Category Archives: ICSC Monday PM

Session 40: Unlocking the Value of Fundraising Leadership

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: David J. Kersten
Vice President of Development
The Foundations of Catholic Health
Buffalo, New York

Moderator: Jeremy Becker, CFRE
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Houma-Thibodaux, Louisiana

Amid the seismic shifts now fully underway in the Church, and against the backdrop of diminishing ranks of the ordained parish leadership and the growing importance of lay leadership and stewardship, success around diocesan and parish fundraising efforts depend more and more around strategies that are responsive to volunteer expectations and ensures that their work and time spent directly supports fundraising needs and objectives. This session will identify best practices in fundraising volunteer leadership management.