Category Archives: ICSC

International Catholic Stewardship Council – Conference

Session 39: Catholic Values Investing Can Change the World

Monday Session 3:30 – 4:30 p.m

Location: Bolden 6

Speaker: Sean McCaffrey
Director, Institutional Development and Consultant Relations
Christian Brothers Investment Services, Inc.
New York, New York

Speaker: Julie Tanner
Director, Catholic Responsible Investing
Christian Brothers Investment Services, Inc.
New York, New York

Moderator: Patrick Grace
Executive Director Catholic Community Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio

Catholic Responsible Investing (CRI) is an approach to socially responsible investing, or SRI, which can mean different things to different people. To some, SRI is purely negative screening, and to others it’s shareholder engagement, ESG (environmental, social and governance factors) integration, positive purchasing or community investing.

This presentation will discuss different ways to extend your mission and align your assets with USCCB guidelines on socially responsible investing. We will also explore how to integrate Catholic social teaching into the investment process through screening, engagement, and proxy voting. Whether the discussion is about human trafficking, climate change, or life ethics, this session is sure to be interactive and thought provoking and provide you with the tools and resources to be an active owner of your shares. What’s in your portfolio?

Session 14: Practical Ideas for Advancing the Parish Mission

Monday Session 11:00 am – Noon

Location: Celestin E

Speaker: Thomas J. Sonni
President and Founder Greater Mission LLC
Baltimore, Maryland

Moderator: Eden D’Souza
Stewardship Coordinator
Diocese of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Is your parish growing or declining? Is there a gap between your reality and the potential for advancing your parish’s mission based on your parishioners’ potential to live as praying, serving, sharing and witnessing disciples? This session will focus on the experiences of parishes that are part of a movement to find new ways to inspire and invite greater discipleship, generosity and service from hearts that are fully alive in the sacred love of Jesus.

Session 25: Beyond Communication Technology: Evangelization and Stewardship Content. What to Say and How to Say It

Monday Session 2:00 – 3:00 p.m

Location: Strand 13

Handout: Session 25

Speaker: Mike DiCosola
Director of Mobile Services
myParish App, Diocesan & Trinity Publications
Grand Rapids, Michigan

Moderator: Steve Homiack
Director of Parish Stewardship
Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington

Communication is an essential parish function. Technology has made it easier to get information to parishioners through websites, email, texting and apps, but managing these tools can quickly take precedent over our mission of evangelization and stewardship. Learn tips, techniques and sources that can help you move beyond simply broadcasting information towards inspiring conversion through invitation and encounter.

Bronze Level

Greater Mission LLC

31 Light Street, Suite 301
Baltimore, MD 21202

Greater Mission LLC is a national team dedicated to helping the Church and faith-based organizations to advance their mission with better planning and increased funding. We help dioceses, parishes, schools and agencies to develop, organize and implement highly successful capital campaigns and feasibility studies, major gift campaigns, stewardship
efforts, annual fund drives, endowment education programs, development audits and strategic plans. We are a mission and ministry-oriented team, focused on prayer and intentional planning to drive your success.

Audits, Capital Campaigns, Feasibility Studies, Foundations, Hispanic Ministry, Legacy Giving, Major Gifts, Research Analytics, Stewardship, Strategic Planning