Category Archives: Uncategorized

RM 506 | C-31 | Iniciación para Adultos, rito o evangelización

Sesión C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Arturo Arroyo

En ésta exposición compartiré, primero, una introducción concisa y sucinta sobre la Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos para una mejor dilucidación y exégesis de este magisterio; segundo, continuaremos con un esquema y descripción de esta iniciación para su mejor discernimiento, aplicación y práctica en nuestro ministerios parroquiales. Y finalmente, terminaremos con un efímero pero fructífero replicar de interpelaciones.

Sobre el Presentador:
Médico Cirujano egresado de la Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara y post-graduado en SEDENA. Actualmente cursando la Maestría Ministerial Pastoral en la Universidad de Santa Clara. Colaborador y ministro activo desde el año 2000 en los ministerios de Preparación Pre-Matrimonial, Catequesis de Adultos, RCIA, y PFN en las parroquias de Santa Rosa y San Roberto en Sacramento, California.

RM 312 | C-32 | El dilema del proceso de RICA para Niños

Sesión C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Lorena Echeverría

Los catequistas de Iniciación Cristiana para Niños aprenderán sobre las normas de Rito de Iniciacion Cristiana para Niños. Se reflexionará sobre la realidad actual de poca participación después de la recepción de los sacramentos y el dilema que crea en las parroquias. Aterrizando en posibles respuestas pastorales para responder a esta problemática.

RM 320 | C-33 | Vocación: “Responsabilidad con el pueblo de Dios que nos lleva a la plenitud”

Sesión C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Vicente Rosas

Ven a entender quiénes somos los laicos, qué es una vocación y como somos llamados a la santificación del mundo.

Sobre el Presentador:
Catequesis para adultos RICA en la parroquia de San Carlos Borromeo y participante del programa de Formación “Lay Mission Project” de la Diócesis de Sacramento y the Dominican Province.

RM 404 | C-05 | Teaching For Discipleship: the call, the challenge, the difference​

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Mike Carrotta

This session highlights what the Church is calling us to do catechetically, the challenge involved, and specific ways we can make catechesis a sturdy , trustworthy place where participants can do the difficult and intimate work of examining their beliefs, faith, and spiritual lives.

​About the Speaker:
Nationally recognized religious educator, author, and catechetical consultant. Recent books include Teaching For Discipleship: the call, the challange,the difference (OSV)and Unexpected Occasions of Grace (OSV

RM 331 | C-04 | “Catechumen? Candidate? Candidate for Confirmation?…..Confused?!!”

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

​Cynthia Mulcaire & Shannon Blecha

This workshop will help RCIA and Adult Confirmation leaders to understand the appropriate placement of those seeking sacraments. You will be provided with guidelines on how to conduct intake discussions and formulate a suitable catechetical plan for inquirers.

​About the Speaker:
Cynthia Mulcaire is a seasoned catechist with twenty-nine years of RCIA, children’s faith formation, and adult Confirmation experience. Presently serves as Adult Faith Formation and RCIA Director at St. John the Baptist, Folsom. Alumnus of UC Berkeley and the University of Sacramento. Current Lay Mission Project facilitator.

​About the Speaker: Shannon Blecha currently serves as the Ministry Coordinator at Our Lady of the Assumption Parish in Carmichael. She has served within the diocese in a variety of capacities (teacher, catechist, Director of Religious Education, and youth minister) for 20 years. She is also serving on the Diocesan RCIA Committee and helps teach the Summer Series of RCIA classes.

RM 330 | C-03 | Why do I need a Confirmation Retreat?

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Jennifer Campbell
Come to this workshop and walk away with a how to guide for creating your own retreat for your students.

​About the Speaker:
Jennifer is currently the Director of Trinity Pines Catholic Center and Camp Pendola. Previously she served as a Youth Minister and Confirmation coordinator where she has created and led retreats for youth in middle and high school.

RM 508 | C-02 | Accompanying Our Neighbor: A Story of Hope​

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Thomas Awaipo

The presentation will involve sharing Thomas’s life story of struggle and survival, a story of hope and how that has impacted and continues to impact his faith and his work. He will conclude by entreating the audience to allow God to use them as His instruments of love and care for our brothers and sisters most in need.

​About the Speaker:
Growing up in a small African village in Ghana, Thomas was orphaned before the age of ten and left on his own to struggle for survival. He was the second of four brothers; his youngest two brothers died of malnutrition and lack of care. His search for food led him to an elementary school, where he was fed a small meal every day. He survived, studied, and eventually won scholarships to attend college. He later earned a master’s degree from California State University. Today, Thomas works for Catholic Relief Services, training community leaders throughout Ghana, where he lives with his wife and four children.

GYM | C-01 | Science and the Shroud of Turin

Session C | 11:15 am- 12:15 pm

Fr. Robert Spitzer

The Shroud of Turin is a burial shroud (a linen cloth woven in a 3-over 1 herringbone pattern) measuring 14 ft. 3 inches in length by 3 ft. 7 inches in width. It apparently covered a man who suffered the wounds of crucifixion in a way very similar to Jesus of Nazareth.

​About the Speaker:
Fr. Spitzer is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order (Society of Jesus) and is currently the President of the Magis Center and the Spitzer Center. He was President of Gonzaga University from 1998 to 2009. He has made many TV appearances including: Larry King Live (debating Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow), the Today Show (debating on the topic of active euthanasia), The History Channel in “God and The Universe,” a multiple part PBS series “Closer to the Truth,” and the Hugh Hewitt Show. Currently appearing weekly on EWTN in “Father Spitzer’s Universe“.