Session 22 | 2:00 pm | Heart of Worship: Creating a Culture of Welcoming Worship

Location: International North

One day really can make a difference. For 14 years, St. Laurence Catholic Church has offered Heart of Worship, a daylong spiritual event for its parishioners that has had a ripple effect on parish culture. Fifteen hundred people come for a full day of talks, praise and worship, dinner, Mass and Adoration, and leave inspired with a greater spirit of hospitality, engagement, and centeredness in the Eucharist. Your parish can do this, too!

Speaker: Sharon Ehrenkranz
Director of Parish Life
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

Speaker: Reverend Drew Wood
St. Laurence Catholic Church
Sugar Land, Texas

Moderator: David Baranowski
Director of Stewardship Education
Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri

Sharon Ehrenkranz is the director of parish life at St. Laurence Catholic Church in Sugar Land,Texas, a suburb of Houston. In serving this large parish of over 7,500 families, she draws from previous experience as executive director for the Sugar Land Cultural Arts Foundation and 10 years of sales management at Procter & Gamble. Ms. Ehrenkranz, her husband, Doug, and their three children moved from Ohio to Texas, where they’ve lived for the last 22 years. She jumped right into parish life at St. Laurence, with its beautiful liturgies and thriving ministries, and nine years ago, the pastor, Father Drew Wood, hired her as communications director, the first job of its kind in the Archdiocese of GalvestonHouston.Today she is responsible for parish life and ministry coordination, stewardship, and communications and is active in the stewardship networking group and serves on the board of directors of the Catholic Strengths and Engagement Community.

The Reverend Drew Wood – Raised in Houston, Texas, Father Drew Wood is a graduate of St. Thomas High School and the University of St. Thomas. He entered St. Mary’s Seminary and was ordained a priest for the Diocese of GalvestonHouston in 1973. He served at many parishes throughout the Houston area in addition to filling the roles of vocations director and vice chancellor for the diocese and spiritual director at St. Mary’s Seminary before being assigned to the large, suburban parish of St. Laurence in 1998. In 2002, he became pastor and subsequently led his parish through two major building initiatives. Father Wood has a special affinity for the Life Teen Mass and each summer he accompanies over 200 teens and chaperones to the Steubenville Youth Conference in Alexandria, Louisiana. It was this experience which led him to create the Heart of Worship, an annual, day-long spiritual event held at St. Laurence. After 14 years, Heart of Worship has set the standard for hospitality, unity and participatory worship at this multicultural parish of over 7,500 families.