RM 125 | C-16 Knights at the Coffee Table

We invite you to come and share with us the enjoyments of coffee and tea as we explore the ways in which we may teach our children about the seven deadly sins, encourage them in the seven lively virtues that shield us from sin and look at how they connect to the Sacraments.

Jeanette Isabel Perigard is number five of nine children and is a Catechist for Our Lady of Fatima in Shelby. She has taught grade K-4 and works with great joy at an in-home daycare. Theresa Perigard (Mom) has been a Catechist for 35 years and is also currently serving at Our Lady of Fatima. Being a Navy family, they have had the opportunity to travel, meet and serve with many of our brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ. 

Dimension: Evangelization