Category Archives: Gaylord Session 3

Dio Gaylord Conference 2018

D | Journeying With Our Sister Diocese of Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Offered in Sessions: 1, 3


Edgar and Lourdes serve the Bishop of Matagalpa and assist in coordinating efforts of the partnership between our two dioceses.

In this session, Edgar and Lourdes will discuss daily life for our brothers and sisters in Nicaragua. They will also share about the strong faith and joy of the people, highlight current efforts underway between our two dioceses and how ministry happens in a really
rural diocese.

E | The Making of a Saint

Offered in Sessions: 1, 3


Sr. Kateri is a member of the Sisters of St. Anne and the Mohawk Nation at Akwesasne. She is also the longest serving Executive Director of the Tekakwitha Conference.

Hear about Sr. Kateri’s extraordinary experience of praying at the bedside of six year old Jacob “Jake” Finkbonner (Lummi) when he received the Vatican-authenticated and life-saving miracle which led to the canonization of St. Kateri Tekakwitha, North America’s first Native American Saint and what this meant for the Church and particularly indigenous Catholics.

G | You Can Call Us??? Understanding and Sharing Faith with the Post-Millennial Generation

Offered in Sessions: 2, 3


President of Ministry Training Source; an international educator, researcher and consultant
for the fields of lay ecclesial ministry, certification standards, youth ministry, and e-learning.

The generation following the Millennials, often referred to as Gen Z, will be the most ethnically and racially diverse generation in history, and while they are similar to Millennials, they are distinct in many ways. The first members of this generation were
born between 1995 and 2000 with the youngest entering middle school and the oldest finishing college or entering the workforce. How will they be defined and understood? What do we need to be doing as a church to respond to this generation and to invite them into deeper faith?

I | Kicking and Screaming on the Road to Transformation

Offered in Sessions: 1, 3


Kevin has spent 20 years in financial and executive management roles. He is an
author and engaging speaker on topics of faith, work and conversion.

Kevin will share his unlikely conversion despite having a Presbyterian minister father, and
getting kicked out of Franciscan University! You won’t want to miss hearing about Kevin’s
transformation from a struggling P.K. (Preacher’s Kid) to enthusiastic and joy-filled Catholic who strives to serve Christ in every aspect of life.

J | Cursillo Reunion De Colores!!

Offered in Session: 2

Our Cursillo Movement typically has a Day of Renewal each September. We have opted to participate in this extraordinary conference to provide inspiration and faith enrichment. This breakout will include song, prayer and group reunion for all Cursillistas with a special opportunity for participants of the 2018 weekends.