Category Archives: Session B 18

RM 136 | B-1 La Dirección Espiritual: Un camino para profundizar nuestra relación con Dios
¿Qué se entiende por Dirección Espiritual? Un camino hacia una relación más profunda con Dios y con los que nos rodean. Analizaremos sus objetivos y cómo profundizar nuestra relación con Dios, reconociendo su presencia en nuestras vidas cotidianas. Analizaremos cuáles son sus modos y medios. Las importancia de la oración y el discernimiento. Modos en que la comunidad hispana se relaciona con esta practica espiritual.
Zulema Moret , PhD. Profesora en GVSU, Grand Valley State University. Escritora y Poeta . Directora Espiritual. Especialista en Lenguaje Expresivo, Soul Collage, Literaria Creativa y Cine.
Dimensión: Espiritualidad
RM 134 | B-2 Padres de familia son los primeros educadores de la fe de sus hijos:
A través de esta conferencia revisaremos la enseñanza de la Iglesia acerca del rol de los padres en la educación cristiana de sus hijos en el hogar. Al momento de bautizar a nuestros hijos nos comprometemos de una manera particular de seguir la doctrina católica para una buena educación de nuestros hijos. Adicionalmente, profundizaremos el rol de los padrinos en la educación en la vida sacramental.
El Padre Luis García atendió sus estudios del seminario mayor en la Universidad de Santa María del Lago en Mundelein IL donde obtuvo una Maestría en Divinidad. El Padre García es actualmente el vicario parroquial de St Anthony of Padua en Grand Rapids, MI.
Dimension: Evangelization
También se ofrece A-2
RM 133 | B-3 TOB 101: Teología del Cuerpo I con las enseñanzas del Santo Juan Pablo II.
Esté preparado para tener una inmersión de mente y corazón mientras aprendemos sobre cómo hablar de la castidad con niños y jóvenes dependiendo de su desarrollo en etapas y edades.
Verónica Quintino-Aranda MSW-Tiene su maestría como Trabajadora social con un enfoque en el ministerio juvenil. Verónica es una candidata para la certificación de Teología del Cuerpo. Tiene 17 años de experiencia trabajando con familias en diferentes capacitaciones incluyendo mujeres embarazada por medio del ambiente de la medicina. Su experiencia incluye Desarrollo de Edades y Etapas y Salud Socio-emocional desde la preconcepción hasta dos años de edad. También incluyendo, jóvenes de adolescencia entre las edades de secundaria y preparatoria.
Ella ofrece conocimiento entre la comunidad con diferentes programas y agencias que ofrecen recursos y servicios para Latinos. Verónica es la Directora del ministerio juvenil en la Iglesia de San José Obrero.
Dimensión: Teología
También se ofrece en A-4
RM 135 | B-4 The Conversion of a Bishop: (Saint) Oscar Romero
Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador Will be canonized—recognized as a saint by the Catholic—Church—on October 14. No one, least of all Romero himself, could have imagined this when he was appointed Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977, but just three years later, he was assassinated—martyred. We will explore Romero’s background and pay particular attention to what happened in those three short years that led to the martyrdom of Oscar Romero.
Fr. Steve Cron is the pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Church, Wyoming; co-chaplain at Catholic Central High School, Grand Rapids; and the Bishop’s liaison to the Catholic Hispanic Charismatic Renewal Movement of the diocese. In addition, he is active in prison and jail ministry as well as migrant ministry.
Dimension: Theology
RM 132 | B-5 Discernment of Spirits Part 2:
Part 2 of the Discernment of Spirits presentation will continue an overview of the Fourteen Rules for the Discernment of Spirits, as taught by St. Ignatius of Loyola. Highlighted during this presentation will be practical ways to respond to and reject Spiritual Desolation.
Elizabeth M. Gengle is a graduate of the Franciscan University of Steubenville with a Bachelor’s degree in Theology with a concentration in Religious Education and a minor in Mental Health and Human Services. She is currently the Director of Adult Faith Formation and Spirituality and High School Youth Ministry for St. Francis Xavier Parish in Petoskey, Michigan. Elizabeth has also established Movements of the Heart Retreat and Speaking Ministry, dedicated to the teachings of St. Ignatius of Loyola and St. John Paul II.
Dimension: Spirituality
Part 1 offered as A-5
Adoration Chapel | B-6 Leading People In Prayer
Have you ever been called to lead a group of people in prayer? In the Sacrament of Baptism, we are anointed “priest, prophet and king.” Yet many Catholics feel incapable or unworthy of leading people in prayer. Participants in this session will gain confidence by learning and practicing basic principles of preparing and leading prayer for both informal and formal occasions.
Father Chris Rouech is pastor of St. Pius X Parish in Grandville. With a Master’s Degree in Liturgical Studies from University of Notre Dame, he served for eight years as interim director of the Diocesan Office for Worship.
Dimension: Spirituality
RM 234 | B-7 The RCIA: Adapting the Rites
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults expects that “celebrants should make full and intelligent use of the freedom given to them” (RCIA 35) to adapt the rites. But just how far does that freedom extend? This workshop welcomes not just celebrants but all ministry leaders who help prepare the rites to: explore the rationale for adaptation, identify elements that admit of change, determine what characteristics ought to be preserved, and evaluate the benefits of proposed adaptations.
Dr. Aaron Sanders studied theology at the University of Notre Dame and has experience in liturgical ministry at both the parish and diocesan levels. Through his service to the Diocese of Grand Rapids as director of the Office for Worship he hopes to lead all the faithful to a deeper participation in the sacred mysteries we celebrate.
Dimension: Professional Theology
Also offered as A-12
B̶-̶8̶ ̶A̶l̶r̶e̶a̶d̶y̶ ̶a̶ ̶W̶i̶t̶n̶e̶s̶s̶
This workshop will explore through interactive process becoming aware of the ways by which we are already witnesses of God’s loving relationship. Living from our being a witness we grow in our soul’s dependence on the transformational effect of God’s Love. When we recognize the dynamics of God’s Love in everyday life we discover the meaning from Genesis, “We are made in the image and likeness of God.” Through this understanding we can answer the question in our everyday experiences, “What would Jesus do?”
Sr. Ann Walters is a Dominican Sister of Grand Rapids. Since 2009 her primary ministry has been spiritual director and adult faith formation. Prior to this she had wonderful years in ministry as Elementary Teacher/Principal in various areas in the United States and Formation Director for the Congregation and for the US Dominican Women’s Congregations and in the country of Nigeria.
Dimension: Evangelization
RM 225 | B-9 Behold the Cross: The Power and Mystery of God’s Love
In the shadow of the cross, with pain etched across the faces of Jesus and all humanity, let us contemplate sin, suffering, death and new life in resurrection. God’s love and mercy break forth as light in our darkness. We all long to be saved and God has sent a Savior to renew the face of the earth.
We will share in a theological reflection rooted in Ronald Rolheiser’s The Passion and the Cross, Elizabeth Johnson’s Creation and the Cross and Barbara Reid’s Wisdom’s Feast.
Sr. Diane Zerfas OP, is a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister who has taught for many years in high schools, Aquinas College, in bible study and faith formation programs. She currently serves as Coordinator of Spirituality at Dominican Center, forming spiritual directors, offering retreats and presenting in programs for women’s spirituality, mysticism, and prayer practices.
Dimension: Spirituality
Also offered as C-7