Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 37 | 3:00 pm | Building Endowments into Capital Campaigns

Session 37
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Building Endowments into Capital Campaigns

Speaker: Kevin Lynch
Lynch Development Associates
Centerport, New York

Moderator: Laurie Whitfield
Vice President, Marketing and Stewardship
Lynch Development Associates
Centerport, New York

Many dioceses and parishes are asking the question, “How do we get more people to attend Mass?” While this question is being posed across the board and the answer is multifaceted, study results show that there is one very strong component to answering this question – a strong Catholic education. This session will explore how to direct your efforts in order to slow and perhaps reverse this growing trend.

Mr. Kevin Lynch

Kevin Lynch is the founder and president of Lynch Development Associates (LDA) of Centerport, New York. Celebrating 25 years as a Catholic consulting firm, LDA has raised more than $1.5 billion through capital and stewardship services for parishes, schools, religious communities, retreat houses, healthcare institutions and other nonprofit organizations.

Mr. Lynch is a graduate of St. John’s University in New York with a bachelor’s degree in speech with specific concentration in rhetoric and public address. Throughout his career, Mr. Lynch has become well known as a motivational speaker with regard to key issues facing the Church today.

He has served ICSC as a member of its board of directors, conference registration campaign co-chair and conference emcee. He also serves on the board of the Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation ( and is a member of the finance council of his home parish of St. Patrick in Huntington, New York.

Session 36 | 3:00 pm | One-to-One Fundraising: Using Personalization to Improve Your Annual Appeals

Session 36
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

One-to-One Fundraising: Using Personalization to Improve Your Annual Appeals

Speaker: Theresa Aide
Sales Representative
Waunakee, Wisconsin

Speaker: Karen Wenning
S4 Marketing Resource Center

Moderator: Jill McNally
Director, Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Madison, Wisconsin

Making a personal connection with your parishioners is an effective way to influence their participation in appeal campaigns. Through use of targeted messaging, images and donation amounts, your campaign can better resonate with individuals. This session will demonstrate how using your data can change campaign materials from a “one-size-fits-all” approach, to a “tailor-made” catalyst for giving. Sharing takeaways from 20-plus years of mail projects will show how effective and easy a targeted approach can be.

Ms. Theresa Aide

Theresa Aide has almost 30 years of experience in print and mail services, and coordinates large appeal projects for nonprofits like the Diocese of Madison, Diocese of La Crosse and the University of Wisconsin Foundation. Her previous role as a customer service representative working closely with production means she has a detailed knowledge of best practices.

Karen M. Wenning

Karen M. Wenning has spent the last 24 years in the marketing communications industry. After graduating from the University of Wisconsin, Madison she spent 12 years at an advertising agency working with luxury brands where she developed a passion for marketing supply chain management, advertising production and integrated marketing program development. In 2008 she joined the Suttle-Straus team serving roles in marketing and sales, growing several nonprofit clients in the education vertical. Currently, she champions the S4 Marketing Resource Center technology platform delivering an unfair advantage to companies with a distributed marketing network.

Session 26 | 1:00 pm | How Diocesan Development and Finance Directors Can Better Collaborate for the Glory of God

Session 26
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

How Diocesan Development and Finance Directors Can Better Collaborate for the Glory of God

Speaker: John Mark Willcox
Director of Development and Communications
Diocese of Shreveport, Louisiana

Moderator: Shaun Riedell
Director of Development
Diocese of Springfield, Illinois

Working with your diocesan business officer can be challenging in many ways, but the proper blending of accounting and stewardship can be a real bonus for the work of the Church. Do you truly understand the difficult job of a diocesan business officer? Does this individual comprehend your mission as a fundraiser for the Church? Know and understand each department’s mission and enhance the effectiveness of your combined efforts to share the love of Christ in your diocese.

Mr. John Mark Willcox

John Mark Willcox has served as the director of development and public relations for the Diocese of Shreveport since 1989. In over 30 years of serving the Church, he has provided stewardship and planned giving ministry throughout North Louisiana, served as the producer/director of live, nation-wide Catholic satellite television programming provided to millions of homes and served as the diocesan media spokesperson on issues ranging from pastoral teaching documents to the Church’s sex abuse scandal.

Session 25 | 1:00 pm | Llevando la Corresponsabilidad a la Gente, Parroquia por Parroquia/Bringing Stewardship to the People Parish by Parish

Session 25
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Llevando la Corresponsabilidad a la Gente, Parroquia por Parroquia/Bringing Stewardship to the People Parish by Parish

Speaker: Hiram Diaz Belardo
Director de Desarrollo
Arquidiócesis de San Juan, Puerto Rico

Moderator: Myrtha Diaz Medina
Moderadora del Consejo Pastoral Parroquial
Parroquia Espíritu Santo
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Esta sesión mostrará cómo los líderes de corresponsabilidad en la Arquidiócesis de San Juan, Puerto Rico están introduciendo el concepto de corresponsabilidad en cada parroquia para que, una por una, se transformen de simples lugares de oración en comunidades eucarísticas vibrantes, totalmente comprometidas con el trabajo de El Señor.

