Location: Hanover D
From the 1960’s through the 1990’s, the U.S. Catholic church added almost 3,000 parishes. By 2010, those gains receded to 1960’s levels and continue to decline along with Mass attendance rates. As our infrastructure ages, our mission must continue. As a diocese, how can we prepare ourselves for the time after the “Greatest Generation”? How do we respect and responsibly use their gifts in order to nurture and cultivate the future?
Speaker: Kevin T. Lynch
Founder and President
Lynch Development Associates
Huntington, New York
Moderator: Florian Romero
Stewardship Coordinator/Development
Archdiocese of San Francisco, California
Kevin Lynch is the founder and president of Lynch Development Associates (LDA) of Huntington, New York. Mr. Lynch founded LDA as a Catholic consulting firm in 1994 and has since raised more than $1.5 billion through capital and stewardship services for parishes, schools, religious communities, retreat houses, healthcare institutions and other nonprofit organizations. Mr. Lynch is a graduate of St. John’s University in New York with a bachelor’s degree in speech with specific concentration in rhetoric and public address. Throughout his career, Mr. Lynch has become well known as a motivational speaker with regard to key issues facing the Church today. Mr. Lynch has served ICSC as a member of the board of directors, conference registration campaign co-chair and conference emcee. He also serves on the board of the Michael Lynch Memorial Foundation (www.mlynch.org) and is a member of the finance council of his home parish of St. Patrick, Huntington, New York.