RM 113 | B-17 Faith and Reason in the Science Classroom

In today’s science classroom, there is often a perception that faith and science are not connected. This is magnified to such a degree in today’s culture that many of our students and even teachers may be unaware of the role the Church has played in the advancement of scientific knowledge as well as ways to incorporate our Catholic faith into understanding the inner workings of  God’s creation. In this workshop,  practical examples of how faith, historical scientific discoveries, and Catholic doctrine such as Pope Francis’ Laudato Si have been incorporated into an integrated high school science class will be presented.

Dr. Catherine Molloseau is a Michigan native having grown up on the east side of the state. After completing graduate school at Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburg, PA, she moved to Portland, OR and worked  in the steel making and semiconductor manufacturing industries before entering the high school classroom. Armed with 15 years of high school teaching experience in science, math and engineering, she is now the STEAM director at Catholic Central High School in GR. Catherine has a passion for the outdoor, experiential education, student led research and a new found love of coding. 

Dimension: Evangelization 

Also offered as A-27