RM 107 | C-11 Practical Ways to Improve Parish Communication

Join communication expert Mike DiCosola in a fast-paced session providing practical takeaways that will help you instantly improve your parish communications. Based on the popular Practical Parish Communication Workshop hosted across the US in 2017, you will discover easy-to-implement tips for everything from your parish bulletin and website to Facebook and your parish App. Throughout this session be inspired to recall your mission and heed the words of the Holy Father to “use wisely the means at your disposal” in engaging the faithful of your parish.

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Mike DiCosola resides in Rockford, Michigan is a parishioner at Our Lady of Consolation Parish and has been an active lay minister at all ages of formation for over 15 years. He speaks nationally on parish communications and evangelization as the director of the myParish App.

Dimension: Evangelization