Category Archives: ICSC Mon PM 17

ICSC 2017

Session 21 | 2:00 pm | Hospitality: The First Principle of Parish Stewardship

Location: Regency VII

How do you move parishioners from a “what do I get” to a “what do I give” way of thinking? What drives commitment to a parish? How do you engage parish members to embrace stewardship as a way of life? This presentation focuses on the essential building block of stewardship: hospitality. Learn ways to create a welcoming environment that drives people back to your parish and not away from it.

Speaker: Reverend John Bonavitacola
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Tempe, Arizona

Speaker: Deacon James Brett
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Tempe, Arizona

Moderator: Audrey Ronnfeldt
Stewardship Coordinator
Diocese of Wichita, Kansas

Father John Bonavitacola was ordained a priest in 1988 and has been pastor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Tempe, Arizona, for 14 years. Previously, he served 12 years as director of chaplaincy services for the Philadelphia prison system. He successfully introduced stewardship as a way of life to the community in Tempe including offering parishioners the opportunity to become a “stewardship household,” in which the practice of stewardship offers them parish and school services at no cost. Stewardship successes at the parish include the annual “People Raiser” Ministry Fair; and yearly videos that promote stewardship. Trained as a substance abuse counselor, Father Bonavitacola has worked with the Twelve Step community for 25 years and has given 12 Step retreats all over the world. He is the executive director of the FullCircle program for young people and their families struggling with substance abuse and related disorders.

Deacon James Brett is the director of finance and stewardship for Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Tempe, Arizona where he has been assigned as a deacon for 17 years. As a deacon for over 20 years, he has been active in many liturgical ministries along with involvement in the RCIA process. He has been active in implementing all phases of stewardship at the parish for 10 years. Deacon Brett has been a presenter of workshops at the regional and diocesan level over the course of the last five years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from Arizona State University where he also taught financial and managerial accounting from 2002 to 2010. Prior to working at the parish he worked for a chemical manufacturing company first as a cost accountant before being promoted to controller from 1987 to 2000. Deacon Brett is married, has two children and nine grandchildren.


Session 22 | 2:00 pm | Heart of Worship: Creating a Culture of Welcoming Worship

Location: International North

One day really can make a difference. For 14 years, St. Laurence Catholic Church has offered Heart of Worship, a daylong spiritual event for its parishioners that has had a ripple effect on parish culture. Fifteen hundred people come for a full day of talks, praise and worship, dinner, Mass and Adoration, and leave inspired with a greater spirit of hospitality, engagement, and centeredness in the Eucharist. Your parish can do this, too!

Speaker: Sharon Ehrenkranz
Director of Parish Life
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

Speaker: Reverend Drew Wood
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

Moderator: David Baranowski
Director of Stewardship Education
Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri

Sharon Ehrenkranz is the director of parish life at St. Laurence Catholic Church in Sugar Land,Texas, a suburb of Houston. In serving this large parish of over 7,500 families, she draws from previous experience as executive director for the Sugar Land Cultural Arts Foundation and 10 years of sales management at Procter & Gamble. Ms. Ehrenkranz, her husband, Doug, and their three children moved from Ohio to Texas, where they’ve lived for the last 22 years. She jumped right into parish life at St. Laurence, with its beautiful liturgies and thriving ministries, and nine years ago, the pastor, Father Drew Wood, hired her as communications director, the first job of its kind in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston.Today she is responsible for parish life and ministry coordination, stewardship, and communications and is active in the stewardship networking group and serves on the board of directors of the Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community.

The Reverend Drew Wood – Raised in Houston, Texas, Father Drew Wood is a graduate of St. Thomas High School and the University of St. Thomas. He entered St. Mary’s Seminary and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of GalvestonHouston in 1973. He served at many parishes throughout the Houston area in addition to filling the roles of vocations director and vice chancellor for the diocese and spiritual director at St. Mary’s Seminary before being assigned to the large, suburban parish of St. Laurence in 1998. In 2002, he became pastor and subsequently led his parish through two major building initiatives. Father Wood has a special affinity for the Life Teen Mass and each summer he accompanies over 200 teens and chaperones to the Steubenville Youth Conference in Alexandria, Louisiana. It was this experience which led him to create the Heart of Worship, an annual, day-long spiritual event held at St. Laurence. After 14 years, Heart of Worship has set the standard for hospitality, unity and participatory worship at this multicultural parish of over 7,500 families.

