Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 11 | 10:30 am | In All Seasons: The Liturgical Year as Stewardship Formation Framework

Session 11
10:30 am – 11:30 am

Chicago Ballroom X
In All Seasons: The Liturgical Year as Stewardship Formation Framework

Speaker: Leisa Anslinger
Associate Department Director for Pastoral Life
Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio

Moderator: Karen Gilman
Associate Director of Communications and Development
Diocese of Beaumont, Texas

One of the most challenging things for stewardship leaders is sharing the stewardship message year-round. By using the liturgical year as our framework, we draw on the rich wisdom of Sacred Scripture, and help people connect their lives with the rhythm of the liturgical cycle of Sundays and seasons, bringing faith to life.

Ms. Leisa Anslinger

Leisa Anslinger is the associate department director for pastoral life for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. She brings extensive experience in parishes and schools to her ministry as an author and speaker. She is a frequent presenter at national and diocesan gatherings on topics ranging from parish leadership, stewardship, evangelization, and strengths development. Her most recent publications include Grateful Disciples, leader development for forming stewards in community and 30 Days on Stewardship, published by Twenty-Third Publications. She is the author of Impact, a monthly resource to form people as disciples who live and grow as good stewards.

Ms. Anslinger holds a bachelor’s degree in music education from St. Mary-of-the-Woods College, a master’s degree in secondary school counseling from Purdue University and a master’s degree in religion from the Athenaeum of Ohio.

Session 10 | 9:00 am | So Much More Than Money: The Impact of an Effective Feasibility Study

Session 10
9:00 am – 10:00 am

So Much More Than Money: The Impact of an Effective Feasibility Study

Speaker: Steve Michalek
Vice President & Director of Church Division
Ruotolo Associates Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Moderator: Stephen Nicholl
Director of Development
Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey

Feasibility studies are often considered to be just another step in the planning of a capital campaign. However, when approached as a marketing analysis of an institution’s ability to fulfill its mission, so much more can be revealed and utilized. A thorough examination of potential through quantitative and qualitative analysis will ensure success not only in a capital campaign, but in all future philanthropic endeavors.

Mr. Steve Michalek

Steve Michalek has spent his career in fundraising and development, with more than 13 years of experience working with faith-based and higher education organizations. His expertise includes capital campaigns, major gifts, annual fund programs, alumni programs, board stewardship and training, pre-campaign studies, strategic planning and volunteer training. Mr. Michalek brings commitment, energy and professionalism to each project. In total, he has raised more than $150,000,000 in philanthropic support. He has worked with many of RA’s faith-based clients and is currently assisting with a major capital campaign for the Diocese of Phoenix.

Session 9 | 9:00 am | The Spirituality of Stewardship: The Heart of Catholic School Development

Session 9
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Sheraton ballroom II
The Spirituality of Stewardship: The Heart of Catholic School Development

Speaker: Mary Ann Otto
Pastoral Minister for Missionary Discipleship
St. Joseph and St. Mary Parishes
Appleton, Wisconsin

Moderator: Patty Vande Voort
Business Administrator
Holy Spirit Parish
Kimberly, Wisconsin

The true inspiration for advancing the mission of the Church through Catholic schools comes from Jesus. Our call to model his lifestyle as the ultimate steward is always the starting point of the conversation when we look to invite people to Christian generosity. This session will offer the opportunity to be re-invigorated with the Gospel stewardship message and provide some practical ways to share it with current donors and perspective givers.

Mrs. Mary Ann Otto

Mary Ann Otto is minister for missionary discipleship at St. Joseph and St. Mary parishes in Appleton, Wisconsin where her responsibilities include the areas of evangelization, discipleship and stewardship. She returned to her ministerial roots in parishes after serving for nine years as the stewardship and special projects director for the Diocese of Green Bay. She has spent many hours with parish leaders talking about the spirituality and practicalities of Christian stewardship. She has assisted parishes in fostering plans for infusing the stewardship message to help create a culture of grateful generosity as well. Mrs. Otto has written many stewardship resources including a six-week small group process, Be Not Afraid-How to Follow Jesus. She has given stewardship presentations and parish missions nationally and was blessed with two fruitful stewardship mission trips to the Philippines in 2017. Mrs. Otto holds a master’s degree in theology and serves on the ICSC board of directors where she is a past board secretary. She currently chairs the ICSC Parish Stewardship Education and Services Committee. She and her husband, Jeff, have five children and nine grandchildren.

