Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 55 | 10:00 am | Promoviendo la Comunión, Fomentando la Participación / Promoting Communion, Encouraging Participation

Location: Learning Center

Promoviendo la Comunión, Alentando la Participación / Promoting Communion, Encouraging Participation

Esta sesión ofrece la perspectiva del obispo sobre cómo nuestra participación en la Eucaristía como el Cuerpo de Cristo, no solamente nos une como Iglesia, sino que también nos empodera como corresponsables, y nos envía a continuar como discípulos misioneros para llevar el Evangelio a un mundo en desesperada necesidad de la amorosa presencia de Cristo.

This session offers a bishop’s perspective on how our participation in the Eucharist as the Body of Christ not only unites us as Church, but empowers us as stewards, and sends us forth as missionary disciples to carry the Gospel into a world desperately in need of Christ’s loving presence.

Speaker: Most Reverend Donald Hanchon
Auxiliary Bishop
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Moderator: Jessica Orzechowski
Parish Services Coordinator
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Bishop Donald Hanchon was ordained the 26th auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Detroit in March 2011. Ordained a priest for the archdiocese in 1974, Bishop Hanchon has served as both an associate pastor and pastor. He has served as a spiritual director for the archdiocese’s seminary; and has been a member of the archdiocesan presbyteral council and its college of consultors. From 1981 to 1986, he was the archdiocesan director of vocations. He then studied Spanish and Hispanic culture in Cuernavaca, Mexico, and in San Antonio, Texas, and was appointed special liaison to the Hispanic Catholic community while being assigned as pastor to parishes serving the Hispanic community. In 2005, he was awarded the title “Monsignor.” While pastor of the archdiocese’s largest Hispanic worshipping community in Detroit, Most Holy Redeemer Parish, he invited to the parish campus Covenant House Academy/West, a charter high school; and in 2008 the first Detroit-area coeducational Catholic high school in many years, Detroit Cristo Rey, part of the Cristo Rey national network. Bishop Hanchon earned a bachelor’s degree in English at Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit. He holds master’s degrees in theology from the University of Detroit, and liturgy from the University of Notre Dame. He earned his master of divinity degree from St. John’s Provincial Seminary in Plymouth, Michigan

Session 56 | 10:00 am | Creating a Major Gift Program

Location: Hanover E


Presentation: Major Gifts

Catholic schools today cannot survive on tuition and bingo proceeds. School administrators and staff need strategies and tools to move beyond the annual appeal and special events to secure needed resources. In this session, you will learn how to apply the principles of identification, cultivation, solicitation and stewardship to create and manage a robust major giving program at your school.

Speaker: Joyce Schreiber
McMahon Parater Foundation for Education
Diocese of Richmond, Virginia

Moderator: Patricia Calka
Office Staff
Dearborn Heights, Michigan

Joyce Schreiber came to the Diocese of Richmond in 2012 with more than 30 years of development and marketing experience. While working with CCS, she served as a national and international capital campaign consultant for clients including the United Nations Foundation, John Carroll University, the American College of Rheumatology Research & Education Foundation, and the United Methodist Church. For more than six years, she was director of station development services at National Public Radio in Washington, DC. Prior to that, she was a director of development and marketing at The Ohio State University, Nashville Public Television, and Florida State University. A lifelong Catholic, she received her bachelor’s degree from Xavier University in Cincinnati, her master’s degree from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and completed the Executive Management Institute at the University of Wisconsin graduate school of business.

Session 57 | 10:00 am | Unraveling the Mystery of Donor Retention: Improve Donor Loyalty AND Lifetime Value Today

Location: Hanover AB

The key to sustainability and lowering costs is retaining current donors. This session will define donor retention and discuss the proper metrics to measure success. We’ll discuss how your measures compare against the national averages, including those obtained through the Fundraising Effectiveness Project. You’ll see how you can obtain and track your results, including lifetime value of a donor, and why that matters.We’ll also offer recommendations and best practices to improve your donor retention.

Speaker: Jon Biedermann
Vice President
DonorPerfect Fundraising Solutions
Fort Washington, Pennsylvania

Moderator: Rick Jeric
Executive Director
Women’s Care Center
Columbus, Ohio

Jon Biedermann, vice president of fundraising solutions for SofterWare, has served the nonprofit community for over 20 years. In 2001, he launched DonorPerfect Online, which pioneered SaaS (Software as a Service) fundraising solutions for nonprofit organizations. Prior to joining SofterWare, Mr. Biedermann spent over four years with Procter & Gamble, serving as a lead developer in their sales management systems division. He has presented numerous seminars and webinars on the use of fundraising technology for nonprofit organizations and is recognized as an expert on Internet-based fundraising strategies. Mr. Biedermann sits on the boards of several youth-oriented charities.

