RM 233 | C-15 Turning Parishioners into Parish Ambassadors

In his apostolic exhortation “The Joy of the Gospel,” Pope Francis call us to be missionary disciples. The parish Ambassador program is one way to engage your active parishioners, staff and teachers in this mission. As an extension of a ministry of hospitality, this program will help everyone realize their personal potential to become missionaries for their Catholic parish and school communities, so that they can fulfill their mission of evangelization. We will share practical tips on how to reach out to families you encounter every day and bring them closer to Jesus Christ through the Church, schools and diocesan programs.

Luzia Leme Tartari, Stephanie Grey, Izamar Mandujano, and Gerllys Cabral-Mota work in the diocese’s Office of Catholic Schools as advocates for students and families enrolling in our schools. They support the Catholic schools’ leadership in their outreach to new families. Their mission is to bring families closer to Christ through an increase in participation of Catholic and non-Catholic families in the schools’ faith-centered curriculum. They work closely with Pastoral Services, including Hispanic ministry, to support our common goal of evangelization. The Parish Ambassador program is one joint initiative we are exploring and will share in our presentation.

Dimension: Evangelization