Session 8 | 9:00 am | Picture Your Legacy: How to Get Donors to Engage in the Planned Giving Conversation

Session 8
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Picture Your Legacy: How to Get Donors to Engage in the Planned Giving Conversation

Speaker: Renée Underwood, CFRE
Associate Director of the Advancement Foundation
Diocese of Fort Worth, Texas

Moderator: Denise Dobrowolski
Director of Charitable Giving
Diocese of Rockford, Illinois

Discussions about philanthropy and a person’s legacy should be important to every foundation officer. In this engaging and very interactive session, the presenter will model for you and have you participate in an activity that can transform your thinking about how you approach a group at a parish, school or similar gathering and open up conversations with potential planned gift donors about their respective legacies.

Ms. Renée Underwood, CFRE

Renée Underwood has served in stewardship, development and Catholic foundation management roles for dioceses since 2009. She currently has responsibility for annual and planned giving for the Diocese of Fort Worth as associate director of its Advancement Foundation. Current vice chair and board member of ICSC representing Region X, she has extensive experience in leading high performing teams. Prior to her nonprofit career, she served in advertising, marketing and executive management roles. Ms. Underwood holds a bachelor’s degree from Texas Tech University, an MBA from The University of Texas at Dallas and has completed additional graduate studies toward a master’s degree in pastoral studies from Loyola University New Orleans. Ms. Underwood is a widow, a mother and grandmother. She is a spiritual director, a Lady of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem Commander and a Lay Dominican.

Session 7 | 9:00 am | Lessons We Learned in Our First Capital Campaign

Session 7
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Lessons We Learned in Our First Capital Campaign

Speaker: Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley, S.T.L., D.D.
Archbishop of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Speaker: Peter de Keratry, CFRE
Director of Stewardship and Development
Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Moderator: Brian Doyle
Director of Development
Diocese of Palm Beach, Florida

Covering more than 44,000 square miles, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City recently completed its first ever comprehensive capital campaign in 107 parishes. The campaign was launched in July 2017 with a goal of $55 million. As of June 2019, more than $90 million in pledges, 165% of goal, has been secured. This session will review key lessons learned and identify key strategies leading to success in the effort.

Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley, S.T.L., D.D.
Archbishop of Oklahoma City

Most Reverend Paul S. Coakley, S.T.L., D.D. is the Archbishop of Oklahoma City, an archdiocese with more than 120,000 Catholics in central and western Oklahoma. The archdiocese is comprised of 46 counties and 42,470 square miles.

Archbishop Coakley was born in Norfolk, Virginia to John and Mary Coakley in 1955. He and an older brother and younger sister spent their formative years in Metairie, Louisiana and Overland Park, Kansas. He attended the University of Kansas where he completed his undergraduate studies in English and classical antiquities in 1977. During this period he was a student in the university’s Integrated Humanities Program.

Upon completing university studies Archbishop Coakley traveled in Europe and briefly considered a monastic vocation at the Abbey of Notre Dame de Fontgombault in France. He returned to the United States to begin priestly formation in 1978 at Mount St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland for the Diocese of Wichita. He was ordained a priest in 1983.

After serving as a priest of the Diocese of Wichita for 21 years, he was ordained to episcopal ministry and installed Bishop of Salina, Kansas in 2004. In 2011 he was called to become the fourth archbishop of Oklahoma City.

Archbishop Coakley has selected “Duc in Altum” as his episcopal motto (“Put out into the Deep”). It is found in St. Luke’s gospel when Jesus invites the apostles to “put out into the deep” and lower their nets for a catch (Lk.5:4). Obedient to Jesus’ command, Simon Peter and his companions cast their nets as directed, and “caught such a great number of fish that their nets were at the breaking point” (Lk. 5:4). Jesus calls the Church today, as always, to “put out into the deep,” as a witness to hope, and to respond joyfully to his word with faith and confidence. It is a call to embrace the challenges and opportunities of the New Evangelization.

Session 6 | 9:00 am | Is Christ the Center of Your Mission?: A Spirituality of Diocesan and Foundation Advancement

Session 6
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Jackson CD
Is Christ the Center of Your Mission?: A Spirituality of Diocesan and Foundation Advancement

Speaker: Cory Howat
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation
Archdiocese of new Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director of Parish Life & Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Make no mistake about it: Christ Jesus is the center of our mission. This fundamental principle is what separates Catholic dioceses and foundations from most other philanthropic institutions. Our mission is clear and showing our benefactors, the people we serve and even our colleagues through our office administration, marketing, programs and various solicitations the direct connection between philanthropic dollars raised and our mission is a powerful way to attract support and give witness to Christ’s active presence.