Session 23 | 2:00 pm | How Money Works in the Church

Location: Regency VI

Moral principles govern the right to private property for the diocesan church, religious orders and private Catholic associations. How does the temporal material authority work within the church? What are its consequences? One thing is certain: when it comes to money everything is separate in the church. We will address the confusion of donors regarding their gifts: where their money goes and where it does not.

Speaker: Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling, V.F.
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Denver, Colorado

Moderator: Mila Glodava
Director of Communications and Stewardship
St. Vincent de Paul Parish
Denver, Colorado

Very Reverend Andrew Kemberling has been pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, in Denver, Colorado since 2014. St. Vincent de Paul is significantly smaller in size with about 1,000 families, in comparison to his previous assignment of 14 years at St. Thomas More Parish in Centennial, Colorado, which had more than 4,600 families. During his time at St. Thomas More, the parish received numerous awards, including the Archbishop Murphy Award, for promoting stewardship as a way of life.A frequent speaker at stewardship conferences in the United States and in the Philippines, Father Kemberling, along with Mila Glodava, director of stewardship and administration, wrote a book, Making Stewardship a Way of Life: A Complete Guide for Catholic Parishes (Our Sunday Visitor, 2009). His audio series with the same title recently aired on KRCN 1060 AM in Colorado and nine other radio stations around the country. Father Kemberling currently serves as chairman of the board of directors of ICSC. He also serves as the Vicar Forane (V.F.) or dean of the Southeast Denver Deanery in the Archdiocese of Denver, on the board of other civic organizations such as the Colorado Family Foundation, Revive 1787, and the Colorado Patrons of the Arts in the Vatican Museum. One of ten children, Father Kemberling was born in Tucson, Arizona, joined the Benedictine order in 1985, and was ordained a priest in 1988. He is a distinguished alumnus of the University of Arizona, Holy Cross Abbey and St. John’s University in Collegeville, Minnesota

Session 24 | 2:00 pm | Rebuild My House:A Guide for Building or Renovating a Catholic Church

Location: International South

Architect Art Lohsen will present his newly published book, Rebuild My House, a practical guidebook for pastors and parish leaders to successfully and efficiently undertake the construction or renovation of a Catholic church. Mr. Lohsen will explain the importance of beauty, tradition, and Catholic identity. The presentation will explain how to think about and manage a project from start to finish to achieve a successful result that meets budget, schedule, and most importantly, the long-term needs of the parish.

Speaker: Arthur C. Lohsen, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP
Franck & Lohsen, Architects
Washington, DC

Moderator: Vito Napoletano
President Emeritus,
ICSC Orlando, Florida

Mr. Arthur Lohsen – Throughout his career, Art Lohsen has focused on the design of timeless and beautiful projects. Franck & Lohsen, Architects, the firm that he co-founded in 2000, has completed a wide range of projects, ranging from large homes and historic renovations to urban planning and civic buildings. Throughout the years, a major portion of the firm’s work has been for the Catholic Church, in the design of new churches and renovations. Learning from the precedents of history, Franck & Lohsen designs buildings that are constructed with modern materials and techniques, yet are timeless and beautiful. The firm has worked throughout the United States, and has prepared designs for projects in Rome, London, Australia and The Bahamas as well. As the firm’s president and managing director, Art Lohsen oversees project and financial management and works with each client to be sure that their unique needs are being met. He has over 25 years of experience in design and construction, and earned his bachelor of science and master’s degrees in architecture at the University of Maryland. Raised as a Lutheran, Mr. Lohsen was received into the Catholic Church in 2010.

Session 25 | 2:00 pm | La Corresponsabilidad es Involucrar a la Comunidad Latinoamericana Localmente / Stewardship is Engaging the Latin-American Community Locally

Location: Learning Center

La Corresponsabilidad es Involucrar a la Comunidad Latinoamericana Localmente / Stewardship is Engaging the Latin-American Community Locally

Los nuevos datos del censo muestran que la población hispana ha crecido más del doble en la última década, superando ampliamente a otras poblaciones. Y esa población es joven, con edad media de los hispanos de casi 25 años. Hay una necesidad inmediata de llegar a los latinos, quienes vienen de diversos antecedentes y están en busca de una experiencia de fe inclusiva. Esta sesión se enfocará en ideas prácticas y maneras signifcativas con las que sus esfuerzos de corresponsabilidad puedan atraer más efectivamente a la comunidad latina.

