Board Room | B-25 Stages of Developing an Informed Conscience

After hearing students substitute “my consciousness” for “my conscience tells me,” I became interested in Conscience Formation. This workshop will foster an informative adult conversation on our images of God and our formation of conscience. We meet people of all ages who live and face difficult choices, yet often are using an image of God and an understanding of conscience from their much earlier developmental understandings of these two graced realities. How do we as educators help to develop and nurture the growth of these essential understanding in ourselves and in young and older fellow Christians as we walk with, mentor or teach these faith understandings. And, how do these   understandings affect our ongoing relationships with God and the Church?

Sr. Mary Kay Oosdyke, OP is a Dominican Sister, currently involved in itinerant ministry of Faith Education and Spiritual Formation for Adults. Her area of ministry has included theology and education on many levels from 2nd grade through higher education, including lay and ordained ministry education and spiritual formation.

Dimension: Evangelization 

Also offered as C-9