RM 314 | C-13 RCIA: A Practical Overview

Evangelization, precatechumenate, acceptance, catechumens, candidates, purification, enlightenment, elect, scrutiny, mystagogy – what are these terms and what do they mean? In this practical workshop, Mary will offer an overview of the periods and rites of the RCIA and she will highlight key terms with which every person involved in the RCIA process should be familiar. Participants are encouraged to purchase or bring their own copies of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.

Mary Sellars Malloy has over forty years’ experience in diocesan, parish and Catholic school ministry. She presents workshops, retreats, and parish missions throughout the country. Her goal is to encourage Catholics to enjoy and to live their faith! In August of this year, Mary retired from her position as Project Manager for RCL Benziger, which included editing and writing for the Web-based RCIA products Apprentices in Faith and  Young Apprentices.

Dimension: Evangelization