This session will show how stewardship leaders in the Archdiocese of San Juan, Puerto Rico are introducing the concept of stewardship to each parish so that one by one they are being transformed from simple places of worship into vibrant Eucharistic communities, fully committed to the work of the Lord.

Mr. Hiram Diaz Belardo

Hiram Diaz Belardo is the director of development and stewardship for the Archdiocese of San Juan, Puerto Rico. He has been with the archdiocese two years, one year in his current position. His responsibilities include archdiocesan fundraising initiatives, parish relief fundraising efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria and working with the archdiocesan stewardship committee. Before coming to the archdiocese, he was the director of the youth affairs program at Puerto Rico’s economic development and commerce department. Mr. Diaz was born and raised in San Juan. He and his wife, Ana, have three children and are members of San Pedro Mártir Parish in Guaynabo

.El Sr. Hiram Díaz Belardo

El Sr. Hiram Díaz Belardo es el director de desarrollo y administración de la Arquidiócesis de San Juan, Puerto Rico. Ha estado con la arquidiócesis por dos años, un año en su posición actual. Sus responsabilidades incluyen iniciativas de recaudación de fondos arquidiocesanos, esfuerzos de recaudación de fondos de ayuda parroquial después del huracán María y trabajar con el comité de administración arquidiocesana. Antes de llegar a la arquidiócesis, fue director del programa de asuntos juveniles en el departamento de desarrollo económico y comercio de Puerto Rico. El Sr. Díaz nació y creció en San Juan. Él y su esposa, Ana, tienen tres hijos y son miembros de la parroquia San Pedro Mártir en Guaynabo.

Session 35 | 3:00 pm | La Generosidad Más Allá de las Paredes de la Parroquia/Generosity Beyond Parish Walls

Session 35
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

La Generosidad Más Allá de las Paredes de la Parroquia/Generosity Beyond Parish Walls

Speaker: Reverend Leo Perez, O.M.I.
USCCB, Colección para la Iglesia en América Latina
Washington, DC

Speaker: Marilyn Santos
Directora asociada
USCCB, Secretaría de Evangelización y Catequesis
Washington, DC

Moderator: Coni Perez
Equipo de la Conferencia ICSC
Houston, Texas

Esta sesión explorará cómo el ejercicio de la corresponsabilidad en nuestra parroquia y comunidades locales nos transforma en discípulos misioneros: participantes activos en los esfuerzos misioneros de la Iglesia en todo el mundo. El personal de las Oficinas de Evangelización y Catequesis y Colecciones Nacionales de USCCB lo guiará a través de estrategias claves y métodos de participación que resuenan con los feligreses, incluidos los adultos jóvenes. Venga y comparta maneras en que podemos trabajar en colaboración para celebrar la obra de Dios y la generosidad de los feligreses. Juntos, podemos inspirar generosidad y solidaridad más allá de los muros de nuestra parroquia.

This session will explore how exercising stewardship in our parish and local communities transforms us into missionary disciples: active participants in the Church’s missionary efforts around the world. Staff from the USCCB Offices of Evangelization and Catechesis and National Collections will walk you through key strategies and methods of engagement that resonate with parishioners including young adults. Come and share ways we can work collaboratively to celebrate God’s work and parishioners’ generosity. Together, we can inspire generosity and solidarity beyond our parish walls.

The Reverend Leo Perez, O.M.I.

Father Leo Perez, O.M.I. is director of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Collection for the Church in Latin America. His previous ministry was with the Pontifical Mission Societies in New York City. He has a doctorate in moral theology from the Gregorian University and was a professor for 24 years at Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas where he was also director of the Oblate Lourdes Grotto. A native Texan, his first assignment was four years in the Pastoral Juvenil of the Archdiocese of Puebla, Mexico.

Reverendo Leo Pérez, O.M.I.

El Padre Leo Pérez, O.M.I. es director de las Colectas para la Iglesia en América Latina de la Conferencia de Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos. Su ministerio anterior fue la Pontifical Mission Societies en New York City. Tiene un Doctorado en Teología Moral de la Universidad Gregoriana y durante 24 años fue profesor en la Oblate School of Theology en San Antonio, Texas, donde fue también director del Oblate Lourdes Grotto. Nació en Texas, su primera responsabilidad fue desempeñada durante cuatro años en la Pastoral Juvenil de la Arquidiócesis de Puebla, México.

