Session 18 | 10:00 am | The Awe-Inspiring Potential of Planned Giving!

Location: Hanover D

The potential for religious nonprofit organizations to be beneficiaries of estate funds will escalate rapidly over the coming decades as the largest and wealthiest generation, baby boomers pass along an estimated $30 trillion in assets. What can our parishes, schools, dioceses and ministries do to ensure they are included when people are making estate plans? Attend this session and you will find out.

Speaker: Sal Salvo
Co-founder and Principal
Summit Financial Resources, Inc.
Parsippany, New Jersey

Moderator: Stephen Nicholl
Director of Development
Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey

Sal Salvo is the founder of the Institute for Family Wealth Counseling as well as a cofounder of Summit Financial Resources, Inc. Mr. Salvo is a nationally recognized financial educator, speaker and lecturer. He contributed to the publications Getting to the Heart of the Matter: A Revolution in Estate Planning for Wealthy Families and Giving Transforms You, and has published many articles on the benefits of planned giving and how one can utilize charity to achieve financial goals. Mr. Salvo hosted “The Road to Significance,” a weekly talk radio show on WMTR on 1250 AM, and is a member of the Gift Planning Council of New Jersey. Mr. Salvo and his wife, Kathleen, have been married for 44 years, have five children, and live in Warren, New Jersey.