C-8 | 207 | Metaphysics for Catholics, Metaphysics for Everyone

Room 207
Speaker: Dr. Mark Pestana

Our understanding of the ultimate nature of reality is the basis of our very existence in the world. The most fundamental differences between people are rooted in differences in their most basic ideas about reality. Metaphysics is the systematic inquiry into the fundamental nature of reality and has always figured prominently in Christian philosophy. In this session we will explore this unusual type of investigation as it was carried out by the greatest metaphysician of western civilization – Thomas Aquinas. Such an exploration will help us achieve a deep understanding of the Christian worldview and how it differs from the fundamental metaphysical views of other peoples. In the course of our investigation we will also examine Thomas Aquinas’s’ understanding of the relationships between metaphysics and the empirical sciences, between metaphysics and revelation, and between metaphysics and Christina theology. The relevance of metaphysical knowledge to everyday Christian life will be our concluding topic.

Dimension: Evangelization