Session 4 | 8:30 am | Moving Beyond Sunday: Engaging and Connecting Your Parishioners with the Parish Mission

Location: International South

Telling your story is key to engaging and connecting your parishioners with your parish mission. Connecting your parishioners begins with engaging them in the life of the parish beyond Sunday Mass so they increase their gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Join us to learn how to brand your mission driven message, improve communications, increase your digital outreach, grow your offertory, increase the number of volunteers in ministries, and foster an engaging parish community.

Speaker: Katie Herzing
Digital Product Sales Associate Lead
Our Sunday Visitor
Huntington, Indiana

Speaker: Joanie Lewis
Appeals and Campaigns Account Executive
Our Sunday Visitor
Huntington, Indiana

Katie Herzing’s current role at Our Sunday Visitor is parish coach for parishes throughout the United States as they seek to establish a plan for advancing the mission of their parish.As a member of a digital generation, Ms. Herzing brings her experience of youth ministry, religious education, parish office management, and a personal love of Jesus and technology to parishes throughout the country. She spends her time talking with parishes about how they will share the gospel in the 21st century to create missionary disciples of stewardship. She focuses on helping parishes create a print and digital communication strategy to celebrate their mission, stabilize their offertory, and share their story