Category Archives: Session B 18

Grand Rapids Parish Ministry and Catechetical Conference

RM 110 | B-10 Gentle Teaching: Helping Children Learn Connectedness and Community

Common sense suggests that we are most receptive to learning when we feel safe and connected to those around us. Research agrees. But how do we make this happen? How do we contend with the barriers and obstacles that children bring into the classroom or catechetical setting that stand in the way of helping them learn? How do we address our own deficits as imperfect teachers and caregivers? This workshop will look at how teachers and caregivers can come to understand children’s behavior as communication which can guide our decision making. We will then explore how we can help children move forward in feeling safe and connected by using simple tools available to all of us. Finally, we will focus on the practical and spiritual ways we can prepare ourselves to be gentle teachers and representatives of Christ.

Mary Zmolek is currently a catechist for the Level 1 Good Shepherd program at Prince of Peace parish in North Muskegon, MI, helping children ages 3-6 to learn to be in relationship with Christ. Her background is as a psychologist. In that capacity, she has worked primarily with persons with intellectual and other developmental disabilities and their families.

Dimension: Evangelization 

Also offered as A-25


RM 125 | B-11 Tell a Better Story—Tailoring the Good News to your Audience

The Bible is an old book that can be confusing to many, but the Holy Spirit wants to speak the Good News through your life. Learn to share stories to inspire others and tools to communicate God’s love in a age appropriate manner.

Jeff Andrini, D.Min, is a Master Catechist with the Diocese of Grand Rapids with 30 years of parish experience and currently serves as Director of Faith Formation at St. Patrick-St. Anthony Parish in Grand Haven.

Dimension: Evangelization

RM 115 | B-12 Marriage: Who Writes the Script?

The essential framework from which to witness within a sacramental marriage is that each person clearly knows who they are in relation to God. Only then can a couple live a testimony of a Gospel Marriage. Drawing from the privilege of years of martial therapy with countless couples, Dr. Birkeland will explore key facets of a sacramental marriage and highlight some marriage potholes that occur a long the way.

Dr. Peter Birkeland is a Clinical Psychologist, working professionally for 35 years. He received a PhD from Michigan State  University in 1985 and is currently in private practice in Rockford and Big Rapids specializing in formal psychological  assessment, Individual and Marriage therapies, special interest in the integration of Catholic teaching and psychotherapy  intervention. Dr. Birkeland is married to Julie and has four children. He is also a Franciscan Apprentice.

Dimension: Theology 

Also offered as A-14


Meet at Exhibit Table | B-13 Religious Activities Offered by the National Catholic Committee on Scouting

The National Catholic Committee on Scouting (NCCS) offers Religious Activities available to ALL Youth and their leaders/instructors. Topics include: Rosary Series, Marian Series, American Saint Series, Modern Saint Series, and Faith Series. Each activity includes a pamphlet with a link to information about the topic, questions and answers, and activities. Learn how to use these free resources in your classrooms, retreat or home!

Theresa Dirig is a mother (two Eagle Scouts and 1 honorary Eagle Scout—a daughter) and grandmother to four, originally from Fort Wayne, IN. She has been involved in Boy Scouting for the past 29 yrs. and the NCCS for the past 10 yrs. She is currently the Chairperson of the Religious Activities Committee, responsible for the Activities offered by the NCCS.

Deb Watson is a mother of two Eagle Scouts from Hudsonville, MI. She has been involved in Boy Scouting for the past 16 yrs. and got involved with Catholic Scouting 10 yrs. ago as a Religious Emblem Counselor. She is currently the Activity Chair for the Grand Rapids Catholic Committee on Scouting.

Dimension: Evangelization

Also offered as C-22


RM 307 | B-14 Life Isn’t a Television Drama

As consumers of television most of us get our idea of “witness and testify” from popular crime drama shows. A witness sees a crime and testifies in court. Does that same idea transfer to our idea of Christian Witness? And to what do we testify? In this workshop we will discuss the themes of what we are witnesses to. What do we see God doing in the world today? With an understanding of these themes we will consider our own personal testimony. Does what we witness line up with our testimony? And how does that play out in our ministry?

Dianna Rottiers is Pastoral Associate at Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Comstock Park. Dianna and her husband Dave have three adult children, raise puppies for Paws With a Cause, and enjoy traveling, biking, and craft beers.

