Category Archives: ICSC Monday AM

Session 1: Introduction to the Spirituality of Christian Stewardship

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin GH

Speaker: The Most Reverend Francis Alleyne
Bishop of Georgetown Guyana, South America
Diocese of Georgetown

Moderator: The Reverend Charles Altermatt
St. Alfred Parish
Taylor, Michigan

For Christians, stewardship becomes a way of life. It influences us in every aspect of our daily encounters – how we use our time, our resources, our gifts. This session provides a glimpse of the spiritual transformation that can occur in the everyday lives of Christian stewards.

Session 2: Tips for Successful and Ongoing Stewardship Formation in the Parish

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Strand 11

Speaker: Mary Ann Otto
Director of Stewardship
Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin

Moderator: Ann Marie Calka
Member Services
Dearborn, Michigan

Parish stewardship formation is never a “one time” event. It is an ongoing spiritual and lived journey for individuals and parishes. Using scripture, the liturgical year, insights from Pope Francis and current issues of the day, this session will offer practical and creative ways for parish leaders to keep the stewardship message alive year round.


Session 3: Everyday Stewardship: Spirituality for Ordinary People

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS
Director of Parish Community and Engagement
Liturgical Publications, Inc.
New Berlin, Wisconsin

Moderator: Barb Vite
Parish Stewardship Director
Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

In our parishes and dioceses, if we are to be good stewards, we need to know where we have come from, where we are now, and where we are going. There are important principles that need to guide us in both stewardship and pastoral planning. This session will reveal important planning principles and how to discern ultimately the real plan: God’s plan.


Session 4: Eight Tips for Becoming a Great Business Manager

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Linda Maccarone
Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Detroit, Michigan

Moderator: Tony Oltremari
Parish Administrator
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

Today, business managers and administrators are often called upon to wear many hats and perform many duties that they are not always prepared or trained to do. This session will offer suggestions to help you be more effective and efficient in dealing with the many diverse aspects of a church management position. These helpful tips can help you go from good to great, by incorporating important management practices to help you be a great steward of the church resources entrusted to you.

Session 5: Using Smart-Phone Technology to Reach ALL of Your Parishioners

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: Peggy O’Flaherty OneParish
App Consultant
J.S. Paluch Company, Inc.
Franklin Park, Illinois

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director, Parish Life and Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Looking for fresh and proven ways to connect with your parishioners from Sunday to Sunday?

Smartphone technology, the very thing we hold in our hand and check 10-100 (or more!) times a day, is an incredibly powerful and vibrant vehicle for prayer and faith formation. Harness this power to reach your full congregation — those who attend Mass every week and even those who don’t. When you reach more people, you can raise more funds for the essential work of your parish and your school. In this presentation, you will learn ways to use mobile technology, social media, and “crowdfunding” most effectively, and how to tell your unique story to grow engagement, drive up participation at events, increase involvement in ministries, increase stewardship and donations, and be an agent for evangelization.

Session 6: Introducción a la Corresponsabilidad Cristiana / Introduction to Christian Stewardship

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: Monsignor Matthew Bernelli
Párroco Emérito / Pastor Emeritus
St. Mary Parish
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Moderator: Sonia Rodriguez
Administrative Assistant
St. Mary Parish
Bridgeport, Connecticut

Esta presentación ilustrará brevemente cómo el concepto de la corresponsabilidad no es algo nuevo en la Iglesia, sino que se encuentra en cada página de la Biblia. Dará también sugerencias prácticas acerca de su implementación en la parroquia, y de cómo puede transformarla, desde simplemente un lugar de culto, en una comunidad Eucarística llena de vida y entregada completamente al trabajo del Señor.

This presentation will briefly illustrate how the concept of stewardship is not something new in the Church but is found in every page of the Bible. It will also give practical suggestions on how to implement stewardship in the parish and transform it from a simple place of worship into a vibrant Eucharistic community, fully committed to the work of the Lord.


Session 7/8: The Amazing Success Story of The Church Alive! Capital and Endowment Campaign – Part I

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin BC

The Very Reverend Lawrence DiNardo
Vicar General and General Secretary
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Marie Milie Jones
JonesPassodelis, PLLC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Patrick Joyce, Ed.D.
Director of Stewardship
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Moderator: Tom Kissane
Principal and Managing Director
New York, New York

This two-part session gives witness to boundless Catholic generosity; shows how to astound your skeptics and reveals how to blow by your campaign goal! The Diocese of Pittsburgh never before had conducted a comprehensive, diocesan-wide campaign. “Time was not right; the goal, too ambitious” following so closely the “great recession.” But Bishop David Zubik focused instead on his pastoral vision The Church Alive! and on the resources for mission. Results far exceeded anything anticipated. Three campaign leaders share how Pittsburgh’s Catholic community responded when the campaign focus was not about the money!

Session 9: Planned Giving is Stewardship

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Monsignor Francis W. Beach
St. Jude Parish
Chalfont, Pennsylvania

Moderator: Patricia O’Hearn
Director of Development
Diocese of Lansing, Michigan

How can I make a return to the Lord for all He has done for me? After a lifetime of faithful stewardship, our greatest gift to a charity that we have supported for so long enables us to perpetuate our giving for years after we have returned to God. Planning a legacy gift for our favorite charities honors the people who gave so much of themselves to the mission of that charity and ensures a lasting presence of your love and treasure.


Session 10: Sharing the Faith with the Seven Pillars of Evangelization

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: Tony Brandt
President Casting Nets Ministries
Wichita, Kansas

Speaker: Chris Stewart
COO and Chairman of the Board
Casting Nets Ministries
Wichita, Kansas

Moderator: Mike Wescott
Director of Development and Planned Giving
Diocese of Wichita, Kansas

We must proclaim Christ’s message of the abundant life to all who are willing to hear it. We have been given the crucial task of sharing the salvation of Christ with our friends, co-workers and perhaps even strangers. We also possess the challenge of inviting back those who have left the family, that is, Christ’s church. This talk will give foundational principles to individuals, groups and parishes on how to share the Gospel message effectively. The love of Christ wants to reach everyone. The question is … are we ready and willing to be the instrument to introduce Christ to others?