Mr. Cory Howat

Cory Howat is the executive director of The Catholic Foundation for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. He has an extensive background working in nonprofits. He is a native of New Orleans, Louisiana where he resides with his wife and five children. He holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Mississippi State University and a master’s degree in philanthropy and development from St. Mary’s University in Minnesota.

Mr. Howat’s business background started when he and an associate established the Smoothie King franchises in the Las Vegas valley. This motivated him to take some of the entrepreneurial expectations of the business industry into the nonprofit sector. His nonprofit development experience broadened as the executive director for Boys Hope Girls Hope where he served for over nine years. This included the rebuilding of the organization following Hurricane Katrina.

He has fundraising experience as a major gifts officer and as a director of institutional advancement. He served as the director of stewardship for the Archdiocese of New Orleans before being promoted as the head of the Catholic Foundation in 2017. Mr. Howat led an initiative to build an innovative parish curriculum, Encountering Christ, which guides parishes from discipleship into full Christian stewardship. In addition, he helped create and launch #iGiveCatholic, the first day of Catholic giving in the United States.

Session 5 | 9:00 am | La Espiritualidad de la Corresponsabilidad en el Siglo 21/A Spirituality of Stewardship for the 21st Century

Session 5
9:00 am – 10:00 am

La Espiritualidad de la Corresponsabilidad en el Siglo 21/A Spirituality of Stewardship for the 21st Century

Speaker: Reverend Monsignor Carlos Quintana Puente
Director Emeritus
Oficina de Desarrollo
Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano
Bogota, Colombia

Moderator: Jessica Orzechowski
Coordinadora de Servicios Parroquiales
Arquidiócesis de Detroit, Michigan

¿Qué es la corresponsabilidad cristiana cuando la aceptamos en la tradición católica? ¿Qué no es corresponsabilidad? ¿Qué espera lograr nuestra aceptación de corresponsabilidad? ¿De dónde viene la inspiración? Esta sesión ofrecerá una vista panorámica de la corresponsabilidad y revelará cómo la narrativa del viaje de la Iglesia de América Latina y el Caribe está basado en la corresponsabilidad.

What is Christian stewardship as we embrace it in the Catholic tradition? What is not stewardship? What does our embrace of stewardship hope to accomplish? Where does the inspiration come from? This session will offer a panoramic view of stewardship and reveal how the journey narrative of the Latin American and Caribbean Church is based on stewardship

The Reverend Monsignor Carlos Quintana Puente

Monsignor Carlos Quintana Puente is a diocesan priest from the Archdiocese of San Juan, Puerto Rico who brings a wealth of experience teaching Christian stewardship. For the past 20 years he has introduced stewardship to Catholic Church leaders in Central and South America and in many dioceses both in the United States and Latin America. For seven years he was a member of the ICSC board of directors and served a term as its treasurer.

Monsignor Quintana has just returned to San Juan after having served a three-year term as director of the office of development at CELAM, the bishops’ council that represents the 22 Catholic bishops’ conferences in Latin America and the Caribbean. He is no stranger to CELAM. He was the council’s general treasurer from 1999 to 2005 and has been a member of its economic committee for 20 years.

Before Monsignor’s recent stint at CELAM he served Ecuador’s conference of Catholic bishops from 2014 to 2017 as director of the bishops’ nationwide stewardship campaign, “5 Loaves and 2 Fishes.”

From 2009 to 2014, a number of Latin American bishops were able to attend ICSC conferences through Monsignor Quintana’s efforts as executive director of the Secretariat for the Church in Latin America at the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

As a pastor, he integrated stewardship principles into his parish and school at Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish) and as Director of Academia del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Academy) in the Archdiocese of San Juan.

The University of Notre Dame was where Monsignor Quintana earned his finance degree and graduated cum laude in 1983. He then worked for several Wall Street investment firms before entering formation to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of San Juan. He earned degrees in philosophy and theology and graduated cum laude from the Universidad de Navarra in Spain in 1996. He was ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of San Juan in 1996. Alongside his pastoral responsibilities as a priest were his assigned duties on the staff of the vicar for administration where he oversaw the archdiocesan investment portfolio and pension fund.

Monsignor Quintana is a strong proponent of continuing education for church professionals, and he recently earned a master’s degree himself in church administration and management from Catholic University. As a priest, theologian, philanthropy professional and faith-filled steward, Monsignor Quintana Puente is a most worthy recipient of this year’s Saint Joseph Distinguished Service Award.