Ms. Marilyn Santos

Marilyn Santos is the associate director of the Secretariat of Evangelization and Catechesis at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. She previously served as the director of mission education in the National Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States. She has held leadership positions in youth, young adult and cultural diversity ministries in the Archdiocese of Atlanta, and the Dioceses of Brooklyn, New York and Metuchen, New Jersey. Ms. Santos served as the president of La RED – the National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana and as a consultant for the USCCB Secretariat on Laity, Marriage, Family & Youth. She served as a VIDES-Salesian Sisters Missionary in Ecuador.

Srta. Marilyn Santos

Marilyn Santos es directora asociada de la Secretaría de Evangelización y Catequesis en la Conferencia de los Obispos Católicos de Estados Unidos. Anteriormente sirvió como directora de educación para la misión en el National Office of the Pontifical Mission Societies en los Estados Unidos. Ha ocupado cargos de liderazgo en los ministerios, juvenil, de adultos jóvenes, y diversidad cultural en la Arquidiócesis de Atlanta y en la Diócesis de Brooklyn, New York y Metuchen, New Jersey. La Srta. Santos sirvió como presidenta de La Red, la National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana y como asesora para la secretaría sobre el Laicado, el Matrimonio, la Familia y la Juventud, de la USCCB. Ha servido como VIDES- Hermanas Salesianas Misioneras en Ecuador.

Session 24 | 1:00 pm | Becoming a More Vibrant Parish through Strategic Planning

Session 24
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Sheraton Ballroom III
Becoming a More Vibrant Parish through Strategic Planning

Speaker: Dan Ebener, Ph.D. Professor of Leadership
St. Ambrose University
Davenport, Iowa

Moderator: Deacon Bob Beehner
Permanent Deacon
Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin

This session will showcase an eight-step pastoral planning process that the presenter has used to conduct strategic planning for hundreds of organizations, including Catholic parishes, schools, dioceses, religious communities and for ICSC. The process is an engaging, interactive style that becomes fertile ground for growing new leaders and surfacing new ideas.

Dan Ebener, Ph.D.

Dr. Dan Ebener is an author, teacher and speaker and has been developing leaders for churches, businesses and community organizations since 1976. He teaches strategic planning, team-building and leadership skills for the Master of Organizational Leadership program at St. Ambrose University. He is the author of four books, two on servant leadership, one on strategic planning and his latest is a textbook on leadership for Catholic seminaries. Besides teaching full-time at St. Ambrose University, he is director of parish planning for the Diocese of Davenport.

Dr. Ebener has provided consultation to more than 100 organizations. Drawing from experience in the classroom and his consulting practice, he has spoken to audiences in 43 states and 20 countries. In his writing and speaking, he draws regularly from his international travels to 69 countries. Dr. Ebener lives in Davenport, Iowa and has been married since 1977 to DeAnn. They have two sons.

Session 34 | 3:00 pm | Strengthening Parish Engagement through Nonprofit Leadership Practices

Session 34
3:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Sheraton Ballroom III
Strengthening Parish Engagement through Nonprofit Leadership Practices

Speaker: Ana-Cristina Gonzalez
Chief Operations Officer
Saint William Catholic Church
Round Rock, Texas

Moderator: Linda Maccarone
Director of Parish Mission
St. Mary Catholic Church
Royal Oak, Michigan

The Church today operates very differently than the times of one pastor and one administrator. Saint William in Round Rock employs more than 50 people on 30 acres of property with over 7,000 families. To manage all aspects of parish life, they adopted nonprofit leadership practices and structure that transformed the life of the parish and its staff. Come and learn from the COO on how this all came to be: the good, the great, and the heartache.

Ms. Ana-Cristina González

Ana-Cristina Gonzalez is chief operations officer for Saint William Catholic Church in Round Rock, Texas. With over 7,000 registered families, 30 acres of property, 50 plus staff, she oversees the day-to-day operations of the largest parish in the Diocese of Austin.

In 2015, with a new building under construction, Saint William underwent a major structural change. The pastor decided to move towards a chief operations officer model that would oversee the daily operations of the parish. Because of the size of the parish, the traditional parish model was not sufficient for the level of work taking place. Ms. Gonzalez was the first woman, and first Hispanic, chief operations officer in the Diocese of Austin.

Ms. Gonzalez holds a bachelor’s degree in human development and family sciences from the University of Texas at Austin, as well as a master’s degree in communication and leadership studies from Gonzaga University.

Session 23 | 1:00 pm | Millennials in the Apostolic Age

Session 23
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Chicago Ballroom VIII
Millennials in the Apostolic Age

Speaker: Heidi D. Radabaugh
Young Adult Director
St. Alphonsus Liguori Catholic Church
Zionsville, Indiana

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director of Parish Life & Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

By age 23, nearly 80% of cradle Catholics have fallen away from the faith. The pagan shrines during Christ’s time have been replaced with self-help mindfulness, organic lifestyles, and relativism. Why do millennial and Gen Z generations behave this way? How can your parish and you personally disciple generations who seem unreachable and uninterested? What gives us hope in times of despair? This session will help you begin the dialogue and will offer practical application for your parish.

