: How the Mass Could Save Your Life

Offered in Session:  2


Director of the Center for Liturgy for the University of Notre Dame.

With the endless opportunities we have today, are you bored? No way! (Except maybe at Mass.) We want the Mass to entertain, make us laugh, give us foot tapping music and sound-bite theology, and get it done in under an hour. Yet every Sunday many of us tune out. Tim will help us to turn boredom on its head and open us to find the quiet interior space where we can encounter the sweet gift of God.

C | Being Catholic is Cool: Come Fish With Me

Offered in Sessions: 1*, 2

*Youth & Young Adult Oriented Session

Internationally renowned singer, songwriter, catechist, evangelizer.

Research shows that many people have fallen away from the Catholic Church or perhaps even identify as “nones” – having never had an encounter with Christ or experienced the richness of our faith. It is up to us to invite, encourage, and to help answer questions for those seeking more than what society offers. How do we do that when we ourselves are sometimes unsure?
Jesse will help us navigate those waters.

E | The Making of a Saint

Offered in Sessions: 1, 3


Sr. Kateri is a member of the Sisters of St. Anne and the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne. She is also the longest serving Executive Director of the Tekakwitha Conference.

Hear about Sr. Kateri’s extraordinary experience of praying at the bedside of six year old Jacob “Jake” Finkbonner (Lummi) when he received the Vatican-authenticated and life-saving miracle which led to the canonization of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, North America’s first Native American Saint and what this meant for the Church and particularly indigenous Catholics.

F | RU a Digital Catholic?

Offered in Sessions: 1, 2*

*Youth & Young Adult Oriented Session


Sr. Helena is a member of the Daughters of St. Paul. She is an author, singer, blogger, movie producer and reviewer. She is a renowned speaker for teens and adults on media literacy.

Smart phones, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, apps, websites – nearly all of us are using them in some form – or love someone who is. How can we use new media and social media in ways that are humanizing and not de-humanizing? How can we use them appropriately as Catholics as we go through our daily lives, no matter what age we are?

I | Kicking and Screaming on the Road to Transformation

Offered in Sessions: 1, 3


Kevin has spent 20 years in financial and executive management roles. He is an
author and engaging speaker on topics of faith, work and conversion.

Kevin will share his unlikely conversion despite having a Presbyterian minister father, and
getting kicked out of Franciscan University! You won’t want to miss hearing about Kevin’s
transformation from a struggling P.K. (Preacher’s Kid) to enthusiastic and joy-filled Catholic who strives to serve Christ in every aspect of life.