Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 67: Successful Stewardship and Development Strategies in “Mission” Dioceses: A Panel Discussion

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Foster 2

Facilitator: Rob Anderson
Director of Mission Catholic Extension
Chicago, Illinois

Laurie Evans-Dinneen

Director of Stewardship & Development
Archdiocese of Anchorage, Alaska

Landis E. Erwin
Fund Development Specialist
Catholic Diocese of Youngstown, Ohio

Terri Gadzinski
Development Director
Diocese of Marquette, Michigan

Richard Rosario
Assistant Director Community Development
Diocese of Beaumont, Texas

Moderator: Jim Kelley
Director of Development
Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina

This session will offer a discussion of stewardship and development models applicable specifically to the unique challenges and situations of dioceses with limited staffing and resources. A hosted panel will present successful examples in similar dioceses for discussion and sharing


Session 68: Unraveling the Mystery of Donor Retention: Improve Donor Loyalty AND Lifetime Value Today

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Foster 1

Speaker: Jon Biedermann
Vice President
DonorPerfect Fundraising Software
Horsham, Pennsylvania

Moderator: Syndi Larez
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Salina, Kansas

The key to sustainability and lowering costs is retaining current donors. In this session, we’ll define donor retention and discuss the proper metrics you should use to measure success, such as retention rate, attrition rate, and lifetime value. Next, we’ll discuss how your measures compare against the national averages, including those obtained through the Fundraising Effectiveness Project. You’ll see how you can easily obtain and track your results, including lifetime value of a donor, and why that matters. We’ll also discuss recommendations and best practices on what you can do to improve your donor retention.

Session 69: Straight Up – What Donors Want: A Panel Discussion

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Bolden 6

Facilitator: Josephine Everly
Director of Major Gifts
The Catholic Foundation
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

This conversation in Catholic philanthropy will reach inside the minds and hearts of donors and will offer three perspectives on the thinking of individual donors, who are engaged in a range of ways including donor advised funds, endowments, bequests, giving circles, and giving days. We will explore their spiritual motivations for giving, the impact they expect from beneficiary organizations, and how they want to be thanked and stewarded.

Session 70: Best Practices in Mission Advancement for Catholic Organizations

Tuesday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Imperial 5 AB

Speaker: Elizabeth Zeigler
Graham-Pelton Consulting
New York, New York

Speaker: Dan Conway
Senior Vice President
GP Catholic Services
Washington, DC

Moderator: Jolinda Moore
Director of Stewardship and Development
Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Indiana

This session will include an in-depth exploration and discussion of best practices in mission advancement, leadership development, stewardship education and fundraising, with applications for stewardship and development efforts in dioceses and other Catholic organizations.

Session 71: Enhancing Offertory: Increasing Financial Support for Parish Mission and Ministries

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin GH

Speaker: Barb Vite
Parish Stewardship Director
Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Moderator: Schuyler Kleinpeter
Stewardship and Advancement Director
St. Pius X Church
Lafayette, Louisiana

The majority of Catholics actively participate in ministry through financial support of their parish. This session will discuss how an annual process for commitment of financial resources, based firmly in prayer and the spirituality of stewardship, utilizes the science and tools of development to spark a faith response – engaging and encouraging parishioners to make prayerful, planned and proportionate financial commitments to their parishes.


Session 72: A Spoonful of Sugar: Engaging Young Adult Stewards in Stewardship and Mercy

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Strand 11

SLIDES – Young Adults and Stewardship

Speaker: Amberly Boerschinger
Communication Coordinator
Resurrection Parish
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Moderator: Mary Ann Otto
Director of Stewardship
Diocese of Green Bay, Wisconsin

Young adults and the church take the stage during just about every conversation had at a parish today. How can we break into their schedules, their devices, and their hearts? How can we share Jesus with them and invite them to share Jesus with others? Join this fun and practical discussion about listening, responding and inviting passionate Gen X, Gen Y and millennial adults into the joy and mercy of the Gospel.

Session 73: Stewardship and Evangelization in the African-American Community

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: The Reverend Maurice J. Nutt C.S.R., D.Min
Institute for Black Catholic Studies
Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Effie Caldarola
Communications Specialist
Omaha, Nebraska

The African-American community is a lively, vital, inspirited component of U.S. Catholicism. This session helps us understand how the unique yet universal gifts of this community can be called forth to enrich the Church.

Session 74: They Can’t Get Involved If They Don’t Know How: More Effective Parish Communications

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Travis Gear
Solutio, Inc.
Colwich, Kansas

Speaker: Al Jirak
Solutio, Inc.
Colwich, Kansas

Moderator: Rob Faughnan Director of Stewardship and Development Diocese of Colorado Springs, Colorado Events, programs, and ministries are the things that help build up the life of the parish, but they are only valuable when people attend or get involved. This session will address modern techniques to attract parishioners to become engaged in the stewardship way of life.

Session 75: Cultivating a Spirit of Philanthropy through Missionary Discipleship

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: Milissa Else
Vice President
Ruotolo Associates
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

Moderator: Paul Acompora
Secretary for Stewardship & Development
Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania

Reflecting on the power of engagement, we will explore how giving in all areas is enhanced through an intentional commitment to living as missionary disciples. We will outline effective strategies to nurture this culture within your organization.

Session 76: Prácticas Exitosas de Corresponsabilidad en Parroquias de Hispanos: Panel de Discusión / Successful Stewardship Practices in Parishes with Hispanic Parishioners: Panel Discussion

Tuesday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: Panel Discussion

Moderator: Joseph Citro
Senior Vice President
Greater Mission
Elkridge, Maryland

La sesión provee un foro para que los participantes compartan los esfuerzos en implantar la corresponsabilidad en sus parroquias. En base a esas vivencias se puede arribar a recomendaciones sobre qué hacer y de qué abstenerse para afrontar esos retos. Además, se persigue establecer redes de apoyo entre las parroquias participantes.

This session provides a forum for participants to share the stewardship efforts at their respective parishes and, based on each others’ stories, arrive at some do’s and don’ts to meet the challenges faced and to engage in supportive networking hereafter