RM 207 | C-20 How to put social media to work for you: Best practices for effective and meaningful engagement

Is social media just “mental pollution,” or an effective and relevant communications tool for our Church today? That depends on how you use it! Join me to talk about social media best practices including choosing the right platform, crafting a content strategy, prioritizing quality over quantity, creating dynamic content, time management tools, graphic design for dummies (I include myself in this category), and overcoming the “what ifs” of audience interaction.

JoAnn Fox is a member of the diocesan communications office since 2007.  As the communications specialist, her role includes creating and managing content for the diocesan website, and using social media to evangelize and inform. A communications professional with over 20 years’ experience, she’s worked as a journalist for a small northern Michigan newspaper, in events planning, as a marketer of industrial woodworking equipment, and as a freelance writer and proofreader.

Dimension: Evangelization