Session 58 | 10:00 am | Encouraging Top Campaign Donors to Take Future Leadership Roles

Location: Hanover D

The Diocese of Brooklyn, the only fully urban diocese in the country, just completed the Generations of Faith Campaign raising $128,000,000 on a goal of $80,000,000. An impressive 615 families gave above $25,000, with an additional 2,200 families making a gift between $10,000 and $25,000. Virtually all of these donors played an active role in their local parish campaigns. In this session learn how the diocese is working to strengthen the stewardship role of these major donors through diocesan ministry.

Speaker: Thomas Kissane
Principal and Managing Director
New York, New York

Speaker: John Notaro
Director of Operations and Programs
Catholic Foundation for Brooklyn and Queens
Brooklyn, New York

Moderator: Patrick Grace
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio

Tom Kissane is a principal and managing director of CCS. For twenty-seven years, he has provided professional fundraising counsel to scores of Catholic dioceses and hundreds of parishes. He currently serves on the board of directors of ICSC and several nonprofit institutions. His areas of expertise include feasibility and planning studies, landscape analysis, development audits, philanthropic assessment programs, major capital campaigns, annual giving efforts, endowment fundraising and board recruitment. A partial list of the dioceses Mr. Kissane has been privileged to serve include the Archdioceses of Baltimore, Boston, Hartford, New York, Newark, Philadelphia, Toronto and Washington, D.C.; and the Dioceses of Arlington, Brooklyn, Bridgeport, Buffalo, Charlotte, Metuchen, Ogdensburg, Paterson, Pittsburgh, Portsmouth, Providence, Rochester, Rockville Centre, Scranton, Syracuse, and Trenton.

Session 59 | 10:00 am | Marketing to Us – From Millennials’ Perspectives: A Panel Discussion

Location: Hanover C

Understanding how millennials connect to their local communities and the world at large is key to re-engaging them with the faith and Catholic philanthropy. Come learn how to connect with this vital generation.

Jeff Adams
Alston & Bird, LLP
Atlanta, Georgia

Ryan Johnson
Senior Project Manager
GDS Associates
Marietta, Georgia

John Lanier
Executive Director
Ray C Anderson Foundation
Atlanta, Georgia

Angela O’Donoghue
Youth Minister
Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church
Brookhaven, Georgia

Moderator: Juliet Greco
Director, Major and Planned Giving
The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia

Jeff Adams is an associate attorney at Alston & Bird LLP and has been with the law firm since he began practicing law in 2008. The focus of his practice is commercial real estate and related private equity matters. Mr. Adams is a native of Atlanta, Georgia and a lifelong parishioner of the Cathedral of Christ the King. He and his wife, Hilary, make their home in midtown Atlanta and are both avid supporters of their alma mater, Duke University.

Ryan Johnson is a senior project manager for GDS Associates, a multi-service energy consulting firm. Since graduating from Georgia Tech 12 years ago, Mr. Johnson has been working to diversify his clients power supply needs and is an industry expert in utility-scale renewable energy projects. He is currently the chair of the Catholic Charities Atlanta Young Professionals Society, a group of talented, diverse young adults who are striving to become the next generation of leaders in the community through philanthropy, social fundraising, servant leadership, and spiritual enrichment. He recently received the Cindy Nofi Servant Leadership Award after participating in the 2016 Catholic Charities Atlanta Leadership Class. Mr. Johnson is a proud husband, father of two girls, engineer, and runner. He and his family live in Marietta and attend Mass at the Catholic Church of St. Ann.

John Lanier is the executive director of the Ray C. Anderson Foundation, a private family foundation carrying forward the legacy of its namesake by supporting environmental sustainability initiatives. In 1973, Mr. Ray Anderson founded Interface, which became the world’s largest carpet tile manufacturer. From 1994 until his passing in 2011, he worked tirelessly to advance sustainability at his company and in the business sector generally. Mr. Lanier, one of Ray’s five grandchildren, shares his late grandfather’s passion for the earth and its natural systems. He is an attorney by training and lives in Atlanta with his wife and son. They are parishioners of St. Thomas More Parish in Decatur, Georgia.

Angela O’Donoghue is currently the youth minister at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church in Brookhaven, Georgia. She graduated from the University of Georgia where she earned a marketing degree with an emphasis in digital marketing. She is an avid reader, traveler, and quote enthusiast. She also volunteers with The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia and Habitat for Humanity.


Session 60 | 10:00 am | Promoting Stewardship in the Digital Age

Location: Hanover FG

Discipleship has, at its core, a personal experience with Jesus Christ. Our digital age has provided an immense number of distractions that can greatly reduce an individual’s opportunity to hear this invitation to meet the Lord. This presentation will provide new and creative ideas and methods that parishes can use to cut through all of the other noise to get their messages to those who are yearning for Christ.

