Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 59: Legacy Societies Matter

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Thomas J. Sonni
President and Founder
Greater Mission LLC
Baltimore, Maryland

Speaker: Anthony Gwiazdowski
Executive Vice-President and Partner
Greater Mission
Baltimore, Maryland

Moderator: Terri Gadzinski
Development Director
Diocese of Marquette, Michigan

What if your arch/diocese received a legacy gift from just 5% of your parish families – 500 gifts for every 10,000 households? At an average of $40,000, that would total $20 million dollars in gifts from just those 500 households. We need to find new ways to inspire and invite legacy gifts with great urgency. Encouraging membership in Legacy Societies is one among a series of key strategies to build tremendously successful legacy giving efforts.


Session 60: Preparing a Parish for a Capital Campaign

Tuesday Session 10:00 – 11:00 a.m

Location: Imperial 5 AB

Speaker: Stephen Babcock
Executive Vice President
Guidance In Giving, Inc.
Bayport, New York

Speaker: Joseph Neville
Senior Vice President
Guidance In Giving, Inc.
Bayport, New York

Moderator: Matt Dwyer
Director, Special Gifts Planned and Deferred
Giving Consultant
Diocese of Arlington, Virginia

This session will offer a dynamic and interactive program outlining all of the issues you’ll need to address before your parish is ready for a capital campaign, how to select counsel, and how to establish a campaign plan that ensures maximum participation and encourages active stewardship of time, talent, and treasure by parishioners. There will also be time set aside for free oneon-one initial consultations with a managing director of the firm.


Session 22: Unearthing the Time and Talent in Your Parish

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Strand 11

Speaker: Laurie Whitfield
Director, Office of Parish Stewardship
Diocese of Rockville Centre, New York

Moderator: Effie Caldarola
ICSC Communications Specialist
Omaha, Nebraska

We have every gift we need in order to build God’s Kingdom, but where the heck are they?? Come and explore ten (or more!) tried and true ways to seek out, find and call forth the gifts in your community!

Session 23: Stewardship Enhancement Initiatives with Latino Parishes

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: Koren Ruiz
Founder and President Corresponsables de Dios (Stewards of God)
Portland, Oregon

Moderator: Coni Perez
Parish Stewardship Presenter Catholic Community of St. Luke the Evangelist
Houston, Texas

The rapidly growing Latino Catholic communities require new and creative strategies for helping them embrace stewardship as a way of life. This session will offer practical advice on how to enhance your stewardship initiatives to more effectively engage Latino parishes.

Session 24: Strategic Leadership: Make it Happen in Your Parish

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Dr. Dan Ebener
Associate Professor
School of Organizational Leadership
St. Ambrose University
Davenport, Iowa

Moderator: Rock Beharry
Director of Stewardship, Development and Pontifical Mission Societies
Diocese of Georgetown Guyana, South America

This interactive workshop will show how to do strategic planning, based on the presenter’s book, Strategic Planning: An Interactive Process for Leaders. Steps are: 1. Get the right people at the table. 2. Do your homework. 3. Focus on mission and values. 4. Prioritize your most pressing issues. 5. Generate new strategies. 6. Take specific action steps. 7. Communicate the vision. 8. Implement and evaluate.

Session 26: Los Cuatro Pilares de la Corresponsabilidad / Four Pillars of Stewardship

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: Myrtha Diaz-Medina
Moderadora, Consejo Pastoral Passoquial
Parroquía Espiritu Santo
Toa Baja, Puerto Rico

Moderator: Patricia Garcia Alvarado
Diocese of Carabayllo
Lima, Peru

A través de esta presentación se discutirán los cuatro pilares de la corresponsabilidad, a saber: oración, formación, acogida y servicio y como éstos deben reflejarse en parroquias integradas por hispanoparlantes de países latinoamericanos y caribeños.

Prayer, formation, hospitality and service are recognized as “four pillars” of stewardship. During the presentation these pillars shall be addressed as they apply to parishes integrated by Hispanics from Latin American and Caribbean countries.


Session 27: Building a Major Gift Program

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Foster 2

Speaker: Cindi Brawner
Executive Director
The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of Green Bay, Inc.
Green Bay, Wisconsin

Moderator: Robert Mueller
Director of Development
Diocese of Arlington, Virginia

This workshop will focus on turning annual gifts into major gifts for the diocese, including ideas for moving donors up the gift pyramid and keeping them informed and engaged.


Session 28: Overcoming Objections: A Diocesan Campaign Case Study

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Foster 1

Speaker: Nic Prenger
President The Steier Group
Omaha, Nebraska

Speaker: John Deinhart
Director of Stewardship and Strategic Planning
Diocese of Knoxville, Tennessee

Moderator: William F. Grant, II, CFRE
Director of Stewardship and Annual Giving
Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania

In 2015, the bishop of Knoxville and his staff set out on an ambitious project – to build a $40 million cathedral in a modest, rural diocese. This presentation will offer a case study of the challenges encountered during the Diocese of Knoxville’s “Home” campaign and the strategies used to overcome those challenges and ultimately win support for the project. This presentation will resonate with every stewardship and development director working to fundraise for projects that don’t always enjoy universal support.