RM 234 | B-7 The RCIA: Adapting the Rites

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults expects that “celebrants should make full and intelligent use of the freedom given to them” (RCIA 35) to adapt the rites. But just how far does that freedom extend? This workshop welcomes not just celebrants but all ministry leaders who help prepare the rites to: explore the rationale for adaptation, identify elements that admit of change, determine what characteristics ought to be preserved, and evaluate the benefits of proposed adaptations.

Dr. Aaron Sanders studied theology at the University of Notre Dame and has experience in liturgical ministry at both the parish and diocesan levels. Through his service to the Diocese of Grand Rapids as director of the Office for Worship he hopes to lead all the faithful to a deeper participation in the sacred mysteries we celebrate.

Dimension: Professional Theology

Also offered as A-12