Category Archives: ICSC Tuesday AM

Session 41: Parish Hospitality: Much More than Greeters at the Church Door

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Celestin GH

Speaker: Christine Heusinger
Associate Director of Stewardship
Archdiocese of Atlanta, Georgia

Moderator: Diane Duquette
Director of Gift Planning Emeritus
Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia

Hospitality is the cornerstone of stewardship, because it opens the door to a person’s heart and allows them to receive joy, grace and love. Jesus assures us that when we welcome a stranger, we are welcoming him. St. Paul tells us that people who are hospitable sometimes entertain angels. Parish hospitality is not an option. It is our way of modeling the kingdom of God right here on earth and is an essential part of vibrant parish life. This session will give you ideas on how to make your parish more welcoming.

Session 42: Clergy to Clergy: A Stewardship Forum for Priests

Tuesday Session 8:30 am  – 9:30 am

Location: Strand 11

Speaker: Forum – Clergy

Monsignor Matthew Bernelli
Pastor Emeritus
St. Mary Parish
Bridgeport, Connecticut

The Reverend John Bonavitacola
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Tempe, Arizona

The Reverend Joe Creedon
Pastor Emeritus
Christ the King Parish
Kingston, Rhode Island

The Reverend Mike Kettenring
Visitation of Our Lady Parish
Marrero, Louisiana

Moderator: The Reverend Charles Altermatt
St. Alfred Parish
Taylor, Michigan

This session offers an opportunity for clergy attendees to be able to gather together, and to share their own insights in living and fostering stewardship as a way of life. The clergy panel will share personal reflections on stewardship and invite other clergy participants into the discussion.


Session 43: Stewardship, Liturgy and Sacred Music

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: Tom Kendzia
Recording Artist, Composer, Clinician, Director of Music
Christ the King Parish
Kingston, Rhode Island

Moderator: Mark Ayers
Steward for Music and Liturgical Ministries
St. Mary Magdalen Parish
Altamonte Springs, Florida

This session offers us an opportunity to appreciate the relationship between good liturgy and effective stewardship and the important role that a “singing assembly’ plays in fostering and nurturing communal prayer. Practical tips on how to accomplish lively liturgy and developing a music program that will send your community out into the world to be about the Gospel!

Session 44: How To Market and Brand Your Parish

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Joanie Lewis
Appeals and Campaigns Account Executive
Our Sunday Visitor
Huntington, Indiana

Speaker: Katie Herzing
Digital Product Specialist
Our Sunday Visitor
Huntington, Indiana

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director, Parish Life and Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Telling your story is a challenge. Helping your parishioners understand the magnitude of God’s work you are doing in your community can be frustrating. How do we show people we are building up God’s Kingdom in our community and make them stop thinking we only want money at our parish, but at the same time increase time, talent and treasure? Join us to learn how to brand your mission driven message, improve communications, grow offertory, increase the number of volunteers in your ministries and foster a vibrant parish community.

Session 45: Transforming Catholic Giving through Giving Days: A Case Study of the #iGiveCatholic Campaign

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: Cory J. Howat
Associate Executive Director
The Catholic Foundation
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

Speaker: Josephine Everly
Director of Major Gifts
The Catholic Foundation
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Rob Faughnan
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Colorado Springs, Colorado

Giving days are an innovative strategy to engage donors and organizations in communities across our nation. But how can we make giving days relevant for our dioceses? Learn about how The Catholic Foundation of the Archdiocese of New Orleans designed and implemented the #iGiveCatholic campaign, described by the National Catholic Reporter as “the most successful Catholic crowdfunding event to date.” This case study will reveal the transformative impact of #iGiveCatholic, which raised $1.36 million in 24 hours and supported over 100 parishes, schools, and ministries.

Session 46: Introduciendo la Corresponsabilidad en la Parroquia / Introducing Stewardship to the Parish

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: Koren Ruiz
Fundador y Presidente
Corresponsables de Dios
Portland, Oregon

Moderator: Patricia Garcia Alvarado
Diocese of Carabayllo
Lima, Peru

La espiritualidad nos invita a ayudar a discernir, inspirar, y motivar continuamente unos a otros para usar nuestros dones y talentos de acuerdo a la voluntad de Dios; y nos desafía a compartir con otros nuestros dones otorgados por Dios. Esta presentación mostrará cómo introducir su parroquia al concepto de la corresponsabilidad y ofrece sugerencias prácticas sobre cómo motivar un estilo de vida de corresponsabilidad para las parroquias y las personas.

Stewardship invites us to help discern, call forth, and continually encourage one another to use our gifts and talents according to God’s will; and challenges us to share our God-given gifts with others. This presentation will show how to introduce your parish to the concept of stewardship and offer practical suggestions on how to encourage a lifestyle of stewardship for parishes and individuals.

Session 47: Diocesan Annual Appeals for Small Offices: Success Lies in the Fundamentals

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Foster 2

Speaker: Thomas Kissane
Principal and Managing Director
New York, New York

Speaker: Jim Kelley
Director of Development
Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina

Moderator: Rock Beharry
Director of Stewardship, Development and Pontifical Mission Societies
Diocese of Georgetown Guyana, South America

Philanthropic revenue from annual appeals in small and midsized dioceses can often be the lifeline to ensure that the charitable, educational and pastoral priorities of the local churches are sustained. Changing demographics, aging population, and new priorities create added pressure to retain donors. This interactive and entertaining session will explore innovative methods that pastors and bishops can use, together, to present their annual appeals as a Gospel message and encourage increased participation rates to maximize revenue.

Session 48: The Building Blocks to Creating Good Disciples in Each Generation

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Foster 1

Speaker: Jolinda Moore
Director of Stewardship and Development
Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana

Moderator: Margaret Slawin
Director of Development and Stewardship
Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis, Minnesota

As a Church, we are blessed with good disciples in every generation. Sometimes we fail to engage them in the work of the Church as we don’t know how to effectively communicate with them. Do you really know the people sitting in your pews? How do they like to receive information, learn of upcoming events or register to be a member of the parish? We will look at these specific questions and then provide some manageable solutions on how you can begin to engage Generation X and Millennials.

Session 49: The Nuts and Bolts of Foundation Policies

Tuesday Session 8:30 – 9:30 a.m

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Christopher J. Dine
Speaker: Celeste E. Arduino
Bodman PLC
Detroit, Michigan

Moderator: Tom Scholler
Associate Director
Development and Stewardship
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Learn the nuts and bolts of tax-exempt foundations – from establishment to dissolution. Do you have a firm grasp of the transparency and accountability standards required of tax exempt foundations? Can you easily identify appropriate provisions in their articles of incorporation, bylaws and policies? This presentation provides a comprehensive orientation of the legal and tax aspects of taxexempt foundations. We will explain the nuts and bolts from incorporation to dissolution, with all the key compliance challenges in between, including conflicts of interest, written policies, and disclosure requirements.