Category Archives: NCCL Monday AM Speakers

Paul Canavese

10:45 – 11:45 am | River Terrace 2

101: Baptism, Reconciliation, and Eucharist Preparation: Your Biggest Opportunities to Engage Parents!

Paul Canavese is the director of the online pastoral centers found at and In this ministry he works with his wife, Ann, and they live with their two daughters and five chickens in Alameda, CA. Their family operates a mini backyard farm, loves to bike around town, and looks for creative ways to build community in their neighborhood.

Paul has his MTS from the Franciscan School of Theology in Berkeley and a diverse background in parish ministries. He directs the Growing Up Catholic sacramental preparation family of products, Creation Care Kids curriculum, and other formation resources for both children and adults. Paul also started and to provide practical tools for topics about which he is passionate: stewardship, daily life discipleship, and evangelization. Paul is a frequent speaker on the topic of coaching and evangelizing parents and is often humbled by his own children.

Sori Govin

10:45 – 11:45 am | City Terrace 5

114: Metodología – Estrategias eficaces de enseñanza

Sori Govin es una represéntate de ventas y asesora bilingüe para la editorial RCL Benziger. Ella trabajo en la arquidiócesis de Atlanta como subdirectora para la catequesis y ha sido directora de educación religiosa al nivel parroquial. Sori ha trabajado por más de 20 años en la catequesis y comunidades multiculturales. Ella es nacida en Cuba, vivió en Atlanta, Georgia por 30 años y actualmente vive en Miami, Florida.

Sori Govin is a Bilingual Sales Specialists for RCL Benziger Publishing. She worked at the Archdiocese of Atlanta as Associate Director for Catechetical Ministry in the Religious Education Office and has been a Director of Religious Education at a parish level. Sori is fully bilingual in English and Spanish and has served for over 20 years in catechetical ministries in a multi-cultural community. She was born in Cuba, lived and studied in Miami, Florida, lived in Atlanta, Georgia for over 30 years and now lives with in Miami, Florida.

Terry Poplava

10:45 – 11:45 am | City Terrace 10

110: Connecting Parishes to the Universal Church: Website/App

Terry Poplava is the Executive Director of Marketing and Sales for Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum, Publishing and Offertory Solutions. Terry joined Our Sunday Visitor in 2007 after 25 years of business experience including, consulting, marketing, sales and product management.

Terry has worked with dioceses and parishes across the United States to devise plans for parishioner engagement, evangelization and catechesis. The experience has been an inspiration and has fueled his passion for serving the Catholic church. His work includes presentations and workshops on best practices to build an engaged parish community, Celebrating Your Parish, and Engagement as a foundation for a journey to Discipleship. Terry is music minister, part time organist, member of the finance committee and lector at St. Mary’s Church in Hartsville, SC where he lives with his wife Sharman.

Gerardo Salazar

10:45 – 11:45 am | City Terrace 6

115: Marketing y publicidad en la catequesis: ¡Que atractiva Evangelización!

México-americano, originario de Los Ángeles California y San Luis Potosí México. Casado por 12
años con Nancy y padre de 5 hijos (Camille de 4 años, Paola de 3 años, Chiara de 2 años, Matías tendría
1 y Gianna viene en camino). Hijo de padres campesinos migrantes y de familia muy numerosa con 13
hermanos. Su madre lo consagró desde muy temprana edad a San Gerardo cuyo nombre significa
“Espada de Dios” y a la Virgen del Carmen. Tiene una Licenciatura en Periodismo y Comunicaciones, una
Maestría en Teología y Ministerio y actualmente está cursando su Doctorado en Ministerio Hispano. Es
catequista y músico. Su pasión es la evangelización y formación en los medios de comunicación. Es el
Director Asociado para la formación de catequistas y líderes catequéticos hispanos en la Arquidiócesis
de Galveston-Houston en Texas. Su proceso de conversión comenzó en mayo del 2007 a los pies del
Santuario Nacional de Nuestra Señora de las Nieves en Belleville Illinois.

Mexican-American from Los Angeles California and San Luis Potosí. Married for 12 years with
Nancy Vasquez and father of 5 children (Camille 3 years, Paola 2 years, Chiara 1 year, Matias would be
one year and Gianna is coming soon). Proudly son of migrant parents with a large family with 13
brothers and sisters. His mother consecrated him to Saint Gerardo whose name means “Sword of God”
and the Virgen del Carmen. He has a Bachelor in Journalism and Communications, a Master of Arts in
Theology and Ministry and currently candidate for a Doctorate in Hispanic Ministry. He is a catechist and
musician. His passion is the evangelization and formation in the media. Currently he is the Associate
Director Hispanic catechists and catechetical leaders in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston in Texas.
His conversion process began in May 2007 at the foot of the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in
Belleville Illinois.

Sr. Patricia McCormack, IHM

10:45 – 11:45 am | St. Johns


Patricia M. McCormack, IHM, Ed.D., Director of the IHM Office of Formative Support for Parents and Teachers, Philadelphia, PA, speaks internationally to parents and educators on adult practices that foster the formation-education of children.

Most recently she presented at the 2015 World Meeting of Families (“The Sacred Balancing Act: Busy Lives and Family Spirituality”).

Beth Mahoney

10:45 – 11:45 am | City Terrace 4

105: The Home: First Aid Station for Mercy, Forgiveness and Healing

Beth is the Director of Mission for Holy Cross Family Ministries.

Beth has an extensive background in retreat work and public speaking on topics relating to family prayer, family life and pastoral care concerns. Beth has been a speaker numerous times at the National Catholic Educational Conference, national organizations/diocesan conventions throughout the country and internationally.

Beth is an author with Ave Maria Press.

In 2015 to commemorate the Year of Consecrated Life Beth published an article in Vision Magazine focusing on religious vocations within the family.

Beth is a professional member of the MSA (Mariological Society of America).