Speaker: Travis Gear
Colwich, Kansas

Moderator: Rock Beharry
Director of Stewardship, Development and Pontifical Mission Societies
Diocese of Georgetown
Guyana, South America

Before beginning work with Solutio, Travis Gear held a youth ministry position with Holy Name Catholic Church in Winfield, Kansas. He then served the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas, as the director ofTotusTuus, a summer camp and catechetical program, for three years prior to joining Solutio. A self-taught website and social media expert, Mr. Gear has experienced from within ministry the challenges that many parishes face when attempting to implement an engaging online communication scheme. He lives in Andale, Kansas, with his wife, Maria, and their five children.

Session 68 | 2:00 pm | Conducting an (Arch)Diocesan Capital Campaign the Second Time Around

Location: Hanover D Conducting

Is your (arch)diocese preparing to conduct a second capital campaign after a previus effort ten to twenty years ago? It is vitally important to understand what took place in the initial campaign. We will discuss the factors you must review and analyze from the previous capaign. factors that have changed since the last effort, and how to incorporate today’s needs/challenges to give you the tools you need to prepare for the next campaign.

Speaker: Michael R. Cusack
Chairman and CEO
Guidance In Giving, Inc.
Bayport, New York

Speaker: Michael V. Goodwin
President, Diocesan Division Guidance In Giving, Inc.
Freehold, New Jersey

Moderator: William F. Grant, II, CFRE
Director of Stewardship and Annual Giving
Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania

Mr. Michael Cusack is a resident of Bayport, New York and Palm City, Florida and has served as chairman and CEO of Guidance In Giving, Inc. since the firm was founded in 1997. Mr. Cusack began his career in 1980 and over the last 37 years, he has been involved in capital campaigns that have raised over $5,000,000,000 for Catholic causes. In 1997, at the urging of family, friends and associates, Mr. Cusack founded Guidance In Giving, Inc. to serve the Catholic Church. Since beginning the firm, he has never veered from his mission of providing exceptional counsel and dedicated service and advice to clients under the auspices of Catholic stewardship. Mr. Cusack brings an extensive resume to each client and is actively involved on a daily basis with the operations of every account.

Mr. Michael Goodwin is a native of Annapolis, Maryland and has been living in Freehold, New Jersey since 2001. He attended Valley Forge Military Junior College and Loyola College in Baltimore, Maryland, and was commissioned an officer in the United States Army. He has been involved with stewardship, development and fundraising for Catholic parishes, schools and dioceses since 1993 throughout the United States and is a founding partner of Guidance In Giving. As president of diocesan services, he oversees the operations of the diocesan division and has extensive involvement with the sales, supervision and operations of diocesan accounts.

Session 80 | 3:30 pm | A Data-Driven Look: Building a Thriving Parish in a Shifting Culture

Location: Hanover FG

The key to sustainability for churches moving into our changing culture is electronic giving. Learn how data from over 20,000 churches is helping guide fellow parishes in understanding how simple, modern e-Giving options can help Catholic churches strengthen and grow financial stewardship. Strengthen your parish by streamlining the acceptance, processing, tracking and reporting of weekly offerings, capital campaigns, special appeals, tuition, memorials and more.

Speaker: Mardi Leese
Catholic Enterprise Account Manager
Vanco Payment Solutions
Bloomington, Minnesota

Moderator: Ana Juarez
Business Administrator
St. Alfred Parish
Taylor, Michigan

Mardi Leese leads the Catholic sales effort for Vanco Payment Solutions, the largest provider of electronic giving and payment solutions designed especially for faithbased organizations. She builds relationships with archdioceses and dioceses, partnering with them to present e-Giving as a way churches can effectively manage and grow financial stewardship. Ms. Leese has a deep understanding of Catholic organizations from her almost ten years atVanco. She holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from DePauw University in Indiana, and continues to tutor students.


Session 79 | 3:30 pm | Wrap up Forum

Location: Hanover C

This is a popular, “open-ended” session dedicated to exploring ideas learned during the conference, posing questions and generally debriefing with colleagues.

Facilitator: Thomas Scholler
Associate Director, Development and Stewardship
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

Tom Scholler is the associate director of development and stewardship of the Archdiocese of Detroit. He co-authored the archdiocese’s manual on parish Christian stewardship education, Called by Christ, Gifted by the Spirit. He is the author of The Disciple’s Legacy, the archdiocesan newsletter on stewardship, estate planning and planned charitable giving, and produced the archdiocese’s manual for parish seminars on wills awareness and planned charitable giving. He is on the board of directors of the newly established archdiocesan foundation, The Catholic Foundation of Michigan. Mr. Scholler graduated with an accounting degree from Ferris State University, and from the University of Michigan Law School. He was a partner in the tax division of Arthur Andersen & Co. in Detroit and Grand Rapids, and then was Of Counsel with the Grand Rapids law firm Smith, Haughey, Rice & Roegge. He has served as president of the Financial and Estate Planning Council of Metropolitan Detroit and of the Planned Giving Roundtable of Southeast Michigan. He is also secretary and chair of the audit committee on the board of directors of the Ferris Foundation. Mr. Scholler and his wife, Marcia, are members of Our Lady of the Lakes Parish in Waterford, Michigan.