Ms. Heidi D. Radabaugh

Heidi Radabaugh originally comes from St. Louis, Missouri. A cradle Catholic and the youngest of five, she attended Franciscan University of Steubenville where she earned a bachelor’s degree in theology and psychology. She earned a master’s degree in theology from Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans. Throughout the past 11 years, she has discipled in high school classrooms, parish youth and young adult ministries, bars, coffee shops, and, most importantly, her home. Ms. Radabaugh lives with her 17-month-old son and husband, Marc, in Indianapolis, Indiana and attempts daily to bring Christ and his Church to their millennial neighborhood.

Session 22 | 1:00 pm | Stewardship of Treasure: It’s About The Mission

Session 22
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Chicago Ballroom IX
Stewardship of Treasure: It’s About The Mission

Speaker: Mila Glodava
Parish Stewardship Coordinator
Denver, Colorado

Moderator: Rock Beharry
ICSC Conference Team
New York, New York

Drawing from the presenter’s nearly 30 years of experience in two different parishes, this session offers practical insights into the stewardship of treasure. Based on a fundamental principle that “it is about the mission,” you will see how methods that can be used for large parishes can also be adapted to small parishes in order to invite parishioners to prayerfully reflect on their own response to the Lord through their commitment of treasure.


Ms. Mila Glodava

Mila Glodava has just retired from active parish ministry to continue her stewardship missionary work in the Philippines as well as her charitable foundation work. This year, she coordinated the first Asian Pacific stewardship conference conducted in the Philippines co-sponsored by ICSC and Socio-Pastoral Institute.

Former director of stewardship and administration at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Denver, Colorado, Ms. Glodava had been its director of communications and stewardship since 2014. She held the latter position for more than 25 years at St. Thomas More Catholic Church in Centennial, Colorado. Under her leadership, along with the pastor, Father Andrew Kemberling, St. Thomas More received numerous ICSC stewardship awards including the 2007 Archbishop Thomas Murphy Award.

Since 2002, Ms. Glodava, who is a native of the Philippines, had been working with Father Kemberling and Socio-Pastoral Institute, an agency of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, to introduce stewardship. In 2009, she and Father Kemberling co-authored a book entitled, Making Stewardship a Way of Life: A Complete Guide for Catholic Parishes, published by Our Sunday Visitor.

Ms. Glodava earned a bachelor’s degree in education from St. Paul University Manila in 1969, and in 2015, at 70 years of age, she earned a master’s degree in theology from Augustine Institute in Denver. Before coming to the United States in 1972, Ms. Glodava taught English in a Catholic high school in Quezon, Philippines. She and her husband, Mark, a former Peace Corps volunteer, have two children and four grandchildren.

Session 21 | 1:00 pm | Missionary Families: How Stewardship Helps Busy Families Evangelize

Session 21
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Chicago Ballroom X
Missionary Families: How Stewardship Helps Busy Families Evangelize

Speaker: Kathleen Niebrugge
Speech/Language Pathologist, Home Educator
St. Louis, Missouri

Speaker: Brian Niebrugge
Executive Director, Stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal
Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri

Moderator: Dan Conway
Senior Vice President, Pastoral Leadership
GP Catholic Services
Louisville, Kentucky

“As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world” declared St. John Paul II. No human relationship so closely resembles the love of the Trinity as the family. The world needs to witness the warmth of this love, and our Catholic families can provide that witness if they know they have been called. Stewardship is a way of life, and it presents families with a roadmap to well-formed children who can witness to the love of God as they take their place in the world. Come to hear more about how the stewardship of everyday life helps families to evangelize the world.


Mr. and Mrs. Brian Niebrugge

Kathleen and Brian Niebrugge will have been married for 21 years the day after this year’s ICSC conference ends. They and their six children belong to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Parish in St. Louis, Missouri. Mrs. Niebrugge is a licensed speech/language pathologist who has given the most recent years of her career to educating the couple’s children at home. She runs a monthly girls club where girls learn various skills and receive formation in human and religious virtues. Kathleen holds a master’s degree in speech and language pathology from Fontbonne University.

Mr. Niebrugge has worked for the Archdiocese of St. Louis since 2001, serving as executive director of stewardship and the Annual Catholic Appeal since 2010. He serves as a basketball coach, a baseball coach, and leads a men’s study group. He speaks to groups of all kinds on matters of family, fatherhood, and holiness in ordinary life. He also serves as chair of the board of directors of the International Catholic Stewardship Council.