New census data shows that the Hispanic population has more than doubled over the last decade, far outpacing other populations. And that population is young, with median age of Hispanics at nearly 25. There is an immediate need to reach out to Latinos who come from diverse backgrounds and are looking for an inclusive faith experience. This session will focus on practical ideas and meaningful ways your stewardship efforts can more effectively engage the Latino community

Speaker: Reverend Sergio Serrano, O.P.
Director of the Hispanic Apostolate
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Jessica Orzechowski
Parish Services Coordinator
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

The Reverend Sergio Serrano is a Dominican priest and a member of St. Martin de Porres Province, serving the southern part of the United States. He made his final vows in 2003, and he was ordained to the priesthood in Dallas, Texas in 2007. He has been working in the Archdiocese of New Orleans at St. Domingo de Guzmán Parish. Prior to his arrival in New Orleans, Father Serrano served as pastor of a parish in the city in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Currently he is the director of the Hispanic Apostolate of New Orleans and is studying for a doctorate in the theology of ministry at Barry University in Miami, Florida.

Session 26 | 2:00 pm | The Role of Special Events in Your Development Efforts

Location: Hanover E

This presentation, using best practices from around the country, will clearly articulate the importance of special events and how they can be used to identify leadership, build community, and raise positive net dollars. The presenter will emphasize the difference between special event fund-raising efforts and special event friendraising efforts and why both need to be equally balanced to engage people in positive and meaningful processes.

Speaker: Frank Donaldson
Institute for School and Parish Development
Pearl River, Louisiana

Moderator: Patricia Calka
Office Staff
Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Frank Donaldson is the president of the Institute of School and Parish Development (ISPD), a national development consulting firm created to serve Catholic schools, parishes and dioceses in the areas of planning, marketing, enrollment management and resource development. He is the author of Catholic School Publications: Unifying the Image, and 25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Development, two publications available through NCEA. He is in the process of writing the workbook to go along with the 25 Lessons Learned text which should be available in the fall of 2017. He is also the author of Development Directions, a monthly Catholic development newsletter with nationwide circulation. Mr. Donaldson is a frequent presenter at national conferences and conventions, including the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) and the International Catholic Stewardship Conference (ICSC). Mr. Donaldson is a graduate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and holds a bachelor’s degree in English and master’s degrees in English and education. He received his teaching certification from Loyola University of New Orleans, Louisiana. He and his wife, Suzy, and their daughter reside in Pearl River, Louisiana and are members of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish.

Session 27 | 2:00 pm | The Basics of Planned Giving in Parishes

Location: Hanover AB

This session is for anyone working with parishes or other Catholic organizations on their planned giving efforts and will cover simple steps to create an ongoing planned giving program. Attendees will learn the importance of keeping it simple, the importance of engaging the pastor, staff and parishioners and the board for organizations.You will also learn what not to do. Planned gifts are vital to the future support of the Catholic church and Catholic community as an integral part of stewardship.

Speaker: Diane Duquette
Director of Development
Pregnancy Aid Clinic
Roswell, Georgia

Moderator: Alma Benitez
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Yakima, Washington

Ms. Duquette began her career as a stock broker with Merrill Lynch. Over the years she has been in many fields but none as rewarding as helping others with planned gifts in parishes in her role as director of gift planning in the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia in Atlanta. After retirement, Ms. Duquette began consulting for nonprofits in Alabama and Georgia. Her last client, Pregnancy Aid Clinic in Atlanta asked her to stay full time as their director of development. Pregnancy Aid Clinic is the only Catholic PRC in the state of Georgia and sees over 2,000 clients a year among three clinics. Ms. Duquette is a mother of three children, has four grandchildren, and two great grandchildren. She is an artist, writer and public speaker. On the side, Ms. Duquette is also an executive consultant for Rodan + Fields Dermatologists skin care. She is an outdoor person and when spring arrives you will find her in her flower garden

Session 28 | 2:00 pm | Is Our Future Bright? Diocesan Planning After the Greatest Generation

Location: Hanover D

From the 1960’s through the 1990’s, the U.S. Catholic church added almost 3,000 parishes. By 2010, those gains receded to 1960’s levels and continue to decline along with Mass attendance rates. As our infrastructure ages, our mission must continue. As a diocese, how can we prepare ourselves for the time after the “Greatest Generation”? How do we respect and responsibly use their gifts in order to nurture and cultivate the future?

