Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 77 | 3:30 pm | Using Your Donor Data with Confidence

Location: Hanover AB 


Using Your Donor Data with Confidence

Stewardship and development teams work each year on the bishop’s annual appeal. This session will provide simple steps which unveil actionable donor stories and segments, create basic marketing strategies that will decrease risk, and improve efficiency, keys to boosting confidence in reaching and surpassing annual appeal goals! Be enthused about your data! Techniques will be shown to make data fun and exciting, using a few simple tools.

Speaker: Kathy Dalsaso
Chief ROI Officer
ROI Dataworks
Golden, Colorado

Moderator: Kathy Waldrep
Associate Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Lafayette, Indiana

Kathy Dalsaso is the cofounder and president of ROI Dataworks Inc., and ROI Links LLC. Prior to starting ROI Dataworks, she worked as vice president marketing strategy and analysis for a direct marketing agency in Chicago, Illinois. Her clients benefit from her variety of experiences in the direct marketing field. Ms. Dalsaso has worked with a vast number of industries, from Fortune 100 to small niche companies, including banks, airlines, universities and most notably nonprofits which include Catholic dioceses, Catholic Charities agencies, Redemptorists, AIDS Foundation, American Cancer Society, McCormick Foundation, and Humane Society. Data analytics is the cornerstone of Ms. Dalsaso’s success. She holds a bachelor’s degree in marketing with a minor in economics from the University of Colorado, Boulder, and a master’s degree in hotel administration from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, specializing in revenue management / finite inventory analytics. She speaks about data at both national and regional DMA events and as an instructor for Database Marketing for the Rocky Mountain Direct Marketing Association.

Session 61: The Vital Role of Parish Leadership in Stewardship Success

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin GH

Speaker: Rick Jeric
Executive Director
Office of Development and Planning
Chairman emeritus, ICSC Board of Directors
Diocese of Columbus, Ohio

Moderator: Mila Glodava
Director of Communications and Stewardship
St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Parish
Denver, Colorado

Each leader is unique, and how they choose to share and demonstrate their values is unique as well. This workshop will address the importance of committed and dynamic leadership in parish stewardship, along with strategies to keep them engaged and passionate. The “Ten Commandments” of leadership will be explored, and how those tools can be used for successful synergy with the pastor, the pastoral council, parish finance council, stewardship committee, other ministries, and parish staff.

Session 62: Merciful Ministry, A Springboard for Stewardship

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Strand 11

Speaker: The Reverend Joe Creedon
Pastor Emeritus
Christ the King Parish
Kingston, Rhode Island

Moderator: Mark Clark
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Honolulu, Hawaii

In introducing the Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said, “Perhaps we have long since forgotten how to show and live the way of mercy.” This Jubilee Year of Mercy is an invitation to rediscover the forgotten or overlooked, but essential, aspects of our faith. This session will focus on how the process of rediscovering the importance of mercy can lead the way to a renewed understanding of how stewardship is likewise an important but frequently overlooked part of our lives of faith.

Session 63: Being Good Parish Stewards of Our At-Risk Youth

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Srand 12

Speaker: The Reverend John Bonavitacola
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Tempe, Arizona

Moderator: Deacon James Brett
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Parish
Tempe, Arizona

Ministering to youth, and especially at-risk youth, is an important part of evangelizing in a stewardship parish. Ensuring effective intervention and showing at-risk youth that the parish community has not given up on them will help bring about positive changes in their lives. This session will introduce practical skills to ministering and being better stewards of the atrisk youth population in our local community.

Session 64: A Parish Blueprint for Successful eGiving

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Monsignor John E. Hart
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish
Morristown, New Jersey

Speaker: W. Brian Walsh
Faith Direct
Alexandria, Virginia

Moderator: Tony Oltremari
Parish Administrator
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

What should parishes be doing to fully integrate eGiving as their primary way of receiving offertory and second collection gifts? This unique presentation will include a pastor’s perspective and a leading expert on best practices for successful parish eGiving. From promotion, technology, cultivation and stewardship, this session will give you practical information that will lead your parish to embrace eGiving.

Session 65: Defining the WHY: Building Bridges to the VISION of your Parish

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: Stephanie Moore
Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community
Discovery Bay, California

Moderator: Kimberly Kaup
Director of Stewardship
St. Anne Catholic Church
Columbus, Georgia

A vision defines your parish’s “North Star”. Done well, it captures the ultimate future state of your parish. Vision gives us the guidance and inspiration as to what the parish community will focus on over the next 5 to 15 years. Written succinctly, and in an inspirational manner, a clear vision is easy to repeat and reinforce throughout the community and builds the bridge from the goal of your vision to the heart of your people.

Session 66: Evangelizando a la Juventud y a los Adultos Jóvenes / Evangelizing Youth and Young Adults

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: Joseph Citro
Vicepresidente / Senior Vice President
Greater Mission
Elkridge, Maryland

Moderator: Rosie Rodriguez
Development Director
Diocese of Brownsville San Juan, Texas

Tal vez nada es de más importancia, o de mayor desafío para la Iglesia de hoy, que proyectar el continuo compromiso de los jóvenes y de los adultos jóvenes. ¿Cómo podemos lograr extender la gracia y misericordia de la Iglesia a esta importante población?

Perhaps nothing is more important, or more challenging, to today’s Church than drawing forth the engagement of youth and young adults. How do we reach out to extend the Church’s grace and mercy to this vital population?