Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 29: Starting a Foundation

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Michelle Kravetsky
Catholic Foundation of Toledo, Ohio

Speaker: Gary Rectenwald
Executive Director
Catholic Community Foundation San Diego, California

Facilitator: Tom Scholler
Associate Director Development and Stewardship
Archdiocese of Detroit, Michigan

The speakers will discuss the motivation and challenges of starting a new Catholic foundation or restructuring an existing Catholic foundation due to changed circumstances. Their discussions will include foundation governance including the role of the bishop, the board of trustees, interaction with the diocese and fostering relationships with pastors and donors.

Session 30: Intentional Invitations: Welcoming All Catholics in Our Faith

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: Tim Potrikus
Vice President of Custom Services Liturgical Publications, Inc.
New Berlin, Wisconsin

Moderator: Michele Mullikin
Director of Parish Stewardship and Annual Giving
Diocese of Allentown, Pennsylvania

Church staff typically devotes 2 to 4 hours each week preparing a weekly bulletin, yet little to no time is spent on inviting the 2/3 of your parishioners who are typically not at Mass on any given weekend. This workshop provides strategies for reaching those in the community who have not yet registered at their home parish and engaging non-practicing Catholics in our faith. Join us to explore methods churches can implement to create an intentional path to inviting others in the celebration of our faith.

Session 11: A Bishop’s Journey to Stewardship

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Celestin GH

Speaker: The Most Reverend Sylvester Ryan
Bishop Emeritus
Diocese of Monterey, California

Moderator: Julie Kenny
Director of Member Services
Dearborn, Michigan

Christian stewardship in the Catholic tradition involves a lifelong journey of conversion and deepening one’s relationship with the Lord. Come and listen to the personal witness of one bishop who has taken that journey.

Session 12: Stewardship and the Sacraments of Initiation

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Strand 11

Speaker: Leisa Anslinger
Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community
Loveland, Ohio

Moderator: Jennifer Clark
Director, Parish Life and Faith Formation
St. Hedwig Catholic Church
Los Alamitos, California

Baptism. Confirmation. Eucharist. The sacraments of initiation immerse us in the love of God, call us to discipleship, strengthen us with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and nourish us to live as members of Christ’s Body in the world. Come explore together how embracing stewardship as a way of life is a way of living as sacramental people in the world, and how we may share this with the people in our faith communities.

Session 13: Keeping Our Focus on God in the Busyness of Everyday Life

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Strand 12

Speaker: Teresa Keogh
Advisor for Stewardship
Archdiocese of Southwark, England

Moderator: Renee Underwood
Director of Stewardship and Development
Diocese of Lubbock, Texas

Do you ever feel like you have so many plates spinning that if you stop a moment to focus on God the plates will drop? Do you have too many people and tasks fighting for your precious and limited time and attention? This workshop will help us keep our focus on God and allow us to live stewardship despite the long “to do” list in front of us. Attendees will learn new tools for setting their eyes on the Lord, as well as methods for encouraging others to do the same.

Session 15: Disciples Become Stewards: How Our ‘Encountering Christ’ Pilot Helped Reimagine Stewardship and Evangelization

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Strand 13

Speaker: Cory J. Howat
Associate Executive Director
The Catholic Foundation
Archdiocese of New Orleans, Louisiana

Moderator: Debra Leaverton
Director, Parish Stewardship Education and Pastoral Services Appeal
Orange Catholic Foundation
Garden Grove, California

If stewardship is simply an expression of discipleship, then how do we first attract more disciples? Come and join the conversation. Learn how one archdiocese decided to address this question and confront the reality that many Catholics have disconnected the idea of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ from their Catholic faith. This workshop showcases a pilot program called ‘Encountering Christ’ which invites Catholics to rediscover how the richness of their Catholic faith offers them a deeper sense of meaning and purpose. Leave with resources and creative ideas for developing more stewards by cultivating disciples.

Session 16: El Papa Francisco nos Llama a la Misericordia: La Corresponsabilidad es un Medio para Implementar su Llamado / Pope Francis Calls Us to Mercy: Stewardship is a Means to Implement the Call

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Celestin F

Speaker: The Reverend Milton A. Rivera
Párroco / Pastor
Parroquia del Espíritu Santo
Tao Baja, Puerto Rico

Moderator: Carlos Proaño
Executive Vice President, Hispanic and Multi Cultural Division
Westminster, California

El Papa Francisco nos dice que siempre tenemos necesidad de contemplar el misterio de la misericordia, que es fuente de alegría, de serenidad y de paz. Es condición para nuestra salvación, es el acto último y supremo por el cual Dios viene a nuestro encuentro…y es la ley fundamental que habita en el corazón de cada persona cuando mira con ojos sinceros al hermano que encuentra en el camino de la vida (Cfr MV 2). Adhiriendo nuestro compromiso a la espiritualidad de la Corresponsabilidad nos ayuda a vivir una vida de Misericordia.

Pope Francis tells us that we need to constantly contemplate the mystery of mercy that is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvation depends on it. Mercy is the ultimate and supreme act by which God comes to meet us, the fundamental law that dwells in the heart of every person who looks sincerely into the eyes of his brothers and sisters on the path of life (Cfr MV 2). Deepening our commitment to the spirituality of stewardship helps us live lives of mercy

Session 7/8: The Amazing Success Story of The Church Alive! Capital and Endowment Campaign – Part I

Monday Session 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Location: Celestin BC

The Very Reverend Lawrence DiNardo
Vicar General and General Secretary
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Marie Milie Jones
JonesPassodelis, PLLC
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Patrick Joyce, Ed.D.
Director of Stewardship
Diocese of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Moderator: Tom Kissane
Principal and Managing Director
New York, New York

This two-part session gives witness to boundless Catholic generosity; shows how to astound your skeptics and reveals how to blow by your campaign goal! The Diocese of Pittsburgh never before had conducted a comprehensive, diocesan-wide campaign. “Time was not right; the goal, too ambitious” following so closely the “great recession.” But Bishop David Zubik focused instead on his pastoral vision The Church Alive! and on the resources for mission. Results far exceeded anything anticipated. Three campaign leaders share how Pittsburgh’s Catholic community responded when the campaign focus was not about the money!

Session 19: Women in Philanthropy – Tips and Trends

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Susan Raymond, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President
Changing Our World
New York, New York

Moderator: Daun Maier
Executive Director
The Catholic Diocese of Madison Foundation, Wisconsin  

Women’s wealth is increasing globally. If American women-owned businesses were a country, they would rank just behind Germany in financial size. Women will control more than half of the nation’s individual wealth within the next decade and over half of women consider philanthropy to be part of an ideal life. Are Catholic institutions, engagement strategies and philanthropy mirroring the rising financial capacity and institutional leadership of women? This session will provide a granular assessment of the emerging leadership of women in wealth acquisition and retention and present a new data set on Catholic women.

Session 20: How to Get the Best Results Possible in a Parish Capital Campaign

Monday Session 11:00am – Noon

Location: Celestin A

Speaker: Michael Walsh
Walsh & Associates, Church Fundraising
Burnsville, Minnesota

Moderator: Ron Schatz
Director of Stewardship and Resource Development
Diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota

Getting the best results possible from a parish capital campaign requires approaching the campaign in a very particular way. There are no shortcuts or alternatives. In this session, Mr. Walsh will share the secrets to parish capital campaign success that most parishes and diocese simply don’t, but really need to know.