RM 135 | B-4 The Conversion of a Bishop: (Saint) Oscar Romero

Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador Will be canonized—recognized as a saint by the Catholic—Church—on October 14. No one, least of all Romero himself, could have imagined this when he was appointed Archbishop of San Salvador in 1977, but just three years later, he was assassinated—martyred. We will explore Romero’s background and pay particular attention to what happened in those three short years that led to the martyrdom of Oscar Romero.

Fr. Steve Cron is the pastor of St. Joseph the Worker Church, Wyoming; co-chaplain at Catholic Central High School, Grand Rapids; and the Bishop’s liaison to the Catholic Hispanic Charismatic Renewal Movement of the diocese. In addition, he is active in prison and jail ministry as well as migrant ministry.

Dimension: Theology