Speaker: Kevin T. Lynch
Founder and President
Lynch Development Associates
Huntington, New York

Moderator: Florian Romero
Stewardship Coordinator/Development
Archdiocese of San Francisco, California

Kevin Lynch is the founder and president of Lynch Development Associates (LDA) of Huntington, New York. Mr. Lynch founded LDA as a Catholic consulting firm in 1994 and has since raised more than $1.5 billion through capital and stewardship services for parishes, schools, religious communities, retreat houses, healthcare institutions and other nonprofit organizations. Mr. Lynch is a graduate of St. John’s University in New York with a bachelor’s degree in speech with specific concentration in rhetoric and public address. Throughout his career, Mr. Lynch has become well known as a motivational speaker with regard to key issues facing the Church today. Mr. Lynch has served ICSC as a member of the board of directors, conference registration campaign co-chair and conference emcee. He also serves on the board of the Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation ( and is a member of the finance council of his home parish of St. Patrick, Huntington, New York.

Session 29 | 2:00 pm | Foundation Fundamentals

Location: Hanover C

Catholic foundation fundamentals undergird the work that we do – building the body of Christ, transforming lives, and preserving our Catholic heritage for generations to come. A strong foundation is what builds the trust needed for donors to come to us and place their assets in our care, so that we can effectively manage them. This session is designed to help staff and volunteers quickly comprehend organizational essentials.

Speaker: Josephine Everly
COO and Director of Gift Planning
The Catholic Foundation
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Rebecca Harris
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Jackson, Mississippi

Josephine Everly is the director of gift planning and COO for the Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of New Orleans. During her two-year tenure, the foundation has established a 25-member professional advisors’ council, a 143-member Catholic women’s giving circle, and hosted #iGiveCatholic, a day of Catholic online giving. She is also an instructor in the philanthropy and development program at St. Mary’s University of Minnesota. Through 20 years of philanthropic advising, development, strategic planning, capital campaign, and disaster philanthropy experience, she has raised over $100 million for universities, hospitals, and community foundations. Ms. Everly has written and spoken frequently on topics including planned giving, fundraising, disaster philanthropy, and community development. Volunteer service includes serving as vice president of programs for the Association of Fundraising Professionals, New Orleans chapter. Ms. Everly holds a bachelor’s degree in technical writing from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, a master’s degree from St. Mary’s University of Minnesota, and she is a chartered advisor in philanthropy candidate through the American College of Financial Services in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. A native New Orleanian, she and her husband, Josiah, have five children and are parishioners at Immaculate Conception Jesuit Church.

Session 30 | 2:00 pm | How to Properly Prepare For Your Next Church Capital Campaign

Location: Hanover FG

Proper preparation for a church capital campaign is critical to its success. We’ll cover how to approach and who to involve in the planning for your campaign, whether or not you should hire a professional fundraiser to assist you and how to go about the search and selection process for a consultant that will serve your church the best.

Speaker: Michael Walsh
Walsh & Associates, Church Capital Campaign Specialists
Burnsville, Minnesota

Moderator: William F. Grant, II, CFRE
Director of Stewardship and Annual Giving
Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania

Michael Walsh is founder and president of Walsh & Associates, Church Capital Campaign Specialists. Since 1992, Walsh & Associates has focused its efforts exclusively on assisting churches, predominantly Catholic churches, conduct their capital campaigns. This has enabled the company to develop and refine a program that has helped Walsh & Associates grow into a nationally recognized leader in church fundraising efforts.The company’s home office is in Burnsville, Minnesota, but Walsh & Associates also has offices in California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Missouri, Tennessee and Texas.