Dimension: Spirituality 

Also offered as C-5


RM 114 | B-15 Conscience and Its Problems

This session is devoted to refining our understanding of the human conscience. The following questions will be addressed: what is conscience, how does it “work,” where does it come from, how does it differ from the Freudian superego, is acting according to one’s conscience the most fundamental moral  imperative, are there people who have no conscience, how should one act when one’s in doubt about the morality of contemplated actions, etc.?

Dr. Mark Pestana is a Professor at Grand Valley State University in the Department of Philosophy (teaching for 31 years). Born in Fresno, CA he was raised in Maine and Iowa. Educated at University of Chicago (PhD.), University of Kentucky (M.A.) and Colby College in Maine (B.A.) He is happily married to Mary Beth with daughter Stephanie and son Simon.

Dimension: Theology

RM 301 | B-16 Vices and Virtues—How to Enjoy Both!

This presentation will look at the myriad of cultural distractions that are available on a daily basis to both children and adults that generally come into our homes, offices, cars, churches, clubs and events. The question addressed by both presenters is, “How is all that is available to us experienced as either a Vice or a Virtue and when is one or the other acceptable and when is it not?”

Issues addressed within this presentation include such topics are: Boundaries, Communication, Healthy openness, Moral judgment, Discernment within a variety of settings, Inclusiveness and Exclusiveness,  Projection and Introspection.

Sr. Mary Paul Moller, FSE, LPC and Sr. Colleen Ann Nagle, FSE, LPC have both worked as Licensed Professional Counselors and Educators for over 30 years respectively and are members of the Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist, Lowell, Michigan.

Dimension: Spirituality 

Also offered as A– 8


RM 113 | B-17 Faith and Reason in the Science Classroom

In today’s science classroom, there is often a perception that faith and science are not connected. This is magnified to such a degree in today’s culture that many of our students and even teachers may be unaware of the role the Church has played in the advancement of scientific knowledge as well as ways to incorporate our Catholic faith into understanding the inner workings of  God’s creation. In this workshop,  practical examples of how faith, historical scientific discoveries, and Catholic doctrine such as Pope Francis’ Laudato Si have been incorporated into an integrated high school science class will be presented.

Dr. Catherine Molloseau is a Michigan native having grown up on the east side of the state. After completing graduate school at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburg, PA, she moved to Portland, OR and worked  in the steel making and semiconductor manufacturing industries before entering the high school classroom. Armed with 15 years of high school teaching experience in science, math and engineering, she is now the STEAM director at Catholic Central High School in GR. Catherine has a passion for the outdoor, experiential education, student led research and a new found love of coding. 

Dimension: Evangelization 

Also offered as A-27


RM 130 | B-18 “Be Sure to Put Your Own Oxygen Mask On First Before Helping Others!”

Developing the Virtue of Resilience to Help Handle and Grow from Life’s Crises.

Ever notice how some people are able to reframe their negative experiences in a way that give them new purpose and energy? Wondering about how you might recruit others to help you whether a crisis? Want to respond to adversity, trauma, or tragedy in a graceful way that helps you help others? If we do not take care of ourselves we will be no good to others. This workshop will help you draw on spiritual, psychological and emotional resources to resolve life’s unforeseen struggles with resilience and hope.

Fr. Bill Edens, CSP, is a Paulist Father serving at the Cathedral of Saint Andrew for the past two years. He enjoys hiking in the Pacific Northwest where he is from, and enjoys biking in Western Michigan.

Dimension: Evangelization

Also offered as C-1 in Spanish


RM 314 | B-19 The RCIA: Building a Team

In this practical workshop, Mary will invite participants to consider the gifts, talents, and resources that are most needed to support the valuable ministry of the RCIA in the parish. Participants will then consider what this means in terms of forming an RCIA team, whether serving a parish with many resources or a parish with limited resources. In addition, Mary will offer practical suggestions for inviting and encouraging the parish assembly to see itself as part of the larger team!

Mary Sellars Malloy has over forty years’ experience in diocesan, parish and Catholic school ministry. She presents workshops, retreats, and parish missions throughout the country. Her goal is to encourage Catholics to enjoy and to live their faith! In August of this year, Mary retired from her position as Project Manager for RCL Benziger, which included editing and writing for the Web-based RCIA products Apprentices in Faith and Young Apprentices.

Dimension: Evangelization