Location: Regency VII
GP Catholic Spirituality of Stewardship
What Do I Own and What Owns Me? This question is key to the understanding and practice of stewardship as a way of life. Everything that we have, and all that we are, comes to us as a gift from our loving God, the true owner of all things. How do we live this profound spiritual insight? By following the example of Jesus, Mary, and all the saints. By making stewardship a way of life.
Speaker: Dan Conway
Senior Vice President, Pastoral Leadership
GP Catholic Services
Louisville, Kentucky
Moderator: Steve Homiack
Director of Parish Stewardship
Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington
Dan Conway is a leader in the field of mission advancement who has helped redefine the meaning of stewardship in the Catholic Church. Since 1979, Dan has worked with dozens of Catholic dioceses, seminaries, religious communities, parishes, and schools in the areas of planning, communications, stewardship education, and fundraising. He has served as chief development officer for Marian University and three Roman Catholic archdioceses (Louisville, Indianapolis, and Chicago), and has provided consulting leadership for diocesan capital stewardship campaigns throughout the United States. Dan has facilitated strategic planning for more than a dozen Catholic dioceses, religious communities, seminaries, colleges, and universities in the Midwest and South. Dan currently serves as senior vice president of GP Catholic Services, a company founded by the principals of GrahamPelton Consulting to provide professional services designed specifically for Catholic organizations. Dan also provides workshops for Catholic dioceses and seminaries in the United States and abroad. Dan writes a widely distributed monthly article, The Good Steward. He earned a bachelor’s degree at Saint Meinrad College, a master’s degree from Indiana University, and an MRE from Saint Meinrad School of Theology. He and his wife, Sharon, are members of Holy Trinity Parish in Louisville, Kentucky.