RM 225 | C-7 Behold the Cross: The Power and Mystery of God’s Love

In the shadow of the cross, with pain etched across the faces of Jesus and all humanity, let us contemplate sin, suffering, death and new life in resurrection. God’s love and mercy break forth as light in our darkness. We all long to be saved and God has sent a Savior to renew the face of the earth.

We will share in a theological reflection rooted in Ronald Rolheiser’s The Passion and the Cross, Elizabeth Johnson’s Creation and the Cross and Barbara Reid’s Wisdom’s Feast.

Sr. Diane Zerfas OP is a Grand Rapids Dominican Sister who has taught for many years in high schools, Aquinas College, in bible study and faith formation programs. She currently serves as Coordinator of Spirituality at Dominican Center, forming    spiritual directors, offering retreats and presenting in programs for women’s spirituality, mysticism, and prayer practices.

Also offered as B-9