Category Archives: GR PMCC Session A

Grand Rapids Parish Ministry & Catechetical Conference 2017

A-1 | 136 | Redescubriendo Mi Vivencia Espiritual

Room 136
Altavoz: El Padre Edwin Carreño Carreño

Esta conferencia en sintonía con la anterior busca ampliar y aclarar muchas dudas sobre nuestra vivencia personal y comunitaria de la espiritualidad dentro de la Iglesia, pues, lamentablemente la iignorancia en los temas espirituales es grande y a veces lleva a que cada quien se forje su propia espiritualidad, su propio criterio. Se suele dar por supuesto que la conciencia y la mente están siempre bien formadas, y se sabe muy bien discernir lo bueno y lo malo. Pero, a decir verdad, no siempre es así.

Por otra parte, están también los que ofrecen doctrinas falsas o mediocres en temas espirituales. No es raro en temas de espiritualidad encontramos con una superficialidad, que no tiene en cuenta la Palabra de Dios, la Tradición, la Revelación, el Magisterio, la teología o enseñanza de los santos. Se contentan con seguir sus propios gustos y opiniones. Serán falsas todas aquellas espiritualidades que no conducen a la perfecta santidad y al compromiso apostólico, produciendo cristianos cómodos, buscando solo técnicas de yoga o relajación, soberbios que piensan que lo saben todo, o con ideas confusas, extravagantes, pintorescas y superficiales… Llevando en muchos casos a la confusión o peor aún a la perdición.

Dimensión: Espiritualidad
se ofrece en B-1

A-2 | 134 | La Cristología al alcance del católico latino de hoy (Sección I)

Room 134
Altavoz: El Padre Luis García

La Cristología hace parte de la teología que trata sobre Cristo. Este tratado estudia a Jesucristo como el Verbo encarnado e Hijo de Dios. Nuestra fe católica reconoce en Jesús su humanidad y su divinidad. Esta conferencia tendrá dos partes:
Sección I Cristología y teología. En esta primera sección vamos a realizar un recorrido historio acerca del desarrollo de la cristología.

Dimensión: Teología

Sección II se ofrece en B-2

A-3 | 134 | La Familia y el Amor: Los Limites del Amor o el Amar sin Limites

Room 134
Altavoz: Zulema Moret

La Cristología hace parte de la teología que trata sobre Cristo. Este tratado estudia a Jesucristo como el Verbo encarnado e Hijo de Dios. Nuestra fe católica reconoce en Jesús su humanidad y su divinidad. Esta conferencia tendrá dos partes:

Sección I Cristología y teología. En esta primera sección vamos a realizar un recorrido historio acerca del desarrollo de la cristología.

Dimensión: Teología

Sección II se ofrece en B-2

A-4 | 303 | This was NOT in the Brochure

Room 303
Speaker: Mike Patin

Feel like a juggler or a plate spinner? Too many things to keep going? Too often there are unclear and hidden expectation in ministry. Let’s take a humorous look at what we do, and what people expect of us. Then, let’s look at strategies to deal with these expectation in a healthier way.

Dimension: Evangelization

A-5 | 112 | Partnering with Parents for Faith Formation

Room 113
Speaker: John Graveline

Parents desire to pass their beliefs and values to their children and adolescents. The Catholic Church     affirms their role as the first and most important teachers of faith and life. However, it’s often a challenge to get parents and parish working together to form young people’s faith. This session will take an honest look at the current situation, seek opportunities for dialogue and partnership, and look at tested and       effective ways to share the joy of the Gospel in both the parish church and domestic church of the home

Also offered in session B-22

Dimension: Evangelization


A-6 | 101 | Angels, Angel, Angels!

Room 101
Speaker: Amanda Dodge

Come and learn about our constant companions and come away with a variety of ways to teach our students about the Heavenly host. Drawing from the late Father Pascale Parente and his extensive research in the writings of Sacred Scripture, Church teachings, and the saints, come and expand your knowledge of the nine choirs, famous angels, and much more. Lessons suitable and adaptable for all age groups will be provided.

Dimension: Spirituality

A-8 | 133 | For Nuns, Monks AND YOU: Praying the Psalms

Room 133
Speaker: Fr. Chris Rouech

Every Mass has at least one. Jesus probably knew them by heart. The Book of Psalms is a collection of poems and hymns that are integral to Christian worship and personal prayer. In this session, participants will get a brief introduction to the psalms and their use in the Liturgy of the Hours and Mass. Together we will pray some of the psalms and discuss how to incorporate them into your life. Whatever you are feeling, there is a psalm that expresses that emotion and offers it back to God.

Dimension: Spirituality

A-9 | 125 | The Power of Quiet

Room 125
Speaker: Katie Kimball

“He’s so quiet. Is he learning anything?” It’s easy to dismiss the kids who don’t speak up as not being involved, but there’s often more going on than meets the eye. Discover how to reach both introverts and extroverts in class or youth ministry, the superpowers buried in the “quiet” kids, and how to leverage quiet moments in class. PLUS you’ll learn how to prepare with quiet moments to become a more effective conduit for the Holy Spirit to reach your students.

Dimension: Spirituality

A-10 | 305 | The Ministry of Healthy Boundaries

Room 305
Speaker: Andi Grandy LPC, LLMFT


When our model of loving others literally gave up his life for us it can be hard to know when to set limits in our own service. We joyfully answer a call to service but end up feeling depleted and resentful later. We avoid people or situations out of fear of being asked to give beyond our means. We are so busy in our ministries that our families, those we love most, feel neglected. If you struggle to find balance in ministry and healthy self-care this session is for you. Come learn why boundaries are important and difficult, how to communicate them effectively, and reflectively examine how you can learn to love yourself as you love your neighbor.

Dimension: Evangelization