Session 4 | 9:00 am | Elevating Your Human Resource Skills

Session 4
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Sheraton Ballroom III
Elevating Your Human Resource Skills

Speaker: Deacon Bob Beehner
Permanent Deacon
Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin

Moderator: Ana Juarez
St. Alfred Catholic Church
Taylor, Michigan

Make your parish a great place to work! There are opportunities in hiring, assisting those causing issues, and giving all of staff a good feel for where they stand. This session will not make you an expert in human resources, but will explain how to utilize those who have that expertise. What it will do is explain the steps to manage issues, making the parish a fun place to work.

Deacon Bob Beehner

Deacon Robert Beehner is a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin. A recognized speaker nationally, he is also the author of a newly published book: Giving, A Step in Following Jesus. Deacon Beehner is a graduate of Mt. Carmel Junior Seminary. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. His professional background is in management in the heavy manufacturing industry from which he founded his own factory.

Deacon Beehner was ordained a permanent deacon in 2002 and earned a master’s degree in theology from St. Norbert College in 2003 with a thesis on evangelization. In 2005, he joined the staff at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Manitowoc, Wisconsin as director of administration. For ten years he served on the diocesan stewardship commission and in 2017 he was elected to the ICSC board of directors. Deacon Beehner has been married to his wife, Mary Jane, for 42 years. They have three married daughters and seven granddaughters.

Session 3 | 9:00 am | stewardship Through the Lens of Evangelization and Disciple-making

Session 3
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Chicago Ballroom VII
Stewardship Through the Lens of Evangelization and Disciple-making

Speaker: Tony Brandt
Co-Founder and President
Casting Nets Ministries
Wichita, Kansas

Speaker: Chris Stewart
co-Founder and COO
Casting Nets Ministries
Wichita, Kansas

Moderator: Cynthia Larez
ICSC Conference Team
Wichita, Kansas

Stewardship flows from discipleship, which is borne of their encounter with Jesus. In other words, the key to creating a culture of stewardship in your parish is through a clear and intentional plan of evangelization and disciple-making. In this dynamic presentation, you will be inspired, informed and equipped to renew your vision of stewardship by seeing it through the lens of the Great Commission.

Mr. Tony Brandt

Tony Brandt is the president of Casting Nets Ministries, a nonprofit lay apostolate. Mr. Brandt earned a degree in theology, philosophy and youth ministry at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. He is now using his passion for spreading the Gospel to train and inspire others. Mr. Brandt and his wife, Kelly, have seven children and live in Wichita, Kansas.

Mr. Chris Stewart

Chris Stewart is the co-Founder and COO of Casting Nets Ministries, a nonprofit lay apostolate dedicated to the challenge of the New Evangelization. Mr. Stewart earned a master’s degree in theological studies from Ave Maria University in Florida, and is a frequent presenter at retreats, conferences, on the radio and in classrooms. He and his wife, Maria, live in Wichita, Kansas, and have seven children.

Session 2 | 9:00 am | The Impact Revolution: A Call for New Ideas in the Church

Session 2
9:00 am – 10:00 am

Chicago Ballroom IX
The Impact Revolution:  A Call for New Ideas in the Church

Speaker: Jason Shanks
President – Institute
Our Sunday Visitor
Huntington, Indiana

Moderator: Mark Clark
Director, Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii

Too often we do a whole lot of things in the Church, but no one can tell me if what we are doing is working. Instead, the data may be telling us the opposite. This talk will emphasize the need for a shift in our thinking and a call for new ideas, innovative approaches to ministry, and a need to show transformational, impact. It will challenge listeners to think creatively and to measure wisely.

Mr. Jason Shanks

Jason Shanks is president of the OSV Institute. Prior to OSV, he served as chief executive officer of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan (CCSEM). Here he successfully combined and reorganized five separate county-based Catholic social service agencies into one regional service agency that assists more than 20,000 people annually for the Archdiocese of Detroit.

Prior to Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan, Mr. Shanks held a secretariat position with the Diocese of Toledo in the areas of evangelization and parishes. Earlier in his career, his involvement in youth ministry and business and pastoral administration provided him with strong parish experience.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, a master’s degree in theology from Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio and a master’s degree in nonprofit administration from the Mendoza College of Business at the University of Notre Dame. He also holds a certificate in fundraising management from Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy in Indianapolis, Indiana.