RM 207 | B-22 Formation in Virtue: God’s Plan for the Human Person

We remember saints, sages, and heroes from Socrates and Leonidas to Martin Luther King and Mother Teresa not for their wealth or success, but for their extraordinary virtue. Far from a list of “shalt nots,” virtue is the power of being fully alive and fully ourselves—actively pursuing God’s particular plan for us. Learn how to naturally and passionately impart the indispensable lesson of virtuous living in your  classroom while avoiding the common pitfalls of character education.

Zachary Good began to serve as a teacher and administrator at Sacred Heart Academy in 2013 when the school began a transition to a classical model. Zach graduated from Hillsdale College with a double-major in Classical Studies and English and has taught students in 5th through 12th grades. Through studying the works of Shakespeare, Dante, Bl. John Henry Newman, and the Church Fathers, Zach was drawn to the Catholic faith and joined the Church at Easter in 2009. He lives with his wife, four children, and usually a few dozen chickens on a hill in the woods in Ada.

Dimension: Spirituality